Volume 4, Issue 10 | December 2024

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As the year draws to a close, December offers a special opportunity to reflect on the importance of belonging and community within our classrooms and schools. Creating spaces where every student feels seen, valued, and connected is more than just a goal—it's the foundation for meaningful learning and growth.

In our first article, Chris reflects on her powerful trip to Nepal. She shared more about CEI’s Cultivating Happiness initiative and her work with local school communities to integrate yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. In our second article, Meghan looks at some transformative leaders in the field of education and shares how Drs. Owen and Mason’s forthcoming book can help educators begin their own journey towards change. In our third article, Hallie explores the impact of homelessness on learning and ways schools and leaders can better support these students and make them feel valued and seen.

Featured Articles

Steps to Compassion

Christine Mason, CEI Founder and Senior Scholar

I’ve just returned from two weeks in Nepal, which included sessions with schools and yoga teachers, visits to temples and historic sites, and a three-day trek to the Panchase base camp. A journey of a lifetime – deeply inhaling Himalayan air as I gazed out over lush tropical vegetation with carefully manicured terraces – and continuing to climb higher and higher.

Cultivating Happiness in Nepal 

While I sought adventure, I was also there to learn and share about CEI’s Cultivating Happiness initiative. One of my takeaways was a deep sense of stillness and peace from this high-elevation experience, and even a profound sense of being blessed with this opportunity. (My utmost thanks to Lata Tulachan, my yogi connection who helped me to manifest 14 days in Nepal, this “land of the Gods.”) And, moreover, a realization that CEI’s five Cs (consciousness, compassion, courage, confidence, and community) were equally relevant to both my journey and also the Nepalese people.

Kathmandu, founded in 723, is one of the oldest cities with continual habitation in the world. With a population of 1.6 million, it is not only an art and economic center for Nepal, but also the governmental seat. Filled with temples and rich with cultural diversity, it is a maze of congested alleyways, with what can seem like more motorcycles than people. Interestingly, Balendra Shaha, the current mayor, has helped to clean up the city, and despite its age, Kathmandu is almost dust-free and far greener, with improved sanitation and waste management compared to the past (Poudel, 2023)...

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Transformative Leaders in Education

Meghan Wenzel, CEI Co-Editor

We are in a new era of rapid change and turmoil. Experts call this a VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous – world (Bennett & Lemoine, 2014). Educators find themselves in a difficult spot, in the middle of mounting tensions and conflicting parties. Educators aim to prepare children for the future, but what will that future look like? Critical thinking, adaptability, resilience, creativity, lifelong learning, and digital and media literacy are key. 

To meet these lofty goals and prepare students to live meaningful, fulfilling lives and positively contribute to their communities, we need transformative leaders. Instead of incremental change, we have the opportunity to fundamentally rethink things – our systems, our processes, our goals – from the bottom up. As Drs. Rene Owen, CEI’s Associate Deputy Director Western Region and an Assistant Professor at Southern Oregon University, and Chris Mason remind us, transformation is different from improvement. “Improvement within our current systems will continue to give us more of the same results we already have, including more of the negative results” (Owen & Mason, in press).  

Transformational leaders inspire and guide people and organizations to achieve significant change, often by challenging the status quo, setting a compelling vision, fostering collaboration, and empowering others to take action...

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Homelessness and Learning: How to Support and Identify Students

Hallie Williams, CEI Research Assistant

Although overused, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides an essential truth: basic needs must be met before higher-level ones can (Maslow & Lewis, 1987). Students experiencing homelessness or unsteady housing must satisfy their basic physiological needs before they can learn and grow effectively at school.

Public schools reported 1.2 million PreK-12 students were experiencing homelessness during the 2021-2022 school year, a 10% increase over the previous year (SchoolHouse Connection, 2024) and roughly 2.5% of all public-school students (National Center for Education Statistics, 2024).

Identifying student homelessness is challenging because it can be difficult for these students to enroll in and attend school. Issues with detection muddle efforts by local, state, and federal education authorities to support these students. Conservative estimates suggest at least 34% of student homelessness goes undetected (Thompson, 2024), so the actual number may be closer to 2.5 to 3 million or 5% of public-school students (Bassuk et al., 2014).

In 2023, the number of families staying in homeless shelters or visibly unsheltered increased by 16%, while the number of unaccompanied youths staying in homeless shelters or visibly unsheltered increased by 15% (SchoolHouse Connection, 2024)...

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The Compassionate School Leadership Academy

Are you looking to foster a more inclusive and compassionate school environment?

Learn more about the Compassionate School Leadership Academy (CSLA)! The CSLA prepares school leaders in high-need districts to implement trauma-informed practices in the classroom to meet the urgent mental health needs of American children.

Gain insight into your school culture. The CSLA is supported by a customized assessment tool—the School Compassionate Culture Analytical Tool for Educators (S-CCATE) —designed to gauge and change school cultures to ensure more equitable and compassionate school practices.

Register here.

Upcoming Events and Announcements

SEEing January Event

This online event will be January 14th from 1-2 PM EST.

Get your tickets here.

Available for Pre-Order!

Advancing Empathy and Equity in Early Childhood Education: A Leader's Guide to Little Learners, Big Hearts

Check it out and consider pre-ordering from Solution Tree here.

Our New Book!

Little Learners, Big Hearts: A Teacher’s Guide to Nurturing Empathy and Equity in Early Childhood is out now!

Buy it here

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Editors: Lauren Kiesel and Meghan Wenzel


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