Don't Forget to Register for Invite Welcome Connect:
On Saturday, October 8th* 9am-4pm at Holy Trinity Oxford the Diocese will host its annual Fall Mission Summit. This year we will feature Mary Parmer, the founder of Invite Welcome Connect, a transformational ministry that equips and empowers congregations and individuals to cultivate intentional practices of evangelism, hospitality, and belonging. Register by October 1st using the link below.
Diocesan Apportionment and Budget for 2023
“For everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.” (Luke 12: 48)
The Bishop's annual letter regarding apportionment and budget for 2023 has been mailed to each parish. You can find the letter here.
The Rev. Patrick Collins Called to California
With mixed emotions we have announced that our Canon to the Ordinary will be leaving our diocese to become interim rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Orinda, California on October 8th. The Diocesan Archdeacon and Patrick's spouse, The Rev Loretta Collins, will remain with our Diocese until the end of December. We thank Patrick for his dedication to our diocese and both he & Loretta will be missed by all. Read full announcement here.
Ordination of Susie Leight: Bishop Marray will ordain Susan Elaine Leight to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at Christ Church Cambridge (601 Church Street). All are welcome.
On September 13th, Bishop San honored the Reverend Charlie Osberger with the distinguished designation of Honorary Canon. View additional photos.
On August 14th, St. Mary’s Pocomoke celebrated the appointment of The Rev. Stephanie Clayville as Deacon Vicar.
Run the Difference Course: The Diversity Awareness Commission offers both leadership and/or financial assistance for parishes wishing to run the Difference Course, here are four great times to run it. Visit the DAC website for more information.
Convention Save the Dates:
Convocation Meeting 7:00pm - 12/14/22
Convocation Meeting 7:00pm - 1/31/23
155th Diocesan Convention - 3/4/23 - in-person at St. Peter's Salisbury.
Safe Church Safe Communities: The Diocese has embraced the new training platform recently released be The Episcopal Church. Each parish should have identified an administrator who can help members access the training modules and background check link, as well as monitor completion. If you have questions or still need to identify an administrator please contact Joanne Fisher in the Diocesan Office. Read more.
Youth Ministry Save the Dates
Winter Rally: Weekend of January 6th - 8th, 2023 (The Pen-Del Rally has announced that they will no longer be hosting the OC Youth Rally. However, we will continue to focus this weekend on fellowship, spiritual growth, and a whole lot of teenage fun)
- Camp Wright Youth Summit: Weekend of April 28th-30th, 2023
Episcopal Youth Event (EYE): July 3rd-8th, 2023 (Province 3 will host a pre-EYE event July 3-4 which is included in these dates)
Diocesan Call to Observe National Recovery Month
The Diocesan Recovery Ministry team (The Rev. Kevin Cross, Chaplain Eugene Drayton, The Rev. Deacon Jim Kamihachi, The Rev. John Schaeffer, The Very Rev. Henry Sabetti) would like to remind you that September is National Recovery month. Many counties of the eastern shore, observe this month through Project Purple, a program which we have strongly supported from the outset. This annual observance presents a good opportunity for us to think about how this disease is impacting our society, families, and even ourselves. Read more here. Resources can be found on the Diocesan Recovery Ministry webpage.
Lambeth Conference 2022: A Bishop’s Review
A Summary of a Communion Living in Hope - A Poignant Moment in the Renewal of God’s Project July 26 – August 8, 2022 Read here.
Happy Birthday
Bishop San!!!
(September 29th)
Be on the Lookout for Scammers: We continue to see a significant uptick in the number of scam attempts using Bishop San’s and other clergy members names. With the holidays approaching we wanted to remind our members to keep an eye out for potential scammers who may be looking for gift cards, money, or other items. They may try and solicit these items via phone call, text or email. Be sure to check the source of where a message has originated and always call the office (410-822-1919) if you are ever in doubt. Please reference this article for more information.
CLERGY - SAVE THE DATE!! The 2023 Clergy Conference, with keynote Bishop Jim Mathes, will be at the Ocean City Fontainebleau Resort from April 30th - May 2nd, 2023
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Camp Wright Update: Registration for overnight camp 2023 will begin in November. Now is the time to talk with children and families in your parish about planning for camp. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a Zoom Q&A session, a camp visit, or for someone from Camp Wright to visit your parish. Look for registration announcements, dates and rates and additional information coming soon.
Retreat House Happenings:
To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
Bishop’s Institute News We are excited to announce Fall Trainings for Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor, and Worship Leader Training for October and November.
Mission Trip to the Amazon Region of Peru!
