
Welcome to our December 2022 Newsletter!

Earlier this month, the County Council and County Executive took their oaths of office and were officially installed into office. I am looking forward to continuing to serve the residents of Howard County for the next four years!

As we head into the winter, I want to wish you a very happy and bright holiday season. There are many wonderful events happening in Howard County to celebrate the holidays, and I hope you are able to take some time to build community with friends, family, and neighbors this season.

Please don't hesitate to contact my office if you are experiencing any issues in your community or would just like to get in touch. We are here to help with your concerns and listen to your feedback.

Wishing you a safe, happy, and healthy December!

Yours in service,
Christiana Rigby
Councilwoman, District 3

December 13, 2022
Council Installation
On December 5th, the County Council was officially installed for our next term in office!

In my Installation speech, I highlighted the important of building shared purpose in our community to tackle the pressing challenges of our time.

The next term of the County Council will be one of the most consequential periods in our county history, and I am committed to working with you to build a shared vision for our future.

You can watch my full Installation remarks here.
December Legislative Update
After our installation ceremony, the Council sat for a brief Legislative Session to appoint Council officers for the 2023 legislative year. I am happy to share that I will was elected to serve as County Council Chairperson for the upcoming legislative year. As we prepare for the year ahead, I look forward to working with my colleagues to conduct efficient legislative meetings as we prepare to take on substantial items this year, including the annual budget and the approval of Howard County's next General Plan.

The full office appointments are detailed below:
County Council Chairperson
Christiana Rigby

County Council Vice-Chairperson
Deb Jung

Zoning Board Chairperson
Liz Walsh

Zoning Board Vice-Chairperson
Dr. Opel Jones
Liquor Board Chairperson
David Yungmann

Liquor Board Vice-Chairperson
Dr. Opel Jones

MACo Representative
Deb Jung

NACo Representative
Deb Jung
News, Events, and Updates
Join our D3 Team!
Our District 3 office has a bittersweet announcement to share. Our District Aide, Felix Facchine, will be leaving our Council Office in December as he transitions to a new role. I am so grateful for his dedication to our District 3 community and his service these last four years.

I am currently hiring to fill the District Aide position in my office. Are you interested in working in local government and joining our dynamic team?

You can find a job description by visiting our County Jobs website. You can apply through the County's portal or by sending your resume and cover letter to me at [email protected].
Draft General Plan Release
The full draft of Howard County's next General Plan, HoCo By Design, was recently released! This draft is the culmination of over 2.5 years of community engagement and work from our Department of Planning and Zoning.

The draft is now open for review and public comment through January 16, 2023. You can read the draft plan and provide your feedback by visiting HoCo By Design's website.
FY24 Residents' Budget Hearing
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball will hold his first Residents’ Budget Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget cycle on Wednesday, December 21st at 6:00pm.

The budget hearing provides residents with an opportunity to give their input on Howard County's budget priorities for the upcoming year.

You can sign up to participate in the budget hearing and provide testimony by visiting the County Executive's Budget hearing website. The hearing will be conducted virtually.
Bollman Bridge Lighting
On December 3rd, I was thrilled to join residents in Savage for the annual Bollman Bridge Lighting at Savage Mill and the annual Tree Lighting hosted by the Savage Community Association!

The Bollman Bridge lighting is one of my favorite events of the holiday season, and it was wonderful to see so many of our neighbors come together in community to celebrate together.
Shop Small this Season!
In November, I visited small businesses across Howard County to encourage our neighbors to shop small for the holidays. For every $100 spent at a small business, approximately $68 stays in our local economy.

This holiday season, I hope you will consider shopping local at some of our incredible small businesses, especially in Savage Mill and Old Ellicott City.
Howard County Kwanzaa Celebration
Join the Howard County Office of Human Rights and Equity on Wednesday, December 28th for a celebration of Kwanzaa at the Harriet Tubman Cultural Center!

Doors open at 5:30 PM. During this event, you can a tour the newly-opened Harriet Tubman Cultural Center, support local vendors, and let your children explore the Kwanzaa themed kid's corner.

The Kwanzaa program begins at 6:00 PM and will be followed by a reception. You can find more information and reserve tickets on this Kwanzaa event page.
The 3rd Holiday Bazaar
Visit The 3rd for their Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, December 17th from 1pm - 5pm!

Located at the Downtown Lakefront Columbia, The 3rd will be hosting a holiday bazaar where you can shop local for some last minute gifts, support women-of-color owned businesses, attend a wreath-making workshop, and more!

For more information, visit The 3rd's event page.
Holiday Lights in the Courtyard
The Columbia Association is holding “Holiday Lights in the Courtyard” at the Other Barn on Saturday, December 17th from 4pm to 8pm!

Walk through the courtyard of the Other Barn decorated with beautiful light displays and festive decorations while enjoying a cup of hot cocoa and picking up a kid’s craft bag! While this is a free event, please consider bringing a donation for the Oakland Mills High School.

To learn more about this event, visit the Columbia Association's website.
Symphony of Lights
Check out another classic Howard County holiday tradition! The Merriweather Symphony of Lights is back for another year.

Now through January 1, 2023, drive (or on select nights, walk!) through the beautiful moving and stationary light displays all around Merriweather Post Pavilion to celebrate the holiday season!

Tickets for a general drive through are $20 and a portion of proceeds go towards HoCo General Hospital. You can learn more and book tickets by visiting the Symphony of Light's website.
Christiana's Climate Corner
Welcome to Christiana's Climate Corner, the section of our monthly newsletter where I share updates on environmental and sustainability efforts in Howard County, including information on legislation, events, and opportunities for you to support sustainability efforts in our community!
Harvest Heap and Merry Mulch!

Thank you to everyone who composted their pumpkins this Fall. According to the Office of Community Sustainability, over 8,000 pounds of pumpkins were diverted from the landfill and turned into compost instead!

As you put up (and eventually take down) your holiday trees this winter, please consider composting your trees once you are ready to retire them. Howard County's "Merry Mulch" program helps divert thousands of holiday trees from the landfills every year. You can learn more about how and where to compost your holiday trees by visiting DPW's Merry Mulching website.
Share your environmental priorities for Howard County!

As Howard County continues to develop our next General Plan, called HoCo By Design, our office is soliciting community feedback on environmental priorities and policy goals for the General Plan.

The General Plan will contain a draft chapter on environmental protection, which is titled Ecological Health (formerly called Life Outdoors).

Please consider reading the Ecological Health chapter and then completing a short survey to share your feedback with me on your top environmental & climate priorities in the General Plan!
COVID-19 Information
Bivalent Booster Shots Available

The Howard County Health Department is offering the updated Omicron-specific (Bivalent) booster shots.

Appointments are available at the Howard County Health Department's website. Vaccines is also available at local pharmacies, urgent care centers, and retail stores. You can visit the Maryland Vaccine Locater to find a vaccination location convenient to you.

Not sure if you are eligible for a booster shot? You can check your eligibility by visiting the CDC's website.

COVID-19 Testing

The Howard County Health Department and our private partners are continuing to offer COVID-19 tests across Howard County on a regular basis. If you would like to get tested, please visit the Health Department's website for a list of nearby testing clinics and locations.
Community Resources

District 3 Pre-Submission Meetings
There are currently no community pre-submission meetings scheduled in District 3.
Stay Connected with Christiana!
Christiana Rigby
Councilwoman, District 3

Colette Gelwicks
Special Assistant

Felix Facchine
District Aide
