September 2022
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Many of us may have some memories of Homecoming that could make the list of “Worst Homecoming Moments Ever!” I remember being asked and unasked in one day. A friend of mine asked a girl from another school to homecoming and discovered later he asked her twin sister instead. He had no idea she was a twin. And we may all have experience the pinhole piercings trying to pin on your dates flower. Times were simpler than … you just asked someone out, you didn’t have to come up with some extravagant way to ask someone to homecoming.
Homecomings however, were a great way to get everyone together in one space to celebrate. We are beginning a new series beginning September 11, called “Homecoming.” It is an opportunity to invite others to come home to Waterville UMC.
In the next week or so, you will be receiving a letter inviting you along with past members to attend. Please reach out to a current member, former member or someone who had been attending but has dropped off. This is an opportunity for you to show them around the new facility and reconnect while worshipping our God and King!
The following week (Sun Sept 18) will be opportunities to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers etc., who may not have a church home, or haven’t been to church for awhile or do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. So put your thinking caps on - who do you need to extend an invitation?
The last Sunday (Sept 25th) will be an opportunity to ask our family members, near and far, to attend worship. They may be in town for Roche de Boeuf festivities, or it is a great time to ask them to come in as if your family were attending Christmas or Easter services. It also will be a Sundae Sunday - which means sundaes for everyone after the service.
I continue to thank you all for your interest and action in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. You guys are such a blessing! Know that you are loved and appreciated!
Many Blessings,
Pastor Teresa
Dear Waterville UMC family, thanks so much for your kind expressions of love, cards and notes, flowers for Pam, retirement party, and the memorable gifts for my retirement. My 9 years with you have passed quickly. Waterville UMC will always have a special place in our hearts. We will continue to pray for you and the continued growth at Waterville Church. God’s richest blessings……Pastor Mike & Pam
On Sunday, August 28th a reception for Adam Shelton to say thank you for his many years and service to the Lord with the youth.
We wish him well!
Sunday, August 28th was the blessing of the School and Health kits!
A total of 78 School and 43 Health Kits were delivered on Monday.
Thank to all who donated! Your generous donations will help provide for some children with some much needed items and comfort in knowing someone cares for them!
A BIG thank you to all the team members who helped to sort and check the Kits!!
Picture taken from
Booth Helpers Needed!
There is a signup sheet on the Welcome Table to assist with coverage in the booth for two hour shifts that day. Please consider helping us impact more children around the world and share God’s word with this unique ministry!
SEPTEMBER 24 9 a.m.-Noon
We love a parade!!!!
Get ready to help WUMC share joy with the community during the annual Roche de Boeuf festival parade this year on September 24 from 9 a.m.-Noon.
Our BIG TRUCK will feature WUMC kids riding with flags from countries around the world to represent the destinations reached by Operation Christmas Child boxes.
We are looking for volunteers to ride in the truck with the kids, volunteers to walk alongside the truck to hand out candy.
Signup sheets are in the church entry. And of course, we need candy donations. Please, no chocolate. Candy donations can go in the bucket in the church entry.
Outreach Committee-Cherl Matla, Char Pritchett, Amy Hankins, Joel & Holly Sobecki, Donna Martin, Anne Stevens, Pastor Teresa and Char Monroe
Director of Children’s Ministry
WUMC is seeking a dynamic person to fill our Director of Children’s Ministry position. Responsibilities include overseeing the education program, choosing the curriculum for preschool to 6th grade, leading the Sunday School program, recruit and coordinate volunteers, and attend monthly council meetings. Six to eight hours a week is expected.
Director of Youth Ministry
WUMC is seeking a dynamic person to fill our Director of Youth Ministry position. Responsibilities include planning, leading, and choosing the curriculum for the Youth Ministry program for 7ththrough 12th grade, recruitment and coordination of volunteers, planning mission trips, and attending monthly council meetings. Six to eight hours a week is expected.
A detailed job description is available upon request and interested applicants should email their résumés including reference list to or mail to: Waterville United Methodist Church, c/o Josh Hankins, 7115 Waterville Monclova Rd., Waterville, OH 43566. WUMC is an EEO/M/F/D/V Employer.
The Open House committee is now the Outreach Committee, and we have some plans for the near future. Yay!!
On Saturday, September 24 we will participate in the Roche de Boeuf parade and have a booth. PLEASE SIGN UP in the gathering space at church to ride or walk in the parade. More details to follow (like where and when to meet). Our truck (float) will highlight our church and Operation Christmas Child. Walkers will to passing out candy and flyers. Which brings you another opportunity to help. We are collecting bags of candy (no chocolate please) at church, please bring by Sunday, September 18. There is also a sign up at church for people to 'work' the Operation Christmas Child booth from 9 - 5 in 2 hour shifts. It is fun to hand out OCC boxes and encourage the community to join us in this worthwhile mission project.
On Saturday, October 22 we will host an event called "Fall-o-Ween Jesus". This will be at our church from 2-4 and will include "trunk or treat" for community kids. Think about how you can participate by opening your car trunk and passing out candy, stickers, stamps, pumpkins, apples, or whatever you think appropriate. You may decorate your trunk and dress up in costume if you'd like. PLEASE, no witches, devils, ghosts or other scary decorations or costumes, we want to glorify God in this event. A sign up to say you will participate will be at church beginning October 2. So put on your thinking caps and come up with fun ways to show the kids in our community how to 'follow Jesus.' More details to come.
Beginning Tuesday Sept. 13 • 6:00 pm
This is the groundbreaking streaming television series about the life of Jesus, which brings the Old and New Testaments to life in a fresh way. Register by Sept 6th by calling the office 419-878-3645 or sign up in the Gathering Place.