All are welcome to join Christ Church Easton as we return to the river villages in the Amazon Region of Peru in July of 2023. Going on Mission is a life-changing opportunity that we hope many of you will consider. This trip is open to anyone currently in High School and older. You do not need to be a member of Christ Church in order to attend.
There will be an Interest Meeting for Peru 2023 on Tuesday, October 4th at 7:00 pm in the Christ Church Easton Parish Hall. To register for the Peru Mission Trip Interest Meeting, please click here.
Trinity Cathedral, Easton in partnership with The Retreat House will be putting on a monthly Poetry Night. "Spoken Word" an evening gathering for listening and sharing spoken word poetry. The first poetry night will be October 7th 5:30 - 7:30. Held at Vintage Books and Fine Art, Easton. Learn more here.
Fall Craft Fair & Quilt Raffle: Saturday, October 15, Miller Hall and Cathedral grounds. Rain date: October 22.
Christ Church Parish, Kent Island - The Westminster Ringers
Saturday, December 10th at 7 p.m., the Westminster Ringers will return to Christ Church to present a Christmas concert. This auditioned community handbell choir performs on more than 200 instruments in a musical feast for the eyes and ears. This free event is always highly-praised by our church and community.
St. Peter's, Salisbury - SAVE THE DATE!! Annual Fall Bazaar - Friday and Saturday November 18 and 19 and will be in conjunction with Salisbury’s Third Friday and the tree lighting downtown.
St. Alban's, Salisbury - St. Alban's celebrated the Covenant of Shared Ministry between Faith Lutheran Church and St. Alban’s. Read more here.
Bishop San visited St. Paul's Trappe. It was a wonderful and busy Sunday! We confirmed Christin Harrison, Received Laury Casson, blessed a Veterans Memorial Plaque in memory of Skip Marvel and blessed the SAGE Homeschool Group and St. Paul’s Community Garden Project to address Food Scarcity in their community. All this was followed by fellowship in the Trappe Veterans Park next door. A great was had by all! See photos here.
St. Paul's, Centreville - In celebration of this year’s Juneteenth, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church honored the life of U.S. Colored Troops soldier, lifelong resident of Centreville and former slave, the late James Taylor (1843-1916). Read more here.
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for the repose of the soul of Bruce Richards.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Charles Edward Utermohle, III, ex husband of The Rev. Susan Oldfather.
We pray for the repose of the soul of The Rev. Beverly Porteus.
We pray for the repose of the soul of The Rev. Carol Callaghan.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Waldy Vincent Sulik, Sr.
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for The Rev. Nora Becker. The Rev. Paula E. Clark bishop-elect of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. Doug Girardeau. Rev. Bryan Glancey & Barbs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Ron Knapp. Art Leiby. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. Susan Oldfather. Becky Richardson. Rev. Peggy Samuels. The Rev. Ken Thom. Ray Zeigler.
A Special Collect of Remembrance for Queen Elizabeth II
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give you thanks for all your servants, especially Queen Elizabeth II, who was an inspiration of life-long and dedicated service. Grant to all who now mourn and are bereaved a sure confidence in your fatherly care, that, casting all our grief on you, we may know the consolation of your love. Amen.
Pray for cessation of the war in Ukraine, Middle East and in other parts of the world. For the citizens of Ukraine, refugees and displaced children, the elderly, parents, sick and the nations that are providing a safe and secure shelter for migrant citizens.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 2nd
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Marion Station, and for their Rector, the Rev. Mike Lokey, and his wife, Bunny.
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 9th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Luke’s, Church Hill, and their Deacon Vicar, Loretta Collins, and her spouse, Patrick.
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 16th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Luke’s, Queenstown and Old Wye Church, as they conclude their 300th anniversary celebration. For the leadership of their lay leaders and supply clergy.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 23rd
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Alban’s, Salisbury, and for their lay leaders, and their Deacon, the Rev. Alisha King,
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
October 30th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at All Hallows, Snow Hill and their Deacon-in-Residence, the Rev. Andrew Cropper.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Homily at Queen Elizabeth's Memorial Service is linked here.
Episcopal Church evangelism office releases new ‘Centered’ discipleship resource - a new small-group resource for churches and individuals seeking to go deeper in relationship with Jesus and in loving and serving others.
“Centered: A Christian Discipleship Experience” is a digital, nine-session resource—available in English and coming soon in French and Spanish—for church members, neighbors, and friends to explore in small, gathered communities. Learn more.
The Great EpisGOpal Race - The United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are teaming up for this fall’s Great EpisGOpal Race, now scheduled for Oct. 14-23. This virtual event offers multiple fun ways—run, bike, swim, hike, paddle board, and more—to participate and raise funds to support refugee resettlement and other special ministries and missions. Sign up on your own or create a team. Learn more.
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