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"A compelling story has great power in shaping how we think both as individuals and as a society."

  • Creation Care calls us to act - not just talk about - the environmental crisis and the damage being done to Creation. The call of Eco-Spirituality holds true for people from all faiths and from all ethical perspectives.

  • In this session, Maria Roca shares how to engage the treasure of compelling stories for awakening a deeper commitment to Creation Care.

About Maria F. Loffredo Roca, Ph.D.

After earning her bachelor’s degree in Interpersonal and Public Communication from Purdue University, Dr. Maria F. Loffredo Roca went on to New York University where she earned her master’s in Performing Arts Management and her Ph.D. in Media Ecology. She then taught at the State University of New York-Oneonta for 8 years prior to joining FGCU as one of the institution’s founding faculty members, where she serves as Chair of the Department of Integrated Studies, and as Associate Professor, Integrated Studies. Dr. Roca is also the Director of the Roots of Compassion & Kindness (ROCK) Center, serves on the board of Directors for the SWFL Reset Center, and is a GreenFaith Fellow.


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