October 2024


Olivia Dickey ~ Interim Principal (

Joe DeSalvo ~ Counselor (

Brandy Guasta ~ Counselor (

Deanna Bellino ~ Secretary (

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From the Office

Student Hours: 8:20-4:10

Doors Open: 8:05 am

*Please do not drop your students off before 8:05 am. There is no supervision outside until 8:05 am. Thank you for helping us keep students safe.

*All students need to enter through the left front door in the morning. Visitors enter through the right front door. All visitors must present a valid ID before entering the building.

Thank you!

Office is Open: 8:05 to 4:25

From Mr. Royer
A reminder from the PE department.  Students need to have correct shoes on the two days a week that they have PE.  Classes will be running the track this month and proper shoes are important.  Thank you!

Picture Retakes

Tuesday, October 22nd

Apple Day Parade

Saturday, October 5th

  • Students arrive at 10:15 AM at PES
  • Parade starts at 10:30 AM
  • Pick students up at PES by 10:50 AM

Only students who have turned in their permission slip may ride on a float.

Thursday, October 17th 12:30-7:30

  • 12:00 PM Early release for K-6th grades
  • Sack lunch will be served

Friday, October 18th


Teachers will be sending home sign up sheets for conferences soon.

Our Awards Assembly will be held on Thursday, October 17th

3rd-6th Grades: 9:00-9:30

1st-2nd Grades: 9:45-10:15

Teachers will send invites home/ message families with students who have earned an award.

Scholastic Book Fair!

You can almost smell that new book excitement! It's Scholastic Book Fair time! During conferences (Oct. 17-18), come experience the limitless possibilities with your child. Every purchase supports our school. 

Have Something to Report?
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community!

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