Ebenezer United Church of Christ
Pastor’s Corner
Can it be that as I write this, we have entered late July? Wasn’t it a month ago we celebrated Easter? Didn’t we hold Communion Sunday a couple of weeks ago? What is happening this year?
Last year we were gathering at the drive-in each Sunday. We were doing the best we could living and worshiping within the confines of COVID-19. The church councils were pouring over the latest recommendations from the CDC and local authorities. We dared not touch one another or get too close when speaking to one another. Praise God, we have made giant strides toward returning to a fully open society. We have made tremendous strides but we are not out of the woods just yet.
The past few weeks we are finding a Delta variant of COVID-19 is emerging in the U.S. This variant seems to be easily transmitted and thus finds the unvaccinated as a preferred host. In some parts of the country, the news reports seem like the bad old days of last summer and fall.
Please be assured the church council is aware of these reports and is keeping a close watch over the reports in the nation, the state, and the county. We continue to hold the safety of our members, our community and people of all ages as our foremost concern. The councils will always act using the best scientific recommendations for our communities.
The decision to be vaccinated or to skip the vaccine is a highly personal decision. There is a myriad of factors which enter into the decision making process. Understanding this, I strongly recommend each person eligible for a shot to please get vaccinated. Should you decide not to be vaccinated I will not second guess your decision. As I said, it is a personal decision. Should you lean toward not getting the vaccine please consult your primary health care physician to makes sure you are making that decision using the most up-to-date scientific information and not relying on rumors or disinformation.
Please remember everyone in your church family when you pray. Remember your friends and your local health officials who work hard to find the best way forward during this seemingly unending pandemic.
We would like to welcome Nikki Equitz to Ebenezer as our new Administrative Assistant. Please congratulate her on her new role and make her feel welcome while she is getting to know our Congregation. She is coming from St. John in New Holstein and will be sharing her responsibilities with them. Her office hours will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Membership Report News
We have just finished updating our Ebenezer membership directory, including the most recent additions, deletions and changes in contact information for our members. If anyone would like one of the updated copies, please get in touch with Nikki in the office or with Ruth or Shirley. We will be happy to print a copy at your request.

Shirley Lisowe
Notes from the Music Corner ...
A huge thank you goes to Ann Arbuckle for filling in as organist on July 4 and July 11 while I was recuperating. She is a very accomplished organist, trained at Silver Lake College and is regularly scheduled at Holy Rosary in New Holstein. This meant there was no pre-service sing along in July as originally planned. Bev Baltz had requested a song she had heard at a funeral, “The Lord of the Dance” as a song for sing along. It tells Christ’s story to a very rhythmical beat – fun! At the time of this writing, we are planning on Claudia Brown helping sing the verses with the congregation joining in on the chorus (or the verses, if they choose) as the meditative music on July 25. You won’t want to miss this, and we will hope to incorporate it oftener. Congregational suggestions are always welcome – thank you Bev!!
After a year off last year, Gospel Fest will be back in Hilbert on August 20 -21. See the flyers in the narthex for groups and times. The Sharon Bethel Quartet from Kalona, IA was scheduled to participate in our worship on August 22. I received an e-mail on July 28 to say they need to cancel. At the time this is being written, I have contacted Voices of Peace inquiring about having another group come, so watch for further updates. It is always refreshing to hear their hymns and southern gospel music.  

 Hopefully, all of the mentioned choral singing will encourage the gathering of a choral group here at Ebenezer! Also, keep in mind that bell choir will resume in September, so we are looking forward to greeting returning ringers as well as new ringers. Remember – no music background is needed to sing in a choir or ring bells, just lots of good times!
Notes from Sunday School Corner...
I love to wear band-aids, they make me look cool.
I show them off when I go to school.

I put them on cuts and scratches and bruises,
My beautiful band-aids have so many uses.

I put them on scars and on patches of skin
Where a scrape or a nick never even has been.

They’re all over my arms, legs, knees, elbows and hips.
I’d tell you more about them but I’ve got one on my lips.

---by Arden Davidson

The kids’ mission project for the 2019-20 Sunday School year was to collect kid-friendly bandaids for the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. It’s been shown that children feel happier and heal faster when they have a “fun band-aid” rather than the plain old tan ones. Our project got interrupted when COVID struck, as our Sunday School ended early in 2020.

I was finally able to deliver our collection of band-aids to the Children’s Hospital in Neenah along with a check for $225.25, which was collected in cash offerings over and above the band-aids.

