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For fantastic commentary about the day's news/events - try these three newsletters:

  1. Today's Edition by Robert Hubbell - Legal Viewpoint, and hope-filled
  2. Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Craven - Action-oriented and good news roundup
  3. Letters from an American - Heather Cox Richardson

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Hello Albert,

Here we go, coming round the bend! Enjoy! And Ali G. just popped up.

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A little under a month to go!


The Further Adventures of the Flatulent Rapist and His Loser Death Cult - Shower Cap Blog

The thing about the Trump/Musk teamup is, I didn't expect billionaires to be quite so, what's the word...embarrassing?

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Weekly Recap 10/12: Hurricanes and Disinformation

We've got 3 1/2 weeks to cast our votes! We simply cannot allow Republicans to win anywhere -- we already knew this, but after watching so many of them peddle disinformation and conspiracy theories instead of using their power and platforms to get help to people in desperate need, even more so.

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