New from the National Responsible
Fatherhood Clearinghouse! 
Happy Holidays from the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse! Thank you for connecting with us over this past year through our newsletters, webinars, the website, and in other ways. We are grateful for each individual, practitioner, and organization that we have had the privilege to collaborate with and to serve. We hope you have a happy and safe holiday and we look forward to continuing to connect with you in 2023!
December has been designated as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Month to bring awareness to the mood changes and depression that are often felt during the fall and winter months. 10 million Americans are estimated to experience symptoms of SAD each year, including weight gain, drowsiness, social withdrawal, inability to focus, and feelings of helplessness. SAD is believed to be caused by a reduction in serotonin levels due to fewer daylight hours. This can alter body chemistry and cause depression. The disorder has also been compounded in recent years by pervasive external factors, the most notable being the COVID-19 pandemic and the stresses that has brought to families.
If you or others you know are experiencing SAD symptoms, it is important to seek help from your doctor or a medical professional to accurately find solutions for recovery. A diagnosis of SAD can be made after careful examination by a mental health professional. A doctor could determine the best medicine and routine to correct the disorder or assess if its related to a chemical imbalance. Even if there is not an official diagnosis, there are natural remedies to counteract seasonal depression:
  • Sunlight Exposure – Take a walk outside or sit in front of a sunny window for a few minutes a day. Sunlight can boost serotonin levels and overall mood.
  • Maintain Healthy Diet and Exercise – Eating healthy foods and being active can improve how people feel daily, reduce the possibility of weight gain, improve cognitive performance, and help with depression. Try eating foods such as rolled oats porridge, quinoa, carrots that curb carbohydrate cravings and salmon or fish oil supplements that provide high levels of Omega 3-fatty acids. Exercise relaxes the body and produces endorphins to relieve stress.
  • Set a Sleep Schedule – As seasons change, the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, is affected by changes in sunlight hours. The disruption to the body’s natural clock often results in oversleeping or in a lack of sleep. To balance the disruption, set a schedule of when to go to bed and when to wake up. This action will regulate the body’s clock.
For Dads
While women are four times more likely to be diagnosed with SAD than men, men are less likely to speak up or report feelings of depression so male depression often goes undiagnosed. It is important to recognize that mental health is a key component to one’s well-being and quality of life. Here are some tips to help cope with symptoms:
  • Be Patient. Try to be patient and stay positive. Setting realistic goals and maintaining healthy routines will result in gradual improvement of your mood.
  • Seek Support. Do not be afraid to seek emotional support from family members or trusted individuals. Making social connections can help you learn new strategies on how to deal with depression.
  • Engage in Activities. Engage in hobbies or activities that you enjoy, to help take your mind off stress triggers and negative thoughts. Socializing with family and friends can also improve your comfort and mood. 

We are available by phone.
If you need resources or support, give us a call on our
Parent Help Line at 1-877-4-DAD-411 (1-877-432-3411).
For Programs
Practitioners can help fathers and their families deal with any SAD symptoms by providing information and resources about healthy practices and coping strategies. Be open to discussing mental health and depression with dads. Discussing these topics can establish a strong, trusting relationship where dads are comfortable talking about their emotions. Practitioners and their programs can also:
  • Encourage dads to remain active and maintain a healthy diet throughout the fall and winter seasons. It is common to be more sedentary during the fall and winter, but diet and exercise are great natural ways to combat SAD symptoms.
  • Share resources to help dads find a licensed therapist so they can talk through any problems they are facing. Therapy will allow dads to recognize their moods and how to remedy negative thoughts.
Disclaimer: Reference to specific products, services, or companies does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), or the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse. ACF is not responsible for the contents of “off-site” web page references or for any private, third-party, pop-up, or browser-integrated software or applications.
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Our Mission: The goals of the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse are to provide, facilitate, and disseminate current research and proven and innovative strategies that will encourage and strengthen fathers and families and providers of services. 

Our Resources: Visit the NRFC website for fatherhood topics and tools, news, and new publications, which can be found through the NRFC online library search
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