Christian HELP has been preventing homelessness for 30 years, and we believe it is time to celebrate stories like Stephanie's!
Like many neighbors, Stephanie lost her job with a major bank as COVID hit our community. She is a young, single mother, confident in her abilities, but she didn't know where those abilities could take her. She had only known the banking industry and wasn't aware of how else her skills could help another business.
Stephanie turned to Christian HELP. She worked diligently with her career coach, updating her resume and refining her elevator speech. Stephanie also learned about and identified other industries where her skills could open doors.
Soon, Stephanie was applying for a wider variety of positions. It took some time and perseverance, but Stephanie found a job with a credit company as a card services representative. In addition to diversifying her career and providing a steady income, the new job gave her the flexibility to care for her son.
These are the kind of stories your support has created for 30 years.
This is why we want to celebrate with you!
On Saturday, September 10th, we're hosting a birthday party, "Fore Our Families," at Top Golf in Lake Mary, and you're invited! This is the first event we've been able to host since 2019, and we can't wait to see you again!
It doesn't matter whether or not you golf. There will be great food and a family-friendly atmosphere, with all proceeds funding Christian HELP's programs preventing homelessness in our community.
What could be better than a fun evening for a great cause?
Click below for information on tickets
and sponsorship opportunities.