Considering how small our Sunday School is (only about 21 students), I think they did great! Ebenezer, you have a wonderful group of kids who belong to a wonderful group of families who were willing and able to help make life better for the young patients in our area.

Shirley Lisowe
A Note From Your New Administrative Assistant....
I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for welcoming me to work with your church family. My name is Nikki, and I am your new Administrative Assistant. I thought I would take a minute and tell you a little bit about myself. I will be married 27 years this year and I am a mother of three young men, one of which is getting married soon. Two of my sons are graduated from college and have started their careers,  and my “baby” as I like to call him is going to be a sophomore in college this year. I have a bluetick coonhound named Lily which is named after my favorite flower, so if you have a doggy that likes to visit church, I am more than ok with that. I enjoy gardening, hiking, painting and a variety of other crafts and I can even cook a tiny bit 😊. I look forward to getting to know all of you so please stop by the office and say hi when you get a chance. I will be in on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. 
Ice Cream Social Supper Thank you!
Thank you to everyone that helped to make the Ice Cream Social Supper a success - the organizers, poster distributors, lawn sign advertisers, food preparers, potato peelers, bun cutters, grillers, pre-ordered and carryout workers, our delivery person, kitchen/clean-up workers, pie bakers, pie cutters, and cashiers (if we’ve missed anyone, we apologize). Also a thank you to anyone who made monetary contributions and purchased food items.
We were very pleased with the number of preorders we received and also everyone that came for carry outs despite the rain and threat of dangerous thunderstorms that day. We hope that everyone enjoyed the food prepared and look forward to next year in that maybe we’ll be able to once again offer sit down seating in the Fellowship Hall.
At this time, we do not have a total of money raised, but will have an amount for the September "Eagle".
On behalf of the Ebenezer Women’s Guild, again, thank you
everyone for your support!
Joan Woelfel & Ruth Aebischer,
Ice Cream Social Supper Co-Chairs

Vern and Ann Gasch cashiering and sharing a laugh as Betty Schilling is
about to make some purchases at the Ice Cream Social Supper.  
Lilana Ortiz (Dino and Ellie Papendieck’s granddaughter) trying to figure out
which pie slice she wants to eat. Decisions, decisions!!
Notes from the Pastoral - Congregation Relations Committee...
The newly formed Pastoral-Congregation Relations Committee met for the first time on Sunday, August 18 after church. Committee members include Karen Cmejla, Ellie Papendieck, Mark Rusch, and Joan Woelfel, Chairperson. It was determined that any communications directed at the Committee should be in the form of a written statement and signed by the member. No action will be taken up by the Committee if the statement is not signed. Any concerns or issues can be given to one of the Committee members listed above, and all communications will be kept confidential.
Joan Woelfel, Chairperson

Many thanks and best wishes to Jackie, our administrative assistant, who recently resigned after four years of serving Ebenezer so well. We thank her for all she did for us in those four years and for the friendships made. Good luck, Jackie, with all your future plans.


We could use a few more volunteers to help with the ushering duties. Scheduling should not be more than every six or eight weeks. Obviously the more help we get, the less often you would be scheduled. Please give Shirley Lisowe (920) 418-1675 a call if you would be willing to help out!

Looking for a summer night with friends around a bonfire? If you answered “Yes” then set aside August 18. We’ll begin at 6:30 p.m. and have a bonfire going when you arrive. Please bring your chairs, drinks, and any settings that you need if you wish to cook any food. We’ll provide bug spray, warm temperatures, and gentle breezes. Pastor’s Mike and Sue are looking forward to hosting all of you for conversation, a short Bible study and lots of fun.
Adult Bible Study

There will be no Wired Word for the month of August. We will resume in September.

A special thank you goes out to everyone who donated food, money, and time to making the Ice Cream Social a success. The ability to adapt to the requirements imposed by COVID-19 is the mark of a faithful community dedicated to serving their bothers and sisters in the church and in the surrounding areas.
Thank you so much for your hard work and faithfulness.

If you are unable to make it to service you are welcome to view the service Live on Facebook. As a reminder, you can always tune into 95.5 within a block of the church during the service!

Administrative Assistant - Nikki
Monday: 9-2:30
Wednesday: 9-2:30
Friday: 9-2:30

Pastor Mike's Hours
Monday: 9-12
Tuesday: 9-4
Wednesday 1-3
Thursday 9-12
Scrip: If you are in need of Scrip, please let Kelly know. If you are interested in re-loadable cards and direct pay to avoid contact, there is a small fee for credit card charge and bank withdrawal.

