September 2, 2021
Weekly Update
A Message from BFA Board President Matt Keillor
Dear Parents,

The Board of Directors works for students, parents and patrons of BFA in promoting the vision and mission of the school. As a governing board, BFA's board sets policies and has oversight over financial matters of the school while focusing on the long-term strategic direction of the school.
Following the recent issuance of Tri-County Health Department’s Public Health Order, there have been a number
of inquiries from parents regarding compliance and enforcement. The Board has communicated that BFA will comply with the Order and require face coverings for all students ages 2 and up. The Board is currently seeking information from the Tri-County Health Department regarding enforcement for noncompliance and will communicate that information in a subsequent, official communication.
Official communications regarding the Order and information related to the Board’s oversight will come from three sources: (1) the BFA website; (2) the official Ben Franklin Academy Facebook page; and/or (3) email communications from Principal Simpson. Communications from any other source or platform are not controlled or endorsed by the Board.
The Board takes bullying and harassment very seriously. As a reminder, BFA's bullying/harassment policy states:

Harassment or Bullying is any gesture or written, verbal, graphic or physical act (including electronically transmitted acts) that is reasonably perceived as being motivated by either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion. Behavior on or off school property which is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel including intimidation, hazing, bullying, or threatening will not be tolerated. 

Bullying, which is a form of harassment, where a person willingly subjects another person to an intentional, unwanted and unprovoked hurtful, verbal, electronic expression, written and/or physical action(s) or gestures which result in the victim feeling oppressed or threatened. This form of harassment has the purpose of substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance and/or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Examples or types of bullying may include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical Bullying – punching, shoving, poking, choking, hair pulling, beating, biting, tripping and pinching.
  • Verbal Bullying – such as hurtful name-calling, teasing, spreading rumors or gossip; or threats directed orally or in writing.
  • Emotional Bullying – rejecting, terrorizing, extorting, defaming, humiliating, blackmailing, rate/ranking of personal characteristics such as race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability, perceived sexual orientation, academic performance, social status.
  • Sexual Bullying – inappropriate or obscene language or gestures, touching, grabbing, pinching, or exposing private body parts.
  • Cyber-Bullying– tormenting, threatening, taunting, ranking, degrading, harassing, humiliating, or otherwise targeting a student or staff member using the Internet, including social networking sites and e-mail, interactive and digital technologies, or mobile phones or inviting others to join in these acts.
Complaints regarding bullying will be promptly and appropriately addressed. Bullying of any kind - either by students or parents - will not be tolerated. If bullying is found to have occurred, swift action will be taken in accordance with BFA’s disciplinary policy.

Thank you for taking these issues seriously and helping us maintain a culture that is conducive to learning.


Matt Keillor
Second Step Curriculum
Second Step - School to Home Connection
Supporting BFA Families and Students
Second Step® has quite a few ways to learn more about the program if you’d like expand upon what your children are learning at school. The website,, is a great place to start. The site includes the variety of programs they offer, the nonprofit behind the programs and the research and evidence to support them, as well as standards alignment charts. 

Second Step also includes tools to bridge conversations between school and home, so keep an eye out for the resources outlined below. If you have questions specific to your child’s classroom, please reach out to their classroom teacher to find out how they will be sharing this information with you.

Grades K-5
Home Links
Home Links are simple, fun activities that encourage interaction between students and their adult family members, caregivers, or other important adults. The activities give students a chance to practice Second Step skills outside of school and help families learn about the skills and use them at home.

Family Letters
Family Letters are typically sent home with each student or via email to introduce families to the program and tell them what students are learning. At the bottom of the Family Letter is a special Activation Key giving families access to the Families section of this website. Please explore those pages and try the activities with your children.

Grades 6-8, a free website for parents and their teens created by the makers of Second Step Middle School, is a great resource for middle school families. It provides expert advice and practical tools for dealing with real parent-teen issues.

DCSD Recommended Resources
Below are two resources recently shared by Douglas County School District to support all students and their families.

What is Social and Emotional Development?
This article offers an understanding of social and emotional development and highlights important skills for children to learn to help them be empowered and confident. 

Mental Health Resource of the Week
Dan Siegel - The Adolescent Brain - Check out this great video for teens and parents about what the brain is up to in adolescence and how those tasks can contribute to their wellbeing
BFA News
No School
No School Monday
There is no school on Monday, Sept. 6, as it's Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
Late Drop Off/Early Pick Up Proceedures
While we'd like all full-day students in the building by 8:10 a.m., we understand that life sometimes gets in the way of being on time for school! When students are tardy, parents must park and accompany their student inside the building to sign them in. If you have a morning appointment and your student will be arriving late to school, please email to let us know.
If you need to pick up your student early, you must do so before the front office closes for carpool at 3 p.m. You will need to park and come into the school to sign out your student. To expedite the process, you can email 
before 1:30 p.m. and let the front office know that you’ll be picking up your student early, and they will do their best to have your student ready. Please email the student’s name, grade, teacher and reason for the early departure.
BFA Directory
Nickname, New Info, Opt Out? Keep Reading!
Now that school is underway, it is time to update and add new families to the BFA directory! 

The BFA PTO uses Directory on Tap for our online school directory. It's an incredibly handy resource, that contains each family's class roster(s) and contact information, as well as the entire BFA directory. Directory on Tap is an app-based online directory. The free app is available for download through the App Store and Google Play, simply search for: Directory on Tap (DoT). Once this year’s directory is ready, you will receive an email from DoT with your one-time password. This year's directory will be available the week of September 27.

