
Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM PST
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Amy Lenzo & Michaela Sieh 
The World Cafe Community Foundation 

The Transformative Power of Conversation

"To be in a field with magic in the middle

transforms those that make up the field."

~ Finn Voldtofte

Transformation has many ways of showing itself: sometimes it can happen over time, in small, baby steps; sometimes it comes all at once, as a profound shift in perspective. It can come in a blinding insight, or in a slow evolution of thought or practice.

Finn's work on the transformative power of conversation has deeply shaped the development of World Cafe, and in thinking about a theme for the November Community World Cafe, we felt it might be time to sit with Finn's inquiry together, as a global community.

So this month we invite you to join colleagues all over the world in sharing our experience and what we've learned through conversations that have transformed us, our life, and our work in one of the November "Transformational Conversation" Community Cafes.

The Americas-Europe Community Cafe will be on

Thursday, November 17th
10 - 12:30 Pacific Time | 1 - 3:30 Eastern Time
7 - 9:30 Central European Time


This online Community Cafe is part of an ongoing series we host every month with and for the World Cafe community and for the larger Central Garden of participatory practices. 

Fee: Sliding scale ($5 - $20). Let us know if the cost is a challenge. These Community Cafes are for everyone, and always free to Community Table subscribers: please use the code that you will find in the Community Table calendar.