Kelly Brown
Tod ~ David ~ Lorraine ~ Da’Nisha ~ Vern
Pam ~ Pastor Sue ~ Zachary ~ Rebecca 
Terry ~ Da'Monique ~ Patrice ~ Diane
Arlene ~ Gary ~ David ~ Audrey ~ Jeff
Kathy ~ Sharon ~ Janice ~ Ryann ~ Diana
Betty ~ Virginia ~ Audra ~ Mary ~ Bob
Rod ~ The Waldvogel Family ~ Ann~Tony

Due to privacy laws, last names cannot be printed on the prayer list because the Eagle goes on the church website which can be viewed by anyone on the Internet. 

If you want someone added or removed, please contact the church office.
Thank you.
(920) 849-4331

The office phone messages are not monitored daily but checked during office hours; if you have an emergency, contact Pastor Mike at (920) 286-1956 or via email.

If you have a non-emergency, send the office an email or leave a voicemail.)
Pastor's Cell Phone: (920) 286-1956
Tammy Greuel, August 1
Matt Winkler, August 1
Ellie Papendieck, August 2
David Kloehn, August 3
Mary Thompson, August 6
Spencer Wagner, August 6
Don Propson, August 8
Joan Woelfel, August 8
Aiden Gleason, August 9
Jack Vernon, August 13
Steve Stenz, August 21
Addison Head, August 22
Earl Ploeckelmann, August 22
Noah Brown, August 25
Jeremy Pringle, August 26
Carl Reichwald, August 26
Bernice Ninedorf, August 29
Jordan Propson, August 30

May God bless your years and may you continue to bless Ebenezer!
  • Men's Group Breakfast: 8:30 a.m. on August 12 at 7 Angels!
  • Women's Guild Breakfast 9:00 a.m. on August 19 at 7 Angels!
  • August 15: Council Meeting 11:00 a.m..
  • August 18: Wednesday Night Bible Study and bonfire at the Parsonage!
  • Sharon Bethel Quartet on August 22nd
  • Eagle Newsletter: Articles are due August 24
  • The July/August Upper Room is still available in the Narthex.
Ebenezer Church Council
Meeting Minutes: July 18, 2021
Meeting called to order at 11:04 a.m. by Zach and Ken
Prayer lead by Joan

Present: President Zach Platner, Vice President Ken Lisowe, Treasurer Dean Papendieck, Joan Woelfel, and Pastor Mike

Motion for approval of agenda and last month's minutes by Ken, seconded by Joan.  

Treasurer's Report
June Revenue: $4,660
June Expenses: $7,081.33
June Ending Checking Balance: $74,664.92
June Money Market Acct: $251,638.57
June Total Cash Equity: $89,779.66
June Cambridge Investment: $60,583.69

Ministers Report:
Pastor will be on vacation August 2nd through August 5th.
Committee reports:
Christian Ed/Music : Shirley Lisowe will be sending out a letter to parents in order to see if we have interest in resuming Sunday school classes in September.

Mission: None

Property: New lawnmower, blower, and trimmer were purchased for church property; Don Pingel previously used his own equipment. Gutter helmets were installed on the Parsonage, and the roof repairs on the fellowship hall are complete. The ash tree behind the parsonage will need to be removed.

Stewardship: None

Evangelism: The Evangelism Committee is looking for a new chairperson.

Membership: The committee has completed the new directory; it will be available soon.

Pastor-Congregation Relations Committee: The committee determined that communications directed at the committee should be in the form of a written statement and signed by the member. All communications will be kept confidential.
Old/Continuing Business:
• Downstairs bathrooms (still looking into it)
• Pastoral Health Insurance Increase
• Pastor Pension: A motion was made by Ken to pay second quarter pension dues of $1085. All in Favor. We are still checking into the discrepancies in the Pastor’s pension board account.
• Covid updates: We discussed the Delta variant and decided to keep everything the same for now.
• Church Choir: Add to announcements that anyone interested in joining the choir or leading/directing the choir should contact a member of the church council. We would like to see if there is enough interest to have a church choir again. 

New Business:
• Administrative assistant position: Nikki Equitz has been hired for this position. The office hours are now 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Next Regular Council Meeting: August 15, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.

Motion to adjourn made by Joan, 2nd by Dean, all in favor at 12:25 p.m. All in favor

Minutes Submitted by:
Dean Papendieck
Approved by: The Church council via email. 
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