If you would like to update your family's information for the directory or opt out, you need to act today! You have until Friday, Sept. 17, to do the following:

  1. If your child goes by a nickname or shortened name, contact:
  2. If you have recently moved or changed an email address or cell number, update your information in the Douglas County School District database AND email the school registrar at:
  3. Go to the following site and complete the online form if you DO NOT want any or all of your personal information listed in the directory. You may OPT OUT completely, or partially, by filling out this form. If you take no action, your information will be included in the BFA Directory.

If you have questions, please contact Janelle Nichols, PTO vice-president.
Hot Lunch
Nutrition Services Needs Your Help
Please do not send lunches in glass containers or send glass water bottles to school. We understand it’s much healthier than plastic, but unfortunately, it also creates an unsafe situation when it breaks. There are lots of stainless steel options online if you’re worried about plastic containers. Thanks for your understanding.

Nutrition Services is hiring for BFA! Click here to view the job posting or reach out to Ryan Repplinger, DCSD executive chef.

And, thank you for sending your student(s) to school with their water bottle. Nutrition Services has received a shipment of water bottles, but it’s a good idea to continue sending a water bottle with your student(s).
Music Notes
Musical Choir, Band and Orchestra Opportunities
Musical Choir starts in two weeks! Students in grades 2-8 can join the choir and will learn the basics of singing, public speaking and performing as they prepare the riser musical Secret Santa. More information and sign ups here.

Students in grades 4-8 interested in band or orchestra click here. (Please note, the flier says grades 4-6, but this program IS offered to grades 7 and 8 at BFA.)
spirit wear
Time to Get New/Updated Spirit Wear
The PTO's store for spirit wear and spirit items is open and will remain open through Oct. 9. You can shop for all your BFA gear including logo-ed t-shirts, hoodies, baseball caps, masks and gaiters in youth and adult sizes, desktop calendars, and more! Make sure your kids have sweatshirts for chilly classrooms and fleece jackets or vests for recess. Find all your items at MySchoolBucks. Please note that some items may be temporarily out of stock/on backorder. If you are trying to order an item that is currently out of stock, please check back periodically to see if your item has been restocked.

Orders will be delivered and sent home through your child's classroom. Masks and gaiters are not returnable. Questions? Contact Jacqui Condon, PTO Spirit Wear chair.
Community Events
Attend CEC Meeting Tonight
The Community Events Committee (CEC) welcomes everyone to their next meeting beginning at 7 p.m. tonight, Sept. 2, at Lansdowne Arms in Highlands Ranch Town Center. They will be planning their next event, Goodies with Grandparents. Please RSVP through this SignUpGenius if you plan on attending so they can assure the proper space.

If you would like more information about the CEC or have suggestions/feedback, please email the chair, Becky Mayka at Hope to see you this evening! 
PTO Logo
Attend First PTO Meeting Next Wednesday
Join the PTO at their monthly meetings to find out more about what’s going on at BFA and get connected with other parents. Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. Their first meeting will be next Wednesday, Sept. 8, in the Sanders Science Lab.
All BFA community members are welcome to attend; in fact, attendance at meetings counts toward your family’s volunteer hours. We look forward to seeing you there!
Want to learn more about the BFA PTO? Visit their webpage.
Franklin Fest
Plan on Coming to Franklin Fest this Fall
The PTO Harvest Fest is back for 2021 with new activities, new games, and even a new name--Franklin Fest! They will have activities that test your endurance and agility, and you may even get the chance to dunk a teacher. You will be able to take on friends, or mom and dad, in giant tic tac toe, mini golf and rock climbing, so bring your ‘A-Game.’ It's sure to be a great time for kids of all ages and the whole family!
The PTO hopes you’ll join us for the activities, food, and fun from 3 - 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18, at BFA. Tickets will go on sale soon! Also, they will need many volunteers to make this event a success, so look for a Sign-up Genius to come out soon as well. 
Science Fair
Share Your Love of Science
The Elementary Science Lab could use your expertise! If you would like to talk to a class about your science passion, please contact Mrs. Ward to set something up. Following are some of the topics each grade level covers throughout the year.

If you have expertise on something not listed below, please email Mrs. Ward to see if your science knowledge would be a good fit with the curriculum.
- seasons
- 5 senses
- magnets
- plants
- human body
1st Grade:
- electricity 
- human body
- space
- Earth
- food chains/habitats
2nd Grade:
- magnets
- simple machines
- seasons
- water cycle 
- plant life cycle
- chicken life cycle
- frog life cycle
- butterfly life cycle
- insects
- human body
3rd Grade:
- animal adaptations
- human body
- light/optics
- sound/hearing
- ecosystems
4th Grade:
- matter
- chemistry
- magnets/electricity
- meteorology
- rocks/minerals
- human body
5th Grade:
- matter
- energy
- Earth's resources
- cells
- plants
- human body
Celebrating Something? Rent the Rock!
The PTO Spirit Rock is an opportunity to share exciting events with our school community by painting your own message. Parents, students, and staff may “Rent the Rock” to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, wish a team good luck, thank a teacher, announce an event, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement. The rate to rent the Rock is $20 per day. All proceeds benefit Ben Franklin Academy.
Want to rent the Rock? Here’s how: First, reserve the date you want by visiting the ‘Rent the Rock’ SignUpGenius. Then, pay for your reservation through My School Bucks.
Have questions? You can find answers to frequently asked questions on the PTO webpage, or contact Subashri Sadasivan, Spirit Rock committee manager.
TRHS Girls Basketball Feeder Team Tryouts
The ThunderRidge High School asked us to pass along this flier about tryouts for the girls basketball feeder team. Click here for additional information.
Upcoming Events
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.