Our CSA vegetable shares are 10% off through December!

On January 1, 2025, they will go back to reular price...

Only until December 31, 2024, can you take advantage of our CSA 10% off sale!

If you haven't signed up yet, now is the time! Not sure what to get your aunt and uncle for Christmas? How about a summer's worth of fresh, local vegetables and fruit! Grandma would love one too! Think about your adult children-wouldn't it be nice for them to come home from work and have a box of fresh vegetables to make for dinner?

Get 10 or more of your neighbors, co workers, or family members to sign up, and we will deliver to one convenient location for free!

If you've never tried our CSA, what are you waiting for? If you've been a member before, you know what a great deal this is!

If your Holiday plans include charitable contributions, think about donating a share or two to a local food bank, or local veterans. They are always so grateful for the gift of fresh vegetables.

Log onto

today, and complete your Holiday shopping with Pleasant Valley Gardens!

(We still have many beautiful trees left, along with swags, and roping. We also have plenty of lovely gift ideas for teachers, gift swaps, and hostesses in our farm stand! Open 10-6 Tuesday-Saturday and 9-4 Sundays until Christmas, or until the trees sell out! And all trees and Holiday decor is also 10% off!!)