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TAD Talks
Meet New RPT Chair Matt Rinaldi
As you know the Republican Party of Texas has a new Chairman! Chairman Matt Rinaldi has been on the job for only a couple of weeks at this point. The Chairman is getting his footing to take on an incredible challenge. The Texas Democrats will eventually end their publicity stunt and the legislature will be taking up Election Integrity at some point. Then they will need to take up redistricting. And finally we'll be heading into 2022 with some brand new Legislative Districts.

All these challenges are going to require an engaged grassroots and a State Party providing leadership. This weeks' Call to Action Zoom meeting is with our new RPT Chairman and we look forward to hearing from Chairman Rinaldi about his plans for tackling these important issues. We also want to empower you with the information you need to be an effective advocate. I look forward to you joining us!
Election Integrity Call
Special Session
Meeting Details
When: Every Friday beginning July 16th, through
July 30th (subject to change)
Time: 7:00 a.m. CST

To access the meetings, use the Zoom link or meeting details below!
Meeting ID: 884 4816 4511
Passcode: TADTalk$
You do not have to use zoom to participate. You are welcome to call in and listen. Please see the dial in information included below. 
Dial In Number: +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 884 4816 4511
Passcode: 36650078
Democrats on inflation: "Who cares"
Democrats are as out-of-touch on rising prices as Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development.
According to new reporting from NBC News, many Democrats in Washington want to plow ahead with their reckless $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending spree despite the highest price hikes in decades and warnings from even liberal economists that things could get worse.
Sen. Debbie Stabenow even astonishingly insisted that people are “gin[ing] this up” when it comes to inflation concerns. Does that include Democrat Rep. Kim Schrier who admitted the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion far-left wish list is driving prices higher?
Newsflash for Democrats: Americans' wages decreased by 1.7% from last June. 83% of Americans are worried about inflation, and 70% have said it has already “caused hardship for [their] family.” Further, 71% of Americans are worried that Biden’s reckless proposal will only make rising prices worse.
Biden and the Democrats are completely out-of-touch. Their hidden tax of rising prices is already hitting middle class families hard, but they just don’t care.
Biden’s Radical Anti-Gun Agenda
  • David Chipman, Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the ATF, is a gun control extremist who attacks law-abiding gun owners and the Second Amendment instead of criminals.

  • Chipman’s nomination proves that Biden is committed to a far-left gun control agenda.

  • Chipman is a far-left ideologue who wants to trample the Second Amendment rights of every American. Chipman is advocating for:
  1. “Federal authorities” to take charge of a “national comprehensive” gun control approach that would supersede state gun laws.
  2. Banning all private gun sales.
  3. Regulation of commonly owned semi-automatic rifles just like machine guns.” 
  4. Banning assault weapons (but he can’t even define what an “assault weapon” is).
  5. Banning the manufacture of these so-called “assault weapons.”

  • It’s abundantly clear that Chipman holds law-abiding gun owners in contempt. Chipman has:
  1. Mocked first-time gun owners last year, suggesting they were doomsday preppers and comparing them to Tiger King: “They might think that they’re die-hard, ready to go, but unfortunately they’re more like Tiger King.”  
  2. Compared gun owners to people who want a muscle car so they can have “outsized power.”
  3. Explained: “I think there’s also an element for people who chose not to serve [in the military] that this somehow allows them to connect with that service without them having to do it — like you can kind of act patriotic without having to do it.”
  4. Expressed he believes people own guns because they’re afraid and want to feel safe.”
  5. Recommended gun owners should “secure that gun locked and unloaded and hide it behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky that you’ve stored in a cabinet and only bring that out if the zombies start to appear.”

  • Chipman has suggested that some people should be arrested even before they commit a crime, but is bizarrely open to reinstating felons’ ability to own a gun after they are released from prison.

  • As radical as his views are, Chipman’s service record also raises serious questions on his competence:
  1. Senators on the Judiciary Committee have received information suggesting that Chipman misplaced or lost his service weapon when he was at the ATF.
  2. Chipman allegedly made a racially charged comment in 2007, saying to multiple coworkers wow, there were an unusually large number of African American agents that passed the exam this time. They must have been cheating.” The comment spread like wildfire at the ATF.

  • During the campaign, Joe Biden said “Bingo, you’re right” to the suggestion that “A Biden Administration means they’re going to come for my guns.” Chipman’s nomination is proof that Biden meant what he said – he’s coming after Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

RNC Research: Biden’s Anti-Gun Radical
*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website. For more information, please click here.
Real America Podcast: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo 
This week, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel launched episode 4 of her podcast “Real America with Ronna McDaniel.” In this episode, Chairwoman McDaniel sits down with Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss President Trump’s America First foreign policy agenda, the Trump Administration’s leadership on global religious freedom issues, President Biden’s failure to lead on the world stage, and the Republican Party’s united efforts to take back the House and Senate in 2022 and the White House in 2024.
You can watch here, or listen on SpotifyApple Podcasts, and wherever podcasts are available.
New Figures Show Border Crisis is Worsening 
Another month, another record for the crisis at our southern border. Thanks to the policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, illegal migrants are pouring into the U.S at a record pace.
What you need to know:
  • staggering 188,829 illegal migrants were encountered by U.S. border authorities in June – a new 21-year record.  
  • 15,250 unaccompanied minors were encountered at the border in June, surpassing the peaks for the surges in both 2019 and 2014, which Barack Obama declared a “humanitarian crisis on the border.”
  • Over 800,000 illegal immigrants have been caught attempting to cross the border during Biden’s first six months in office.
  • This trend is far from “transitory” as Biden attempts to claim – it is a lasting crisis that the Biden Administration is failing to end. 
  • Human traffickers and drug smugglers are taking advantage of the Biden-Harris open border policies.
  • Because of the Biden-Harris border crisis and their open border policies, American communities are less safe.
For more things to know CLICK HERE!

The bottom line:
Securing our border should be a priority for the Biden Administration – it’s critical to U.S. national security, ensuring safety in American communities, controlling the drug crisis, and so much more. But the Biden Administration is failing to stop the crisis at the border – the American people deserve better.
Biden Rambles His Way Through Ohio Town Hall
Biden’s rambling town hall proved he is a far-left progressive disguised as a moderate – even CNN admitted Biden’s policies are “very progressive … not moderate”. Ohioans see through Biden’s lies and diversions. 
What you need to know:
  • As Americans saw during yesterday’s town hall, Biden is refusing to address the policies that are making Ohio and the rest of our country less safe: 
  • Biden refuses to tell the truth about Operation Warp Speed and didn’t apologize for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines during the campaign.
  • Biden lied when he smeared election integrity laws as “Jim Crow on steroids.” These laws are commonsense and widely supported, including an overwhelming 78% support for stronger voter ID laws. 
  • Biden is squandering the recovery he inherited from President Donald Trump. 
  • Across the board, Biden’s policies are bad for Ohioans.
For more things to know CLICK HERE!

The bottom line:
Ohioans overwhelmingly supported President Trump and Republicans in 2016 and 2020 – based on Biden’s town hall, it’s easy to see why: Biden and Democrats are out of touch with Ohioans, and push policies that harm their interests. 
What We Are Reading


RNC Research: 

Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me
with any questions you might have at tad@toniannedashiell.com,
or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you
for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to
Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas