Communications Manager Kyla Merwin recommends Atomic Habits by James Clear.
Sooner or later, anyone who spends much time with me will see a Diet Coke in my hand. I’m a self-confessed “Coke” addict. I love the stuff. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks.
According to James Clear in his best-selling book, Atomic Habits, the first question I need to ask myself is this: Do I want to be the type of person who drinks Diet Coke all day every day? Answer: Yes. Yes, I do.
Ergo, I will fail at any attempts to stop drinking Diet Coke - even though I know it's bad for me - because I cannot see myself as a non-Diet Coke drinker (yet).
At the core of Clear’s strategy is the notion that your habits shape your identity and visa versa. Put another way, to break an old habit or create a new one, you must focus on who you want to be rather that what you want to achieve.
Behavior that isn’t consistent with the self will not last, says Clear. The pull to act in a manner consistent with the person you see yourself as is very strong—stronger than the mere act of goal setting.
Once your pride gets involved, you’ll fight “tooth and nail to maintain your habits,” says Clear...
Read Kyla's entire review here.
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Note: Atomic Habits is The Community Library's Book Club title for December 4. Learn more/sign up for the Book Club here.