Check out the updated vision for the future of the Jordan River!

Envision Utah and the Jordan River Commission have just released the "Blueprint Jordan River Refresh"—a community-supported vision for the future of the Jordan River.

The Jordan River flows over 50 miles through Utah’s population and economic center—the Wasatch Front. Recognizing the hidden potential of the river despite its degradation over the last century, Envision Utah, Salt Lake County, and numerous other community leaders came together in 2008 to generate a unified vision.

From March through October 2020, Envision Utah conducted extensive public engagement to measure how Utahns’ perceptions, concerns, ideas, and interests for the Jordan River Parkway have changed over the last 10+ years. Over 8,000 people contributed their thoughts and ideas to the refreshed vision for the Jordan River Parkway in focus groups, online meetings, and an online survey.

Utahns envision a parkway that contains pleasant natural areas and a healthily functioning river that provides quality habitat for wildlife; is safe, clean, and well-maintained; and offers great recreation, leisure, and educational opportunities in natural and improved settings from lake to lake. Further, they see a parkway that supports physical and mental health and that makes stewards and advocates of its visitors.

Check out the "Blueprint Jordan River Refresh" today →

Mark your calendar for the 2022 Vroom + Waffles Breakfast!

Come join Envision Utah and the Utah early childhood community at the Vroom + Waffles Breakfast!

Envision Utah’s Early Learning Project continues to connect with parents and families around the state to share the importance of early brain development and Vroom as an incredible brain-building tool. 

First Lady Abby Cox shares our enthusiasm for early learning and will be our keynote speaker at the 2022 Vroom + Waffles Breakfast. Together with the wonderful people at Help Me Grow Utah and the Salt Lake County Library System, we’re thrilled to put on this wonderful event again this year. 

November 9, 2022

9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

(The brand new) Granite Library

3331 S 500 E, South Salt Lake, UT 84106


RSVP using the button above to come see what’s happening at the beautiful brand-new Granite Library and grab some breakfast! You'll also meet Utah’s First Lady Abby Cox and hear her thoughts on the importance of early childhood learning for Utah kids.

Check out the complete Your Utah, Your Futures Podcast Series on Housing in Utah!

Whether you're currently a homeowner, looking to buy a home, or even a renter, we've all felt the impacts of the current housing shortage and affordability crisis facing our state. That's why Envision Utah sat down with experts across the state for a three-part series on housing that dives into how our market got to where it is today and the steps we should take moving forward. 

PART ONE: Tune in as we look at the historic trends that have led to our housing deficit, the natural constraints facing housing development, the impact of resident opposition, labor and supply shortage as a result of Covid-19, and the influence of our state’s growth on the housing market.


PART TWO: Tune in to learn about the  two most important principles we can follow to ensure that every Utahn can find affordable housing in communities they want to be a part of: the how and where of what we build. Dive into housing variety, transit-oriented communities, and centers — and we’ll even look at a city that’s putting these solutions into practice while still preserving the single-family character of its neighborhoods. 


PART THREE: In the final episode, we dive into some of the strategies we can pursue, and those already in place, to make sure there is affordable and stable housing for all Utahns, even those with incomes that can’t keep up with the housing market. We also talk with the experts about what happens when we don't have enough affordable housing: gentrification and displacement. We'll talk about what those two processes are, why they happen, and how we can address them moving forward with our housing solutions. 


Join the Envision Utah team

Envision Utah is hiring! We're looking for a Development Director to join our team.

Think you would be a good fit? Send us an application!

In the News

The Salt Lake Tribune

Facing new challenges and new priorities, the 2008 river plan needed an update. Check out the completed "Blueprint Jordan River Refresh" released by Envision Utah. Understanding and approaching issues along the Jordan River can enhance the life of the Great Salt Lake.

The original "Blueprint Jordan River" aimed to clean up the river and led to the creation of the Jordan River Commission. The planning nonprofit Envision Utah and the Jordan River Commission began an update of the blueprint through a series of surveys in 2020, collecting input from more than 8,000 people. 

The Salt Lake Tribune

While some homebuyers are gaining a new house on a quarter-acre lot with a view, Utah is losing some of its best ground for growing fruit. It’s hard to say for sure how many orchards have been lost through the years. Envision Utah reported 14,000 acres in fruit production in 1987, but only 6,000 acres in production by 2006.

Support Envision Utah

For 25 years, Envision Utah has brought Utahns together to tackle some of the biggest challenges related to growth — and you have made that happen. But whether we’re talking about air quality, water use, transportation, education, disaster resilience, or a host of other issues, there’s more work to be done. When you support Envision Utah, you’re helping to create a bright future for our state.

Thank you for your support!

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