Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,
I want to thank the CEC and all parent volunteers who made Goodies with Grandparents such a successful event last week. I saw so many smiles and heard fun stories about time spent with grandparents. Many of my fondest memories involve my grandparents, and I love that BFA plays a small part in building wonderful memories with the special adults in our kids’ lives!
As we head into break, I'd like to address something that happened this week.
I want to remind parents that the expectation for everyone here at BFA is respectful, polite communication. This week I heard about several instances of parents being very rude to our librarian, Ms. Williams, surrounding the book fair. This behavior was very upsetting. I understand that there was frustration around the organization of the book fair this time around, which was not Ms. Williams' fault. This year we made different arrangements due to a number of factors, including COVID mitigation. We communicated the changes in two newsletters before this week, clearly outlining the modified times for the fair, the process of adding money to the eWallet, and how to order books online. Much of the frustration that parents expressed could have been avoided.
Since you are reading this right now, I may be preaching to the choir, but I want to remind everyone that it is important to read the newsletter each week because it includes deadlines, changes in schedules, and important announcements. This is our primary way to communicate with families. I know that sometimes it is long, but there is always valuable information. Please schedule 5-10 minutes each week to read the entire newsletter (you may need to click on 'view entire message' if reading the email version).
In addition to providing valuable information, we often solicit your opinion on various topics through the newsletter. Today, we'd like to get your feedback on next year's academic calendar. I submitted three calendar versions to our staff last week. The top two calendars were Calendar B and Calendar C. Please look at these two calendars and fill out this quick survey to vote for your preference. Voting will close on Oct. 23.
Next week is fall break, and I will be asking teachers and staff to turn on their "Out of Office" emails starting Friday so that they, too, can get some much-needed rest. Everyone needs to recharge, so we will be happy to reply to emails when we return.
If you have COVID-related questions or illnesses over the break, please email me. I may be delayed in responding, as I will be traveling, but I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a wonderful fall break, and we will see you all on Monday, Oct. 25!
Diana Simpson
BFA loves its volunteers, and we want to show our appreciation for all of your work. The PTO recognizes two volunteers each month. A volunteer will be chosen as the Volunteer of the Month, and will get exclusive use of the dedicated, reserved Volunteer of the Month spot in the parking lot for their respective month.
In addition, each month a volunteer will be randomly chosen through a drawing to win a fun, surprise gift. All you have to do to be eligible to win, is log at least ONE hour of volunteer service in the month prior to the drawing.
Thanks to all our volunteers for your continued support of BFA!
Congratulations Andreya Vecchiarelli!
For the month of October, Andreya Vecchiarelli has been selected as the Ben Franklin Academy Volunteer of the Month. Andreya volunteered in multiple capacities in September, from the art room to recess, lunch, and the science lab. She also is a room parent, and on top of that, stepped up to fill the open Bulletin Board Committee Manager position with the PTO! Thank you Andreya--we are so grateful for your dedication to BFA.
Andreya and her husband, Jim, have three kids at BFA: Dominic (Pre-K), Harper (K), and Mason (2nd). When asked what she likes about BFA, Andreya responded, “We love so many things about this school! The community and staff are the best of the best! Everyone truly cares about you and your family. We look forward to many more years and memories made here at this wonderful school!”
It's parents like you that help our school thrive. Congratulations, Andreya!
If you know someone who should be considered for volunteer of the month for outstanding volunteerism, please email Denise Battista, PTO president.
Thank You Lisa and Caleb Kim!
This month, Lisa and Caleb Kim are the winners of our drawing for their volunteer time in September. Lisa volunteered in the library, and has won a $10 gift card to Gelato & Co. Congratulations, Lisa and Caleb! And, thank you again for your time and effort at BFA.
There is no school tomorrow, Oct. 15, as it is a teacher comp day. And, next week, Oct. 18-22, is fall break. We hope you have a relaxing break with lots of family time.
Please Read these Important Carpool Reminders
Carpool has been moving well this year, and all our new families have done a great job learning our system. However, there are a few points that need to be addressed so we can make it even more efficient and less stressful for families. Please read all the reminders below:
- If you are heading west on Plaza and getting in our turn lanes, please fill both turn lanes during carpool. We sometimes get backed up because people don't want to move over into the lane that turns into B zone. Not filling the lane causes more confusion when cars from further back "jump the line" to fill up the B lane. Please fill both lanes in the morning, and until B lane closes in the afternoon (around 3:45 p.m.). Regardless of what zone you are in, we will make sure your child gets to you.
- If you are headed east on Plaza and turning into the school for carpool, you must turn into zone B. Please do not cross into zone A.
- Please fill in all available space between cars. We can fit more cars in the line, and it helps us keep our loads of cars even.
- Please get off your phone when carpool begins and cars start moving.
- Lastly, if you are in A zone, when you exit, please move over into the right-hand lane on Plaza if you can safely do so. This will allow parents in zone B to exit more quickly out on Plaza.
Goodies with Grandparents - Thank You!
The Community Events Committee (CEC) would like to thank all our BFA families for helping to make the Goodies with Grandparents event incredibly successful. We had an amazing turnout! More than 500 grandparents and children joined us for breakfast and pictures on Friday morning.
We want to thank all our volunteers who helped decorate, set up, serve food and assist with carpool the morning of the event (thank you Ben's Brigade!). We also want to give a huge shout out to Cory Tuttle, Starbucks store manager, for donating coffee (Starbucks location: 3982 Red Cedar Drive, Highlands Ranch, Wildcat & Fairview). Please continue to support our community partners and thank them for donating to our school!
Veterans Day Celebrations
It's time to celebrate veterans and active duty service members in our families! There are many ways you can participate, so please read below and help us celebrate our veterans this year.
Veterans Video - Deadline: Friday, Oct. 15
Time is running out! The Community Events Committee (CEC) is collecting digital pictures for our annual BFA Veterans Day video. If you have photos of veterans or current service members you would like included in the video, please email digital pictures to Julie Roper. With your picture submission, please include: (1) veteran’s name, (2) branch of military and (3) number of years served. The deadline for submitting digital pictures has been extended and is TOMORROW Oct. 15, by midnight. *No late entries will be accepted due to the time intensive nature of producing this video. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Veterans Wall of Honor Forms - Deadline: Friday, Oct. 29
It is a BFA tradition to have our halls reflect the respect and admiration of our Veterans through decorations, grade-level art projects, flags and Wall of Honor Forms. We invite BFA families to complete a Wall of Honor Form for loved ones who are veterans or active duty service members. Forms can be downloaded and printed here. Please return all Wall of Honor Forms to the front office no later than Friday, Oct. 29. Note: do not use original pictures.
Blood Drive - Schedule your Appointment TODAY!
The CEC received an overwhelming interest in the blood drive honoring Veterans in our community. The blood drive will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 8, and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 11.
If you are interested in participating in the blood drive, it is as easy as 1-2-3! Please visit donors.vitalant.org, select the radio button Blood Drive Code (below the field to enter your zip code), enter BFA’s code 10485 and select Find Location. Please select the date and time you are interested in donating blood and follow the prompts to secure your appointment. *Please note masks must be worn and an appointment is required to donate blood. Unfortunately, walk-ins cannot be accepted. If you have any questions please contact Amy Marks.
Attention Veterans and Service Members - RSVP by Tuesday, Nov. 2
We invite all BFA family members who are active duty service members or veterans to be honored guests at our Veteran's Day Celebration. If your family member is planning to join us, please RSVP to cec@bfacademy.org no later than 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 2, so the CEC committee can plan accordingly.
Veterans Day Celebration - Thursday, Nov. 11
BFA will hold a Veterans Day Celebration on Thursday, November 11. There will be slight modifications to this year's event so please keep your eye on the Principal Newsletter in upcoming weeks to learn more!
Final Day to Secure Your Sponsorship
Sponsorships are on sale now! But don’t wait, because today is the last day to secure your sponsorship for this school year. Sponsorships are limited in quantity, and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. For details on the various sponsorship options and pricing, click here. There also is information on the PTO Sponsorship webpage (click Sponsors at the top of the page).
If you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity, please contact Anne Giusti-Chacon, PTO sponsor committee manager.
DCSD is committed to implementing equitable practices to increase access to advanced/gifted learning opportunities. Based on state and national recommendations and requirements, BFA implements Universal Screening for students in second grade (February) and fifth grade (November)--a student's final year of elementary school.
As part of this process, ALL students in Ben Franklin Academy who have not been identified for gifted programming will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) the week of October 31. This assessment indicates the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student in comparison to grade and age mates. These general reasoning abilities, which start developing at birth and continue through early adulthood, are influenced by experiences gained both in and out of school.
If your child missed their regular universal CogAT screening last year, they will be assessed during this window. This would pertain to students currently in third and possibly sixth or seventh grade (depending on the last grade in elementary).
If your child is already identified for gifted programming, they will not participate in this universal screen testing. Your Gifted Education Facilitator will contact you directly with more detailed information about this process.
Shake Shack Spirit Night, Tuesday After Break
Get your burger and shake on while helping raise funds for BFA! The October spirit night at Shake Shack (1509 Park Central Drive) will be from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 26. Shake Shack will donate 25 percent of the proceeds back to BFA. If you’re dining in-person, be sure to mention BFA. For online or app orders, use the code DONATION25.
If you missed the Destination Imagination (DI) meeting on Sept. 29 but are interested in finding out more information, please read the BFA DI FAQ and/or review this DI Presentation.
If you are interested in participating in DI, please fill out the BFA DI Interest Form and email the form to Jason Sunahara, BFA DI Coordinator, by tomorrow, Oct. 15. Please contact Jason with any questions.
There is no guarantee that your child will be placed on a team simply by filling out the interest form. Once your child is officially part of a BFA DI team, there is a registration fee of $65 per participant ($30 for Rising Stars! which are DI’s non-competitive participants). More information on the registration fee will come from your team manager/BFA DI coordinators at a later date.
Original Works Coming in November
If you’re looking for unique, personalized gifts for the upcoming holiday season, we have the answer for you—Original Works! Original Works puts your student’s artwork on fun (and oftentimes useful) items for you or a loved one. Purchasing Original Works gifts is a win-win, you get a one-of-a-kind item featuring your child's art, and 33 percent of each order goes back to BFA's art program! More details to follow soon, but if you want to see the products offered this November by Original Works, check out their website.
Trunk or Treat Halloween Fun!
In lieu of the costume parade, the PTO is hosting TRUNK OR TREAT again this year on Friday, Oct. 29! It's going to be a FUN day for ALL preschool through eighth grade BFA students! Students can wear their costumes to school all day-- but remember, costumes should be appropriate for school (no revealing/offensive clothing, full face masks/face paint, costumes with pretend blood/gore, or pretend weapons). Throughout the day, classes will be invited to step outside with their class and participate in Trunk or Treat where volunteers will be distributing trinkets, candy, popcorn and/or fruit snacks from the trunk of their own vehicle parked in an assigned spot. This year ALL parents are invited to come and watch your children at Trunk or Treat!
We need parent support for the individually wrapped snacks and candy. We're requesting bulk items from Sam's Club or Costco as well as standard sized items from Wal-Mart/Target or the grocery store. The PTO plans to sort candy during break, so please bring your donations in TODAY; however, since there is still a significant need, they will accept some donations on Monday, Oct. 25. Please see the SignUpGenius! All donations can be dropped off in the BFA front office. We are also looking for volunteers to help organize all of the give-a-way items and distribute items at Trunk or Treat. If you’re interested in helping organize or distribute items, please see the volunteer SignUpGenius.
The K-5 Halloween Classroom Parties will take place from 2-3 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 29. To limit exposure, party volunteers will be limited to a max of three per classroom. As much as we love welcoming our families into the school, we also ask that no additional siblings come with you if you are volunteering in one of our classroom parties. (Please consider attending the Trunk or Treat instead.) More details to follow!
If you have any questions about the elementary party, please email Erin Crowe, PTO Room Parent coordinator.
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Email: info@bfacademy.org
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
Email: attendance@bfacademy.org