I want to hear from YOU! Connect with me at www.toniannedashiell.com
Last Day of Early Voting!
Hopefully you've already voted but if not, make your plans now because the last day of early voting is TODAY! Maybe you're a traditionalist and want to wait for Primary election day on March 1st. Either way, make sure you have a plan, so you don't accidently miss your chance.

Time To Find Your Precinct Convention!
Now, as we've been talking about, voting in the primary is the bare minimum. Many of you have signed up for the TAD Convention challenge and even if you haven't we need all Republicans to participate in the Texas GOP convention process. Reach out to your county chair and find out when your precinct convention is (some are as early as primary election night) and mark your calendar for March 26th for the SD/County conventions.
Texas Victory Update
Quinton Hitchcock, RNC Texas State Director
Below is a snapshot of the past 2 weeks from our team:
Events & Media Hits:
  • Fox News Sunday attended one of the events at our McAllen Community Center as they did a story about the RGV that aired nationally and on 27 local Fox channels:
  • Texas Monthly did a story mentioning our Community Centers in the RGV:
  • The San Antonio Current did a story mentioning the RNCs investment in Hispanic Community Centers in Texas:
  • The New York Times & Washington Post both covered an event at our Hispanic Community Center in McAllen this week. I will share those stories once they publish.
Field Metrics:
Please see the cycle-to-date metrics from our field team. These numbers are a testament to the terrific work our 8 Regional Field Directors and 5 Regional Engagement Coordinators have been doing for months. 
  • 339,810 – Doors 
  • 334,711 – Phones 
  • 674,521 – Total Voter Contact attempts 
  • 826 – Voter Registration 
  • 851 – Trainings Conducted 
  • 216 – Hispanic Engagement Events 
  • 2,351 – Number of individual volunteers recruited
Pre-Primary Focus:
With the Primary Election just 8 days away, our top focus is ensuring we recruit, train, and shift as many Poll workers, Poll watchers, and Election Day workers as we can. Currently, we have an Election Integrity hotline set up that will take inbound calls from Early Voting/Election Day volunteers across Texas. This hotline will be staffed by more than 10 people to ensure we answer each call made to the hotline. We plan on having several volunteer attorneys on hand by Election Day to help with Election Day operations. Our Election Integrity Director, Melissa Conway, and Election Integrity Legal Counsel, Donna Davidson, will be working with our Hispanic Engagement Coordinators to have trainings in Spanish at our Community Centers prior to March 1.
Upcoming Day of Action:
On Saturday, March 5 our Texas Victory team will be partnering with Texas Republican Voter Engagement PAC and Texas Federation of Republican Women for a joint Day of Action to focus on one thing: Voter Registration. We will be deploying all staff and top volunteers in more than 10 counties to block walk that Saturday to contact voters on the New Mover list who have expressed interest in being registered. Nearly all these voters are modeled (R) voters who are not registered to vote at their current address according to our data. All staff and volunteers who participate will be a VDR in the county that they participate in. With voter registration being a top priority for us, the goal is to make this a weekly occurrence for the remainder of the cycle.
Talking Points
Crisis Continues In Ukraine
Biden promised to keep Putin in check. He failed.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has begun – even a former Obama official admitted President Biden’s Putin strategy isn’t working.
  • By recognizing autonomy of so-called “separatist” regions of Ukraine and announcing the deployment of Russian troops to those regions, Putin began his invasion of Ukraine. In the coming days, he could go further.
  • After Putin gave the order to invade, the Biden administration failed to call it an “invasionfor hours in yet another show of weakness.

Biden has spent months emboldening Russia and Putin – Biden's weakness created his latest foreign policy disaster.

Thanks to Biden’s failing policies, gas prices are continuing to surge, reaching 8-year highs with no signs of slowing. 

Biden is attempting to shift the blame to Russia, saying the American people should prepare to pay the “costs ” of conflict in Europe through even higher prices at the pump.

As President, Biden has waged war on U.S. energy independence.
  • Biden shuttered the Keystone XL pipeline, while, at the time, advocating for construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in Russia.

Ironically, the only “plan” the administration has to lower prices amid the crisis in Eastern Europe is to release oil from the strategic reserve and rely on foreign producers.
  • Democrats blocked President Trump’s effort to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve when oil prices were at historic lows.
  • OPEC refused Biden’s request to produce more oil and now natural gas producer Qatar has said it is “ almost impossible” to quickly replace Russian gas supplies to Europe.

In just one year in office, 2 U.S. embassies have been evacuated on Biden’s watch and while he was on vacation.
  • With Russia poised to invade Ukraine, Biden’s State Department urged Americans in the country to leave “now .” 
  • The State Department does not currently know how many Americans are in Ukraine.

Our adversaries understand Biden is a weak leader. In just one year, Biden has:

Biden claimed he would be tough on Russia, but he lied:
  • On the campaign trail, Biden repeatedly said he would stand up to Putin and Russia.
  • July 2019: Biden said he would be tough on Putin and that problems wouldn’t happen on “my watch.” 
  • October 2019: Biden said he would “command the respect” of Putin. 
  • February 2020: Biden said he knew how to “deal with” leaders like Putin. 
  • February 2020 : Biden said Putin “doesn’t want me to be President” and “it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.”

