Queens Tri-colour Tag

Residence Connection

September 2024

Issue 2

A newsletter for parents & supporters of students living in residence at Queen's University

Key Dates

September 16: Last day to add a fall or fall/winter course

September 16: Last day to drop a fall or fall/winter course without financial penalty

September 29: Last day to opt out of Ancillary fees, and/or the AMS health and dental plan with proof of alternate coverage

September 30: All outstanding fees due

September 30: Deadline to opt out of residence insurance

September 30: National Day forTruth and Reconciliation – Classes cancelled

To balance the academic schedule, most programs will follow a Monday timetable on Tuesday October 1. Students should check their weekly schedule in SOLUS.

September 30: Last day to drop a fall or fall/winter term course for 50% refund

October 11: Fall exam schedules posted to SOLUS

October 15 –18: Fall Term Break (no classes)

Mid-October: Winter term fees posted to SOLUS accounts

October 17 – 21: No guest policy in residence in effect

October 20 & 21: Homecoming

October 31: Queen's General Bursary applications due

Welcoming your student to Queen’s

This is a significant time of transition for your student as they settle in their new home away from home, and into their daily routines. They are connecting with floormates and peers, adjusting to academic expectations, meeting new friends and building community, getting to know the campus and city, and maybe trying out new activities.

In this issue of Residence Connection, we share some resources to help you support your student's transition.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Residence Life and Services at or call 613-533-6790

Helping Your Student Make New Connections

Staff across Student Affairs are here to support and connect your student to programs, services, and spaces across campus. They are available to help them build community, promote their well-being, and develop their academicleadership and career planning skills, so they are well-prepared to thrive this year and beyond!

If your student is feeling lonely, here are some tips: 

  • Recommend they get out their room regularly, particularly if they're in a single room, and explore different locations for studying and socializing.
  • Our Raftr App is an excellent resource for details about events in Residence where they can meet peers.
  • The Yellow House Student Centre for Equity and Inclusion is a comfortable and accountable space where students who identify as QTBIPoC can feel safe, create community, feel empowered, celebrate their identity, and flourish.
  • At the Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre students can find study spaces, laundry, a cozy living room, cultural activities, advising, as well as social, academic and wellbeing programming.
  • Queen's University International Centre (QUIC) has a lounge, study spaces, and kitchen. Students are invited to hang out, study, play ping pong, meet peers, access advisors or join info sessions, workshops, and events.
  • Faith and Spiritual Life in Mitchell Hall offers opportunities for connection and socializing, including Lego in the Lobby, Knit Happens, and Board Games. Students are also invited to visit spaces for prayer, meditation, and reflection across campus.
  • The Student Experience Office runs programs, drop-in sessions and the QSuccess peer mentoring program for first-year students.
  • The Allyship & Belonging Student Calendar (ABC calendar) lists events across campus for equity-deserving students and/or allies.
  • Every faculty has an active student society that runs events and conferences.
  • Encourage your student to get involved in activities and topics that interest them. There are hundreds of student-run clubs.
  • Athletics & Recreation offers drop-in recreation programming, intramural sports, and Group Fitness programs.
  • Another way to make friends and make some money, is to try out a part-time job with a university department, an AMS student-run service, or in the community. There are many jobs, as well as volunteer opportunities posted to Career Services’ MyCareer portal.
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation flag

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

On Monday, September 30, 2024 we recognize National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

In support of this important time of reflection and learning, the university will be offering activities and opportunities for your student to learn, engage, and act toward advancing reconciliation both on and off campus. No classes will be held on September 30.

An important aspect of Truth and Reconciliation work is committing to awareness and self-education of the complex histories as well as ongoing issues facing Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island. With this, we will be encouraging your student to wear an orange shirt, and access the resources at the link below, as well as sources of information they discover on their own, to learn more, each day.

Learn More

Academic Support

  • Student Academic Success Services (SASS) can help your student develop their university-level academic writing skills, and learn how to study effectively. Your student can book a one-on-one appointment, attend a workshop or use an online resource.
  • Students with ADHD are invited to join a weekly group to share skills and strategies for academic success, Thursdays until October 10, 10:30–11:30 am.
  • If your student needs class or exam accommodations related to a disability, they are encouraged to register ASAP with Queen’s Student Accessibility Services (QSAS).
  • Students can request academic consideration if extenuating circumstances come up that affect their academics.

Health & Wellness Supports

There are many supports available on campus to promote student health and wellbeing. Students can:

Navigating First-Year Frenzy Wellness Group


Your student is invited to join the Navigating First-Year Frenzy Wellness Group, a supportive space led by experienced therapists designed to help first-year students thrive! We'll guide students through stress reduction, adjusting to academic demands, navigating campus, and mastering the art of adulting.


Thursdays, October 3 – November 28 (excluding October 17) 

2 – 3:30 pm 


Students can use this link to register

Meet our Residence Mental Health Therapists

Nadia Sawaya Fehr Therapist

Nadia Sawaya Fehr

Terra Sweigard therapist

Terra Sweigard

Our Residence Mental Health Therapists, Nadia and Terra, are here to help your student navigate their experiences in Residence and at Queen's. As registered psychotherapists, they offer one-on-one professional mental health support.

Your student can schedule an appointment online through Student Wellness Services.

Looking to Send Mail to Your Student?

Packages must be received and processed in our mailrooms before being released to your student. Please use the format and central addresses below:

For ALL students who live on MAIN campus

Name, Student Number

Watts Hall

Queen’s University

23 Lower Albert Street

Kingston, Ontario

K7L 3V1

For ALL students who live on WEST campus

Name, Student Number

Jean Royce Hall

Queen’s University

535 Union Street

Kingston, Ontario

K7M 2B9

Please note: Processing times vary. We suggest that you do not send time-sensitive packages, such as medications, through the mail. If your student requires medication, have the prescription sent to the Drug Smart pharmacy located in the Queen’s Centre on campus.

student studying at common ground

Campus Market Makes Sending Care Packages Easy

Stay connected with your student throughout the year by sending them care packages! Campus Market makes it easy. Our online platform offers a selection of gift boxes and care packages that students can pick up right on campus – no shipping! 

Shop Care Packages

Helpful Meal Plan Hacking 


We want your student to get the most out of their meal plan this year!

The Residence Meal Plan consists of dining hall meals, TAMs, and Flex $, making it convenient for students to purchase food anywhere on campus. To ensure they use their plan to its full potential, we have created a Meal Plan Hacks webpage with tips and tricks to optimize their meal plan. Whether they need to grab food in a hurry or want to try something different, we’ve got a hack for that!

Visit the Residence Meal Plan page to learn more.

Does your student have a food allergy?

If your student has a food allergy or dietary need, now is a good time to check in and see how they are navigating campus food services and the available supports. Our Registered Dietitian offers online booking if your student needs to check in. 

Safety in Residence & in the Kingston Community

At Queen's, we are committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment where every student feels respected and valued, in residence, across campus and in the broader community. We promote safe behaviours and responsible citizenship throughout the year. The university has recently launched a campaign to connect students with educational resources and support.

Anti-Hate message
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