Open to all ages, tween to adult. Childcare available upon request.
Anne Graham Lotz's Bible Study, Jesus in Me, will begin September 20, 2-3:30.
We are switching to day meetings at the church because it's easier than night travel. An 8 session DVD study, the sessions include homework which enriches the overall impact. The first session is a workshop in which Anne teaches the 3 question study method. This type of study does require time set apart to focus on the scripture so that we are able to " listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit." Most importantly, this series will help us better understand that the Holy Spirit is a Person, " the exact representation of Jesus's mind, will, and emotions." Contact Delores Young (419-878-8238) by September 11 so that books can be ordered. Payment can be made after books arrive.
M&Ms will begin on Wednesday, September 21st at 9:30.
The following is information about our study this fall:
The Acts of the Apostles
In a world that is unsure of where to find truth or purpose, the book of Acts stands apart. It reveals God’s plan for global redemption, His purpose for our lives, and the power He has given us to accomplish His mission.
In this 8 session series, Pastor Louie Giglio will walk us through the story of the early church. Acts may have been written two thousand years ago, but God is calling us to be a part of that story today.
If you would like to join our group or have any questions please contact
Cindy Box (419-344-4471) or Karen Wiggins (419-350-1211).
Sunday Mornings:
Ushers, Counters, Greeters, Nursery
AVL / ProPresenter:
AVL operators, Backup Presentation Creator
Church Council:
Finance Chair, Treasurer, Outreach, Secretary
We are looking for a Volunteer (or two) to be our unofficial church photographer! No fancy cameras needed! Cell phone pictures are fine! We want to make sure that we have pictures commemorating those special events at our wonderful new church building!
Missions Committee Focus for September 2022
Two Local Food Pantries
The Anthony Wayne Food Pantry ministers to those in the AW area who are in need of food or who, if they were to buy the food, would come up short in money for medicine, heating, or other necessities. It is supported by donations from members of the AW community. We only ask that the people who come reside, worship, or work in the extensive AW School District. Since all donations are private, we do not require a statement of income. This allows people who have recently come under hard times, don’t fit the government’s categories, or would qualify for aid but are unwilling to sign up for it to come and get food for themselves and their families.
Anthony Wayne Community Food Ministry (AWCFM) is a separate 501(c)(3) public charity. We are not affiliated with any church or other charitable organization. Waterville Community Church donates space for us to conduct our activities. We are a 100% volunteer organization, and we depend on local churches, businesses, and individuals for support. Our Board of Directors consists of 6 members from 3 local churches who formed AWCFM in 2014.
Since then, we have grown dramatically from serving 30 families in 2014 to over 120 in 2019, and have garnered financial and volunteer support from other churches and area businesses. We can feed each person with a budget of about $3.00 per month per recipient. Since COVID, our numbers are down a bit for a variety of reasons, however, we did serve 96 families in 2020 for a pre-Thanksgiving distribution. Qualifying families must meet poverty level household income guidelines established by the State of Ohio. In addition, we recently started a weekend food program for AW students which has grown to 50 AW families receiving food weekly.
The following list represents the most needed food items to continue serving our neighbors:
- Canned Meats: Tuna, Chicken, Ham, Beef, etc.
- Canned Fruit: Peaches, Pears, Mandarin Oranges, Pineapple, etc.
- Cereal: Any type of boxed cereal.
- Pop Tarts and Other Breakfast Items: Pancake Mix, Breakfast Bars, etc.
- Peanut Butter: Plain Preferred.
- Mac and cheese
- Canned Vegetables: Corn, Peas, Carrots, Green Beans, etc.
- Soup: Chicken Noodle and Cream of Mushroom Preferred.
- Egg Noodles.
- Spaghettios and Ravioli Style canned Items for kids. Also, single-serve portions of non-perishable fruits, and single-serve “main dishes” requiring minimal preparation (mac-n- cheese, pasta cups) to include in weekend food kits for AW students at risk for hunger.
- Laundry and cleaning supplies, paper goods, and personal care items.
All items collected will be split between the AW Community Food Pantry and Zion UMC Food Pantry.
The Missions Jar will be available each week for members convenience. The fourth Sunday will still emphasis the monthly mission.
August 7: 128
August 14: 133
August 21: 133
August 28: 117
September Card Ministry Liaison is
Melva Robinson
Please reach out to her at
if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.
Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Happy Birthday!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Skyler Rose September 1
Elnora Jeffries September 2
Eric Kahl September 2
Becky Varner September 2
Ana Nicholson September 3
Kyle Wielgopolski September 5
Jennifer Reihing September 7
Dick George September 9
Emily Vernon September 10
Andrea Kaufhold September 11
Cara McMillan September 13
Grace Hires September 14
Caroline Amspaugh September 19
Nicholas Amspaugh September 19
Barb Page September 19
Holly Sobecki September 20
Owen Hankins September 21
Marilyn Simpson September 21
Bobbie Westfall September 21
Alexis Reihing September 23
Teresa Wenrick September 23
Harper Abbey September 25
Jay Sheridan September 26
Dave Hogg (Former Pastor) September 27 Alexandria Rozelle September 28
Joan Rigal September 29
Greyson Abbey September 30
Independent Bible Study and Activities
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience.
Choose the one that works for you!
The September HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast.
Click on HomeTouch picture to open. OR...check the bulletin board, we post copies each month...OR if you know someone who may enjoy receiving the monthly HomeTouch in the mail, we do have a mailing list we can add them to.
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or .
Office hours are generally Monday through Thursday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
Praises to the Lord!
10:30 AM
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
- In Sanctuary
Park in car near the church and tune to FM 90.5.
Live Stream via You Tube at
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |