Cross Country Newsletter
October 25, 2021

The meet on Saturday was so exciting and all the athletes and parents really stepped up and had a great time. Almost every athlete was able to get their Personal Records on our home course and we were able to see most of them up on the Podium! A special thanks to all the parents that helped with the snack bar and course, and to Amy Archie and the Calderon family for setting all this up for our team. The Storm Family is the Best!!

We have one more regular season race this Saturday at Crescenta Valley Community Regional Park in La Canada. This is a very fun course and we will be giving out AAU medals to the top 3 finishers in every race!

Save the date of November 10th for our Team Award Banquet. We will be sending out an invitation soon for you to rsvp before we order the food!!

If you are considering running on the Post Season team, you must register and get your AAU card this week. Please see details on website. Please remember this will be a very competitive and only those in the top 16 rankings should conceder signing up. We will be taking A and B teams.

STORM FACEBOOK "Just a reminder for everyone to LIKE our Facebook Storm Cross Country page at - SO MANY PICTURES for you all to see and enjoy!!!"
Lost and Found - Last day to pick any item is Thursday I have a lot of Items PLEASE LOOK AT PRACTICE
Practice Schedule
Monday – October 25,- 6:00 -7:15 pm  – Central Park (may be canceled due to rain)
Tuesday – October 26,- 6:00 -7:15 pm  Central Park
Thursday – October 28, - 6:00 pm- 7:15   – Central Park - Special Glow run Practice !
Saturday -October 30th - Meet at Crescenta Valley Community Regional Park 3901 Dunsmore Ave
Monday Nov. 1st - 6:00pm -First Post Season Practice for post season athletes only -Central Park
Wednesday Nov. 10th - 6:00 pm Team Banquet The Centre at the Santa Clarita Sport Complex
Post Season Info
If you are interested in the Post-Season Please Let Coach Elaine know. All athletes in the top 16-20 rankings may be invited and should consider competed for the Valley United Striders!. There is team fee and uniform expense.
Please go on the Valley United Striders web site to get your AAU card and register for the team.

Volunteers needed This Week
Practice on thursday we will 6-10 parents during practice to hand out trick or treat candy

We will need 2 course monitors at the next meet. If you have not had a chance to volunteer please sigh up for this!
Final Practice Thursday
We will be having a really fun Practice this Thursday . We will be bringing glow stick items for all athletes We will have necklaces and bracelets for all. If you would like to add to them you can pick up any extra items too. We would also like to have a few "trick or treat" stations for the kids. Please bring a small bag of candy that we can share. We will need a few parents to hand it our around the course and to monitor for safety