RESTLESS: What’s behind the stories of anxiety, attention problems and adrenaline-seeking?
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What do anxiety, attention problems, bullying, and adrenaline-seeking all have in common? Although these stories all seem to be coming from a different place, there is a shared thread between them … stay with me....
the cyber-bully dynamic
My first assignment as a school counsellor, almost 20 years ago now, was an incident of cyber-bullying. It was the first time something like this had happened at this small private school and they were understandably alarmed. That is, the teachers and the parents were alarmed; the children themselves did not appear to “feel” much at all. The adults were flummoxed, not having experienced anything like this before. Bullying itself, however, was nothing new. The move to online just allowed more anonymity and a wider reach, but the bully dynamic itself – a defense against caring feelings, matched with an instinctive move to now exploit (versus protect) those with any perceived weakness or vulnerability – was the same. Twenty years later, the story hasn’t changed much – this tragic dynamic is alive and well both on and offline.
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Editor's note: If you'd like to explore The Alarm Spectrum further, we're offering it in our scheduled online course format, beginning this month. You'll receive access to 5+ hours of Dr. Neufeld's lectures, as he uncovers the root of anxiety and alarm problems and adds a fresh perspective on an age-old puzzle, armed with fresh insights from neuroscience. Then join Neufeld faculty Tamara Strijack in live online classes where you can ask your questions and dive more deeply into Dr. Neufeld's constructs around alarm. Register now to receive a 10% early bird discount off of our regular tuition of $200 until October 23, 2024. | |
Are you interested in joining our upcoming online Alarm Spectrum Course? Find out more about the course - and why we are creatures of alarm - in this 3 minute preview video. | |
Dr. Gordon Neufeld on
The Alarm Spectrum
“If attachment is a preeminent need, then separation is our greatest threat. The fact is that we all are alarmed, because when you attach, you set yourself up for facing separation ... but we must attach. And so facing separation can never be truly avoided. We are creatures of alarm. To not have this understanding is to not be able to make sense of ourselves, or our children, or our youth.”
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What's included with a Scheduled Online Class registration?
In addition to a weekly live class with a Neufeld faculty member, you receive a 4-month study pass (or 8 months for Intensive courses) to our Virtual Campus featuring Dr. Neufeld's video material, discussion forums, study guides, supplementary resources, and much more. Participants view Dr. Neufeld's recorded presentations prior to the scheduled support session with a faculty member. Visit More On Online Campus Courses for further details.
Class recordings
Not able to attend the live class due to a scheduling conflict? No problem! Classes are recorded so you can catch up later in the week when it works best for you.
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Intensive II: The Separation Complex
Anchored by Genevieve Schreier
Thursdays from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Pacific
Oct 10, 2024 to Feb 20, 2025
$750 | Runs for 17 weeks
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Registration open until October 24th – recordings available | |
Intensive III: Becoming Attached
Anchored by Genevieve Schreier
Mondays from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Pacific
Oct 21, 2024 to Mar 17, 2025
$750 | Runs for 17 weeks
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Discount available for Intensive III alumni!
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The Alarm Spectrum
Offered by Tamara Strijack
Wednesdays from 9:30 am - 11:00 am Pacific
Oct 30 to Dec 4, 2024
$200 | Runs for 6 weeks
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Early-bird discount:
Save 10% until Oct 23, 2024
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The Winnipeg Conference
Offered by Dr. Gordon Neufeld:
Addressing the Root Causes of Anxiety in Children & Adolescence
November 18, 2024
Winnipeg, Canada & ONLINE
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Save 25% off Hirose Neufeld events with discount code: NEUFELDMEMBERS25 | |
The Vancouver Conference
Offered by Dr. Gordon Neufeld:
Stress and Trauma: An Attachment-Based Perspective
The Current Crisis of Well-Being in Our Children and Youth:
An Attachment-Based Developmental Perspective
Working with Stuck Kids: An Attachment Based Relational Perspective
Making Sense of Adolescence
November 25-27, 2024
Vancouver, Canada & ONLINE
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Save 25% off Hirose Neufeld events with discount code: NEUFELDMEMBERS25 | |
The Edmonton Conference
Offered by Dr. Gordon Neufeld:
Working with Violent and Aggressive Children & Youth
Keeping Children Safe in a Wounding World:
A Fresh and Surprising Approach
Dec 2 & Dec 4, 2024
Edmonton, Canada & ONLINE
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Save 25% off Hirose Neufeld events with discount code: NEUFELDMEMBERS25
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Prague Conference
Offered by Body Mind Unity
May 16 - 18, 2025
Warsaw Conference
Offered by The Neufeld Institute
May 22 & 23, 2025
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Gordon Neufeld, Tamara Strijack and Deborah MacNamara will be speaking at a conference in Prague in May, and will be travelling to Warsaw the following week, where they will be joined by European faculty: Jule Epp from Berlin, Urška Žugelj from Slovenia and Joanna Bylinka (our Polish Director who will be hosting the event) for a two day European conference on the theme of attachment rituals: “Weaving a tapestry of togetherness.” This is a unique opportunity to gather together in person! We hope you can join us. (More details to come soon. Also note that this in-person conference will be in addition to [not replacing] the annual online conference in April.) | | | | |