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The Connecticut State Department of Education has released their updated Guidelines for the Practice of School Psychology
The twenty-first century has proven to be both a time of great opportunity and challenges for the youth of today. To help students navigate the educational process, we must provide opportunities that are diverse and provide resources that enhance their experiences within the school environment and beyond.
Connecticut's Four Priority Areas for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds 
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) is proud of how our Connecticut school communities continue to navigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how students, families, and staff, have adapted to the changing and evolving approach to education during this time. 
IEE at Public Expense Flow Chart
The administrator responsible for special education in the student’s school district can help a parent navigate this process. Additional assistance can be accessed at the Bureau of Special Education and Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center.
Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development 
There are many ways you can help your child learn to understand and use words.

Please visit our YouTube channel where you will find recordings of online workshops and Zoom sessions in English and Spanish.
Address: 338 Main Street
Niantic, CT 06357
Phone: (860) 739-3089