Tribal Transportation News

September 22, 2022

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In This Issue...

NTICC Recap!

Funding Opportunities Available!

Training Opportunities!


Thank you for coming by to see us at NTICC!

It was a great week in Louisville last month, and we enjoyed visiting with all of you who came! Thanks for stopping by our booth! Congratulations to the winners of our prizes, pictures below!

All of the presentations from the conference are now available online. Click the button below to access them.

NTICC Presentations

Darren Brinegar from Ho-Chunk Nation won the custom fire pit / grill made by Premier Steel.

Ashley Hopton from United Keetoowah Band won the travel laptop.

Funding Opportunities

SMART Discretionary Grant Program

On September 19, 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) released the FY22 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the new Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program, authorized under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This new discretionary grant program will offer up to $100 million in grants annually over the next 5 years to fund transportation projects that use data and technology to solve real-world challenges facing communities today.

State, local, and tribal governments and agencies are eligible to apply. Please note that this program has no cost sharing or matching requirement.

With up to 30 percent set aside for eligible projects that primarily benefit rural communities or regional partnerships, the SMART program will fund purpose-driven innovation and focus on building data and technology capacity and expertise. The program seeks proposals from public sector entities that will carry out demonstration projects in the following domains to address key transportation priorities:

  • Vehicle technology, like automation and connectivity
  • Systems innovation, like delivery and logistics, traffic signals, smart grid, and data integration
  • New ways to monitor and manage infrastructure, like sensors and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)

For more information, visit the SMART program's website. The NOFO is available here and on

The deadline for applications is November 18, 2022 at 5 PM ET.

There will be a webinar on Thursday, September 29th from 2:30 to 4:00 PM ET to learn "How to Apply for a SMART Grant" (register here).

SMART Program

TTP Bridge Program

The TTP Bridge Program provides funding to carry out the design, preconstruction activities and construction of bridges that are on the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory. The new Infrastructure Law set aside 165 million dollars per year for the next four years to fund the TTP Bridge Program. Information about the TTP Bridge Program can be found at If you have questions concerning the TTP Bridge Program, you may contact the FHWA Bridge Program Manager Russell Garcia at 703-404-6223 or

More Information

Upcoming Meetings

ITA Meetings

Monthly Meeting

September 22, 2022

10:00am PDT

Meeting Agenda

Annual Meeting

December 6-8, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Venue: Flamingo

FY 2023 Membership Application

TTPO Quarterly Meeting

October 12, 2022



Upcoming Trainings

Road Safety Champion Program

This national certificate program is designed to be a “Roadway Safety 101” course. It is best for practitioners in transportation, public health, and law enforcement who do not have deep road safety knowledge.

Visit the RSCP web page to learn more. Also, you can attend the series of webinars in October and November where each of the seven core modules of the RSCP will be broken down.


Webinars Thursdays, 2-4 p.m. EST

Core Module 1 – Oct 6

Core Module 2 – Oct 13

Core Module 3 – Oct 20

Core Module 4 – Oct 27

Core Module 5 – Nov 3

Core Module 6 – Nov 10

Core Module 7 – Nov 17 


OTA Fall Conference

October 12-13

Durant, Oklahoma

Info & Registration

Road Inventory Field Data Systems (RIFDS) Training

BIADOT has schedule two RIFDS training sessions for end of October in Albuquerque. If interested, contact one of the following BIADOT employees:


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Happening Soon

Click on the event name below for a link to more details

Sept. 22

Oct. 12

Oct. 12-13

Nov. 18

Dec. 6-8

ITA Monthly Meeting

TTPO Quarterly Meeting

OTA Fall Conference

SMART Grant Program Application Deadline

ITA Annual Meeting

Check out the Calendar of Events on our website!


PO Box 567

Guthrie, OK 73044


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