This newsletter covers news from Sept. 17 to Sept. 23. To read any of this week’s stories and more, check out our website for the latest news from The Eagle.
The Eagle Explains: Introducing The (Com)Post, a new section for Life
Climate change is a burden that many young people feel constantly. A recent report by the United Nations found that global warming is now unavoidable: no matter what changes we make now, the Earth will inevitably warm and we will feel the effects of climate change. This past summer alone, we saw unprecedented natural disasters across the globe, many of which disproportionately hurt disadvantaged communities.
It’s easy to feel helpless when it comes to the climate crisis. The news we receive is overwhelmingly negative, and the issue feels completely out of any average person’s control.
To me, it feels counterproductive to focus only on the negative and ignore the extraordinary effort people are putting in to fight for a better world — they haven’t given up, and their stories should be heard. This is why The Eagle recently established The (Com)Post, which originally began as a sustainability series within the Life department and is now a full-blown section. The (Com)Post hopes to highlight the important work that environmental groups and individuals at American University and across the D.C. area are doing. It is also a space for our writers to give their very own tips on living sustainably.
Despite our University’s efforts, what I think is even more remarkable is the work that students have put in. Members of environmental groups take time out of their busy lives filled with schoolwork to do what they can to make a difference. (Com)Post writers have covered policy-oriented groups like Sunrise Movement AU, along with those who do more hands-on work such as the Community Garden club.
Another goal of The (Com)Post is to give our readers small actions they can take to live more sustainable lives. While I denounce the idea that climate change can be stopped if we all start using metal straws and taking five-minute showers, I believe that there is value in people doing what they can. Whether this means eating vegetarian meals every once in a while, buying secondhand clothes or checking out zero waste gift ideas, our writers are happy to give their tips on sustainable living.
My objective as editor of The (Com)Post is to educate the AU community about the reality of climate change, while also providing at least a glimmer of hope to our readers by showing that a) lots of people are still going strong in their fight for our Earth’s future, and b) there are actions each of us can take, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, to live in a way that honors the environment.
Now that The (Com)Post is a section, I hope to expand on both the number of stories we publish and the variety of our coverage. I’m anticipating great things from our writers for this section and can’t wait to see all that is to come.
COVID-19 Update: AU reported 19 new coronavirus cases in the University community from the third week of fall semester classes on Sept. 21. The school conducted 2,476 tests between Sept. 13 and Sept. 19, according to the COVID-19 Dashboard. This brings the fall semester’s total reported cases to 52.
Silver Screen: Life writer Audrey Barnett reviews Julie Cohen and Betsy West's new documentary "My Name Is Pauli Murray." The film looks at an activist "whose contributions were drowned out by the patriarchal and racist leanings of history."
The American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center is kicking off the fall semester by offering five new exhibitions centered around themes of U.S. history as well as new programming opportunities.
Review: Jenna Schwartz reviews Lorde's "Solar Power" as raw and honest as the album is "dedicated to engaging with real life and the environment versus the superficial aspects of social media and public persona."
Silver Screen: Spenser Hoover writes that Michael Showalter’s “The Eyes of Tammy Faye,” “aim[s] for entertainment value above all else, [and] Showalter’s film fails to live up to its full potential."
Elon University defeated the women's soccer team with a tough defensive battle ending with a 1-0 score, bringing the team's record to 3-4.
Staff Editorial: The Eagle Editorial Board addresses AU’s failure to acknowledge acts of antisemitism this past week. The editorial board asks the AU administration to provide support and resources for students affected by this.
Satire: “A student decided not to initiate a potentially awkward conversation with a classmate he met in a Zoom class last semester by stopping in his path and walking in the opposite direction.”
Opinion: “If the AU administration won’t step up to educate students or themselves, the burden falls on the Jewish community. Jewish students at AU should have the opportunity to process privately and not be tasked with this.”