Dear Octet,
Welcome to this inaugural issue of Octet's monthly newsletter, A View From the Dome. It has been a labor of love for our team – an opportunity to draw closer to many of you near and far. MIT's exceptionally vibrant faith community is doing transformative work on campus and across the globe. May this vast Kingdom-building work inspire you as it has us!

With blessings,

Mia Chung-Yee

Executive Director

  • Learn about recent and upcoming events hosted by Octet.
  • Listen to brief podcasts featuring Dan Hastings and Sher Vogel.
  • Meet Octet Board member Ehi Nosakhare, PhD '18.

What is Intellectual Hospitality?

MIT Chaplain and Octet Senior Theologian Nathan Barczi explores the postures and practices that comprise intellectual hospitality and the obstacles that stand in its way - and explains what this critical virtue has to do with the work of the Octet Collaborative. 

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Recap: Christian Meet-and-Greet

Dozens attended the meet-and-greet event co-hosted by the Octet Collaborative and United Christian Organization. Guests enjoyed dinner and heard from faculty, students, staff and campus ministers about their experience as Christians at MIT, and first-year students heard from representatives of various departments and campus groups at the start of the semester.


On Oct. 14, the Octet Collaborative invites faculty and staff for the first of four intellectual hospitality dinners: a discussion with Christy Vines, president and CEO of the Ideos Institute. Learn more about Christy and her work and watch this documentary titled, "Dialogue Lab: America."

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Save the Date!

In January, the Octet Collaborative will host two classes for IAP with in-person and remote options. More soon! 

Dan Hastings

Associate Dean of Engineering for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and AeroAstro Department Head at MIT

Listen now

Sher Vogel

Global Trainings Manager, MIT D-Lab

Listen now

Scholarly News

Troy Van Voorhis, Octet Collaborative Faculty Advisor, participated in a panel discussion on science and faith for the Veritas Forum.

Deborah Chung delivered the inaugural Deborah D. L. Chung Lecture in memory of Millie Dresselhaus, Chung's late mentor. 

Rosalind Picard, Octet Collaborative Faculty Advisor, spoke with KCRW on the evolution of technology to interpret human emotions.

Linda Griffith, of the Center for Gynepathology Research, presented a film, Below the Belt, which will later air on PBS. Read more about the film here.

Mingda Li leads a research team incorporating artificial intelligence to facilitate the detection of an elusive magnetic effect.

Meet a Board Member: Ehi Nosakhare, PhD '18

Watch the Video

The Marvelous Design in Nature: a lecture given by Deborah Chung, PhD '77

Watch the Video

Ministry News & Events

  • Join Reformed University Fellowship's (RUF) large group on Oct. 3 at 8 pm in W20-201.
  • Attend RUF's Northeast Fall Conference from Sept. 30-Oct. 2 in Camp Pinnacle, NY.
  • Attend the Baptist Student Fellowship's International Student Welcome event on Sept. 17 at 5:30 pm in W11-080. Sign up here.
  • Join the Baptist Student Fellowship's weekly Refuge dinner, worship and Bible study Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in W11-080.
  • Register for a free English Class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 pm in W11-190, co-sponsored by the Baptist Student Fellowship and the Baptist Campus Ministry.

Asian Baptist Student Koinonia

Asian Christian Fellowship

Baptist Student Fellowship

Christian Alumni Network (MITCAN)

Cross Products


MIT Gospel Choir

Graduate Christian Fellowship

et Spiritus


Lutheran Episcopal Ministry

Reformed University Fellowship

Sloan Christian Fellowship

Student Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Tech Catholic Community

United Christian Organization

The Octet Collaborative seeks to serve the MIT community and will gratefully consider featuring your event, news, and work. If you'd like to feature something within the A View from the Dome, please reach out to the appropriate contact below. 

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