During his campaign, Biden sold himself as a foreign policy expert – but the truth is he has always been a foreign policy disaster.
  • Obama’s Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, said Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

RNC Digital
We started off the year focusing on Voter Registration efforts through Vote.GOP. Compared to this point in February 2020, Voter Registration actions on Vote.GOP are up by 296%. Overall voter actions through our housefile email and SMS efforts are up by 278% compared to this point in 2020. 
We have launched our second state party site through the website template with the South Carolina Republican Party. Please reach out to RNC Digital if your state party is interested in getting started with the website template.
Year to date, Digital has raised just under $3.9 Million in small-dollar, online gifts. So far in February, we have raised a total of $1.4 Million online– this number continues to rise as we raise an average of $82,000 per day. There have been 118,000 unique contributions this year– 45,000 of them in February.
*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website.
For more information, please click here.
The Worst January At The Border In Over 20 Years
153,941 illegal immigrants were encountered crossing the border in January – the worst January in DHS history. Since Biden took office, over 2 million illegal immigrants have been caught crossing the border.

“[The border is] worse now than it, frankly, has been in at least 20 years, if not ever.”
Alejandro Mayorkas, Joe Biden’s DHS Secretary

What you need to know:
  • 153,941 illegal immigrants were apprehended at the southern border in January 2022, which represents a 96 percent increase over last January, and a 194 percent increase from the average number of January apprehensions during the Trump administration.
  • This figure includes 8,777 unaccompanied children.
  • Biden’s crisis has gone global: 62,681 illegal immigrants were apprehended from countries outside the Northern Triangle – 40 percent of total apprehensions.
  • The Biden administration still has not reported how many were released with a “Notice to Report” – a glorified “come back later” slip that has allowed tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to disappear into the country.
  • Court documents indicate that over 62,000 illegal immigrants were released in January into the U.S. In President Trump’s last full month, that number was only 17.
  • As a direct consequence of Joe Biden’s disastrous immigration policies, CBP has documented 11 straight months of illegal immigrant apprehensions above 150,000.
  • Illicit drugs are flowing into the country at an alarming rate, with 839 pounds of deadly fentanyl seized at the southern border in January alone.
  • Despite Biden’s promise of a “fair and humane immigration system,” his open border policies aren’t compassionate, they are deadly.
  • The ongoing disaster at the border is a direct result of Joe Biden’s policies.

The bottom line:
Biden’s policies have created a humanitarian and national security crisis at our southern border. Criminals, drug cartels, and human traffickers are exploiting Biden’s policies – leaving communities on the border and across the country less safe. It’s past time for Biden to admit President Trump’s policies worked – it’s past time he reinstates those policies.   
Biden’s Supreme Court Pick Will Be A Far-Left Activist Judge

In his public statements, Joe Biden has already told us who he will nominate: an activist judge who will see the Constitution as a “living document” – a judge who will work to further Biden’s far-left agenda instead of protecting the Constitution. Biden has also spent decades blocking minority and female judges from the federal bench.
What you need to know:
  • Biden’s rhetoric as a presidential candidate and as President has politicized the Supreme Court nomination process.
  • Biden wants to install a judge who is pro-abortion, anti-gun, and anti-religious liberty. He is looking to appoint a judge who will rubber stamp his radical, far-left agenda.
  • Biden and Democrats will use this opportunity to appoint a judge who will rubber stamp their radical agenda on abortion.
  • Biden wants to appoint a justice who opposes the Second Amendment like he does.
  • Joe Biden has demonstrated time and time again that he doesn’t care about the Constitution – including his attempt to force unconstitutional vaccine mandates on small businesses and workers.
  • When then-Senator Biden had the chance to vote for minority and female judges, he declined.
  • In 2003, Biden held up the appointment of Janice Rogers Brown, a Black female judge, for two years.
  • Priscilla Owen’s nomination was held up for four years by Senate Democrats, including Biden.
  • In 2006, Biden and Democrats voted no on Jerome A. Holmes nomination to be a U.S. Circuit Court Justice despite being a highly qualified Black man.
  • President Trump and Republicans successfully delivered three Constitutionalist judges to the Supreme Court - Biden and Democrats will do anything they can to undo this accomplishment.
  • We know this will be a fight – Democrats don’t have a single vote to spare in the Senate.
The bottom line:
The RNC will fight to defend Americans’ Constitutional rights, expose Biden’s nominee, and hold Senate Democrats accountable for their vote. We will do everything we can to stop Biden's radical nominee.
Durham Finds Evidence Democrats Manufactured Russia Hoax And Spied On President Trump

New court filings from Special Counsel John Durham reveal evidence of a shocking scandal: Democrats and Clinton campaign operatives worked with a technology firm to spy on Donald Trump before and during his presidency.
What you need to know:
  • These revelations expose one of the most appalling political scandals of our lifetimes.
  • Durham’s new filing alleges a disturbing Democrat spying scheme:
  • A technology company – working with lawyers representing the Clinton campaign – spied on the private internet traffic of “Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and the Executive Office of the President of the United States.”
  • According to Durham, an executive at this company – Rodney Joffe – enlisted “employees at multiple Internet companies” and researchers to “establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying then-candidate Trump to Russia” using “non-public and/or proprietary Internet data.”
  • Based on this information, Sussmann went to the FBI and a second unnamed U.S. government agency, where he tried to allege some type of secret tie between Russia and Trump.
  • For years, Democrats and many of their allies in the mainstream media breathlessly advanced the false narrative that President Trump colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election.
  • Despite Durham’s bombshell discoveries, the mainstream media has fallen silent.
  • Corporate media figures have spent more time insisting Durham’s probe was a “conspiracy theory” than they have covering Durham’s actual findings.
  • Perhaps the media’s silence and diversions now are the result of their original role in advancing the Democrats’ Trump-Russia misinformation campaign.
The bottom line:
Every media outlet, especially those that pushed the Russia collusion hoax, have a duty to cover the realities of John Durham’s investigation. There must be accountability for those who broke the law to falsely smear President Trump.
What We Are Reading

  • Fox News, Brooke Singman, Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham

RNC Research
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me
with any questions you might have at tad@toniannedashiell.com,
or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you
for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to
Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas