See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
July 15, 2021
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.

Change in our worship policies:
We are no longer requiring vaccinated people to wear masks. We ask those who are not vaccinated to please continue to wear masks for the protection of our children and those who are immune-compromised.
Pastor's Message
Dear Grace Friends, 
I give thanks for YOU! For your welcome and invitation to our community. For food, friendship, and fun!

Thanks be to God for the weather allowing us to have this time to greet our neighbors and to connect with one another. 

I think these pictures say more than I can write about our food truck event and God's work in all of it. May we continue to go out and share God's love so that all might experience grace.

Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Summer Worship Hours
5:00 pm on Saturdays*
8:30 am on Sundays
10:00 am on Sundays
*Outdoor Worship Our Saturday night worship will be outside in the courtyard at 5pm. Please bring your own lawn chair. All are welcome to attend. We will have chalk for kids. In case of rain or high heat indices, worship will move inside.

Saturday Evening Worship Discussion: Stick around after worship on Saturday July 10th to discuss our worship together. Pastor Joanna wants to hear from you and get your feedback about our worship schedule and preferences. If you have any questions, please contact her @
Fellowship is Back!!!
We are starting Fellowship after worship on Sundays. Goodies and coffee will be available in the Narthex after worship. We ask that you gather outside to gather, socialize and get to know each other. If you or your group would like to host a fellowship on Sunday, please contact Kris Miller at the church office.

We do not require reservations or masks for vaccinated people at in-person worship. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please feel free to do so. We do ask if you are not feeling well or ill please stay home. If you are in the church during Golden Rule Day Care hours please wear a mask in the common areas that are used by the children for their protection.

We will continue to live stream worship services for those who do not feel comfortable coming to worship or those who are out of the area.

Ministries News
8 Weeks of Centering Prayer
Thursday Mornings
at 9am-10am
"Be Still and Know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Many of us have hectic and hurried lives. Sometimes the cares of life can feel extremely heavy. One way of releasing the burdens and better recognizing our priorities is to be intentional about spending time with our Creator in silent prayer. Centering Prayer is a prayer practice where one chooses to quiet the mind and simply be in the presence of God. If you have been curious to learn more about Centering Prayer or might benefit from support in your practice, please consider joining us this summer. We are planning to meet in person in the worship center at 9:00am-10:00am on Thursday mornings from July 1st to August 19th. Please contact Anne Weikle at with questions or to indicate you will be joining us. You can also call the church office. While it is not necessary to sign up, it would be helpful to know about how many people are coming. You can attend all 8 weeks or just once, what ever fits your schedule. This will be a time for beginners as well as people who have been practicing for a long time. 
Tuesday, August 10th
for OK@Play
at Headflyer Brewing
from 6:00-8:30pm

Join us for some fun fellowship, food and good beer (or soda if you prefer). Cost is $12/person which includes a beer of your choice (or soda) sloppy joes, chips, beans, pickles and yummy homemade sweets.

Please review the available slots below and click on the link below to sign up. Thank you! A reminder and more details will be communicated closer to the event, but put this on your calendar!

The website for Headflyer Brewing and info:
Address: 861 E. Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 

We can also consider carpooling from Grace if people are interested in this, let me know.
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Dear Friends of Grace, 

We would like to say thank you for the noisy offering for Robins Nest in Haiti. The money raised helps students go to a sewing school giving them a skill that provides uniforms for other children to go to school as well as an income. We are grateful to see this sewing school continue in our daughters memory.

The Zupon family
Dear friends,

I cannot adequately thank you for your generous response to the COVID-19 crisis in Rakai! We have raised $110,000 which will provide almost 1500 families with the supplies they need to survive the lockdown. Please take a minute to look at these beautiful faces and you will see the gratitude and joy in their eyes.
The following supplies are now at the ACT Junior School and being distributed to families of sponsored children and families in great need.
22,050 pounds of rice
22,050 pounds of beans
66,140 pounds of corn
4,000 pounds of bar soap
4,000 pounds of salt
2,000 masks
The corn was purchased from local families and farmers in northern Tanzania and then milled at our own Amazing Millers operation.

One additional exciting note to share: ACT was invited to participate in two international webinars sponsored by AIDex. The first was held in May and I spoke on the role of social enterprise in addressing gender inequality, and in the second, Richard spoke on the importance of education in rural areas of developing nations.

In conjunction with these webinars, a National Geographic film crew went to Rakai to capture video of ACT programs. Here is a link to the video on our education programs: Click Here to see the video

I would love to hear your comments. Richard was with the film crew the entire time they were in Rakai and says it was quite an experience.

Thank you again for your generous support. We will be sending out regular updates, but in the meantime, please keep the ACT staff and the people of Rakai in your prayers.

With deep gratitude,


Ann Underbrink Hill, President
P.O. Box 390123
Edina, MN 55439

Join African Children Today in supporting grass-root community efforts in Rakai, Uganda that directly impact women and children suffering from the social and economic ravages of AIDS.
Noisy Offerings

The Noisy Offering for July will be on behalf of Rob, a young husband and father of 2 small children, who was critically injured by an impaired driver in downtown Minneapolis in late May. He suffered many broken bones and has a very long recovery ahead of him. Funds collected will help this young family with added expenses caused by this tragic accident.
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

For all who call upon your healing name: Diana Heyer,
Becky Anderson, Don Jorgenson, Margret Olson, Mary North, Cheryl Veit, John Malecha, Ron Clarstrom, John Denney, Linda Breyette, Margi Anderson, Colleen Ishee, Conner Collins, Norman Bute, Ken Howard, Adam Howard, Ralph Wernimont, Stephanie Fernandez, Samantha Fernandez, Carroll Potter, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Lynn Zirkle, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Colleen Wernimont.

Prayers of healing and sympathy to Monica Allen and family on the death of Monica's mother, and the Gritti family as they mourn the death of June Gritti.
Grace Notes Fall Preview
Newsletter Articles
Due July 16th

The Grace Notes Fall Preview Newsletter will be going out on Aug. 1st. If you and/or your ministry would like to put an article in this fall preview Grace Notes, please have the articles in Word format to Marie K. at by 5pm on Friday, July 16th.