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Welcome, Praying Pals!

We are so glad you've joined us to pray. As you know, offers a way for thousands of Christians worldwide to gather online and pray for prayer requests. In addition to church, it's a great way to get extra prayer. Please share about it with your friends. Take part in our weekly prayer time in three easy-to-apply steps. Yes, it's as simple as 1, 2, 3...


1) Focus on God's Word with the devotional and prayer tip of the week.

2) Pray for all submitted and consolidated prayer requests.

3) Send in your prayer request and/or praise report. 

Or simply click here to listen and pray with the radio version of this week's devotional and prayer time with Stacie Ruth. (NW Iowans can tune in each Sunday to KCHE 92.1 FM at around 7:20 AM to listen and pray.) Remember to pray for your pastors. Amen? 

Click here to join in the devotional and prayer time with the radio version.

1) Take God's Word for It

a weekly devotional by Stacie Ruth

Make and Pray for an "Impossible" People Christmas List

At Christmastime, many encounter the "impossible" hurtful people in their lives at work or at family gatherings. Moreover, it can feel impossible to pray for them to come to know the Lord or grow in Him. Think about this: At one time, the Apostle Paul was one of the most "impossible" people ever.

Prior to his conversion, the Apostle Paul sadistically killed Christians. If he had any Christian relatives, I'm sure it looked almost impossible to them for him to repent and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. But he did. 

Friends, let's not look at the "impossible" people as beyond God's reach. Let's ask God for His perspective and keep on praying for hardened hearts to be softened and spiritually blind eyes to see the Light and receive Christ, who miraculously transforms us in to new creations who love Him and love others with His love. Instead, let's repent of not believing that our awesome God can draw them to Himself. 

God knows it's for the ultimate good for us to do things His way, and that includes praying for the "impossible people": "...Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..." (Matthew 5:44). So let's make an "impossible" Christmas prayer list. 

How to Make an "Impossible" Christmas Prayer List:

1. Ask the Lord to bring to mind those "impossible" people who have not yet come to Christ. (For some of us, we have some instant images flash through our minds of those who have been hurtful. Give God your pain as you do this step.)

2. Write down the names of those whom you've written off as beyond God's reach. And ask the Lord to give you His perspective.

3. Next, ask the Lord to help you think of fellow believers who are difficult for you to relate with. (Again, I'm sure you have a number of people pop into your head. Maybe they're at your church. I know that's not easy! Some are maturing and growing at different rates and they may be really rough until God smooths out the edges. But He's the Potter, and we have to wait and see Him work out the messy clay of our own lives and others' lives -including the people with whom it's hard to interact right now.)

4. Ask the Lord to help you pray for these "impossible" people and tell Him about how you feel as you do. He deeply cares. He wants to heal our hearts! He loves us. Beyond words.

Now, that's a Christ-honoring Christmas list. Amen?

Throughout the Christmas season and beyond, let's start praying for the "impossible people" and, if given the opportunity, let's ask Him to use us in any way to lovingly point them to the Way. Now, love does not enable evil, but it enables us to overcome evil with good. If we pray for those who have hurt us and they come to Jesus, then they will begin to stop hurting others as they grow and become conformed to the image of Christ.

And, if you feel like praying for "impossible" people is a sacrifice, then you're not alone. It goes against our natural feelings. But we have to remember that Jesus understands. Jesus cares. And He sacrificed Himself for us. Our Good Shepherd never leads us astray and always enables us to do what He wants us to do. He said, "I am the Good Shepherd, and I know [without any doubt those who are] My own and My own know Me [and have a deep, personal relationship with Me]- even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father-and I lay down My [very own] life [sacrificing it] for the benefit of the sheep"  (John 10:14-15,  AMP).

In the process of praying and obeying, we can know that our loving Lord will grow each of us in our faith in Him and into the image of His Son. Trust Him to do His part as King of kings and Lord of lords. And do your part by applying His Word in this hurting world. 

Pray for the "impossible" people to know and grow in Jesus. Let's pray for ourselves to know and grow in Him more. And let's believe Christ this Christmas. After all, "...He said, 'The things that are impossible with people are possible with God'" (Luke 18:27).

Shared with His love for you,

Stacie Ruth for 


Do you know Jesus personally yet? Now is the time. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. Click here to learn more. 

Prayer Tip of the Week  

Celebrate CHRISTmas with me as a shepherd this year. Come and abide in Him. Worship Him. Come as you are, receive Him, and He will transform you. Be present in the presence of the King.

2) Prayer Time:


"Lord God, thank You for hearing us when we pray. Today, we lift up all requests submitted to and ask for Your best for each request. Please heal and be with the sick. Help the persecuted. Draw unsaved loved ones to Yourself. Help the widowed and grieving. And be with those who desire Godly spouses or are in challenging marriages. Please provide jobs for the jobless and hope for the hopeless. We also pray for U.S. military members, who protect the innocent and yet are in harm's way, and for their families. We pray for another great awakening in America and beyond. We ask You to draw us all closer to You and ask You to use us as we share about Jesus. We love You and surrender our will to Yours. We love You. We praise You! You are good all of the time! In Jesus' Name, Amen."

3) Share Time:


Share your prayer request at If you have a praise report, please send it by e-mail instead at

Reminder: Be sure to encourage your local pastor and love your neighbors with intentionality.


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Special Note to the Depressed and Anxiety-laden:

If you are on the brink of suicide, immediately contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline in the way you prefer: You can text at 741741, call 1-800-273-8255 (en Español:1-888-628-9454), or use the Deaf and Hard of Hearing version at 1-800-799-4889.

For other battles with less acute depression and anxiety, here are other free options which will help you talk, pray, and find a Christian mental health professional in your area:

  1. Schedule a free conversation with Focus on the Family's Counseling Department. Call them at (855) 771-HELP (4357) from 6:00am to 8:00pm (Mountain Time).
  2. Call Hope for the Heart at 1-800-488-HOPE (4673) Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-1:30 a.m. CST; Closed weekends. Línea en español 1-855-867-0824.
  3. Utilize this web site to find someone in your region:
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