November 1, 2021
Dear friends,
This morning, I woke up to a beautiful morning here in Maine, with words from our Lament with Earth event last week ringing in my head: I am not alone. We are not alone. These lines, sung and spoken by the wonderful artists of The Many, were a deep reminder that we are united in this earth community, in our sorrows and our joys, and that we have rich veins of connection from which to draw energy for our work.
These words feel particularly resonant today, as the first day of the COP26 Summit gets underway in Glasgow, Scotland. Over the next two weeks, leaders from across the globe and from many realms – political, scientific, faith, and community organizations – will gather to seek to address the stunning speed at which the impacts of climate change are progressing. There is so much sobering news, and so much for us to lament. Though there is much imagination around possibilities for a healthy, whole earth and the flourishing of all beings, I know that these world gatherings can feel like an exercise in what if, followed quickly by so many bureaucratic hurdles. Our hopes are raised, only to be repeatedly disappointed.
And yet, as people of faith, we long for healing for the whole earth community. There are two things which are accompanying me in this longing – the robust response of faith communities to the COP26 Summit and the work of The BTS Center and organizations like it. Over the coming two weeks, we’ll seek to share some of the work being done behind the scenes at COP26 as a way of engaging beyond just the headlines. I’d also encourage you to share with us – through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or just by sending us an email – how you’re feeling about the COP26 gathering and what you’re doing to keep yourself grounded in these days.
I also hope you will be inspired by the work of The BTS Center’s Research Collaborative, highlighted below, and draw inspiration from this year’s Convocation, the resources from which are linked in this newsletter. And finally, I hope you will join us for some of our programming this autumn, including Stillpoint (starting this week!), our next Lament with Earth event on December 9, and a public conversation with Words for a Dying World editor Hannah Malcolm and contributor Anupama Ranawana on December 16.
May the longing lead us forward into a brighter, more sustainable, and more just future for all.
All the best,
Rev. Ash Temin
Communications Manager, The BTS Center
Research Collaborative Goes Live with Opening Retreat
This past weekend we officially launched our long-awaited and much-anticipated Research Collaborative, a program that has been in formation for nearly a year. With this project, we are convening a multi-sector group of leaders from organizations across northern New England who together will explore the question, “How would organizations act differently today if they embodied an ecological imagination?”
On Friday and Saturday, the cohort gathered for their opening retreat — part 1 on Friday afternoon via Zoom, and part 2, originally scheduled to be in person, outdoors, but relocated to Zoom due to rainy, cold weather. These sessions, facilitated by The BTS Center's Program Director, Rev. Nicole Diroff, and one of our Research Collaborative Consultant Advisors, Amara Ifeji, included time for individual and organizational introductions; opportunities to share hopes, intentions, and burning questions as organizations and as individuals; and reflection on what it means to cultivate an ecological imagination that might transform existing paradigms of organizational life in response to an era of climate devastation.
This is important work, because we believe that climate devastation is not merely a problem for scientists and activists, but a symptom of the foundational cultural and spiritual structures of our society. If systems like consumer capitalism, industrial modernity, and colonial domination are the root causes of our current crisis, then every organization has something important to offer in this moment. We are excited to gather organizational partners who share our hope for a new way of embodying the best version of ourselves in response to our planet’s deep need, and who reflect the earth’s wisdom in their day-to-day life and work. We believe these learnings will be foundational as we focus our programmatic attention on spiritual leadership for a climate-changed world.
Reflecting on the opening retreat, The BTS Center's Director of Applied Research, Ben Yosua-Davis, says, "We are blessed with an extraordinarily thoughtful, engaged, and open-hearted group of leaders who are willing to engage with the often-messy process of imagining new ways of being for themselves and the communities they lead. I am thankful that I will get to document this incredible learning process over the next year."
Learn more about the Research Collaborative here.
Music and other resources from Convocation 2021 now available
One month ago today, we wrapped up our 2021 Convocation, a 116-year tradition of The BTS Center and our predecessor, Bangor Theological Seminary. On September 30 and October 1, many of you gathered with us for nine different sessions — seven online and two self-guided offline — with times of singing and ritual, a brilliant keynote speaker, a two-part conversation with four deeply thoughtful conversationalists, a series of “Dig Deeper” breakout sessions, a hilarious and moving evening of Climate Change Theatre Action, special presentations by partners, and profound sharing from scholars and activists and artists and authors and musicians and organizers and spiritual leaders.
The participants' page is still available here, and we encourage you to make use of it. Here are a few highlights:
Convocation 2021 Theme Song: The Soil
You asked for it, and we're so happy to deliver!
If you attended Convocation 2021, you'll remember some really sacred moments as our Convocation music leader, Pax Ressler, shared their original song, "The Soil," commissioned by The BTS Center especially for this year's Convocation — "We Are God's Soil: Spiritual Leadership in a Climate-Changed World."
Several of you have asked for sheet music, and with special thanks to Pax, now it's available — and not only sheet music, but a lead sheet, a lyrics sheet, and an mp3 recording — all free for download here.
You are welcome to use this song in a congregational setting. We'd be grateful for a nod to The BTS Center and musician Pax Ressler.
Several other Convocation songs written by Pax Ressler, including "Use Me", "Before Me Is Peace", and "I Will Wade", are available at this link on Pax's website — donations appreciated.
Weekly facilitated online groups exploring ecological grief
Our work
Immerse in mourning
Inhale distilled sorrow
Become an alchemist
Convert loss into love.
― Rebecca del Rio
Six sessions on Wednesdays
November 3 – December 8, 2021
4:30-5:15 pm (Eastern) • via Zoom
$30 Cohort participant fee
* In order to make this program accessible to all, we have scholarships available. If this would be helpful to you, please select the $0 payment option.
We know from experience the power of gathering in small groups, and so we are offering Stillpoint — weekly, facilitated online groups designed to “tune in, and touch in” to the ecological and climate losses we are all experiencing, but not necessarily expressing. What are the losses you need to mourn? What are the tears you need to shed?
We do this so we may have company in our grief, share rituals and practices that help us to move through these feelings — and so rededicate ourselves to the work of planetary healing and health.
Whether these are familiar feelings for you which you have held inside for lack of a place to express them, or are just becoming aware of these often-unfamiliar emotions, we invite you to join us. We'll be offering these in cohorts of 6 weekly sessions, following on, or leading up, to one of the Lament for Earth events.
- Wednesday, November 3, 2021
- Wednesday, November 10, 2021
- Wednesday, November 17, 2021
- Wednesday, November 24, 2021
- Wednesday, December 1, 2021
- Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Note: We are planning three other Stillpoint cohorts for Jan.-Feb., March-April and May-June, days and times TBD.
Our mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership. We offer theologically grounded programs of continuing education and spiritual formation, including workshops and retreats, learning cohorts, public conversations, and projects of applied research.