“I am as I am in the

eyes of God. Nothing

more, nothing less.

— Francis of Assisi

“Where there is peace

and meditation, there is neither anxiety nor doubt.

— Francis of Assisi

October 4, 2024

Wishing You Peace on

this Feast of St. Francis

Born into a life of luxury, Francis of Assisi did the unthinkable — cast off extravagance to live the simplest of lives, opening his heart and hands to the poor and relishing in God’s gifts of nature. He was a rebel of sorts, infuriating his wealthy father, renouncing his inheritance, promoting peace, and withdrawing from external influences. His only bride was Lady Poverty, as he worked relentlessly at Christ’s request to physically and spiritually rebuild the Church.


In their lives and ministries, our Sisters embrace Francis’ way of life by leading simple lives, taking vows of poverty, and — whenever and wherever possible — responding to those in need. They reuse, they recycle, and delight in the simplest pleasures. This means not only limiting tangible things, but also drowning out the unnecessary noise of life, rejecting any distractions from the work at hand.


Today, it is our wish that you, too, may drown out the noise and distractions in your world to find peace in simplicity, in family, in friends, and in your spirituality. We have shared the Peace Prayer of St. Francis below for inspiration.


Peace Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE.

Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE.

Where there is injury, PARDON.

Where there is doubt, FAITH.

Where there is despair, HOPE.

Where there is darkness, LIGHT.

Where there is sadness, JOY.

O Divine Master, grant that I may seek not so much to be consoled as to CONSOLE;

to be understood as to UNDERSTAND; to be loved as to LOVE.

For it is in GIVING that we receive;

it is in PARDONING that we are pardoned; and

it is in dying that we are born to ETERNAL LIFE.

Printable Prayer

Share in the Feast of St. Francis with Us

In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis, our Sisters welcome you to stop by our Franciscan Resource Center in Pittsburgh anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. TODAY (Friday, October 4) for refreshments and conversation. The FRC is located at 1023 West View Park Drive, Pittsburgh PA 15229. No RSVP is necessary, and all are welcome.