Special Announcement: GCOOS Stakeholder Survey

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What Data and Observing Products Do Gulf Communities Need?

Please Take Our Survey Today!

One of our goals at GCOOS is to have a fully developed ocean observing system for the Gulf of Mexico. Our build-out plan is the roadmap that will help us arrive at our destination.

The GCOOS board is in the process of updating the current plan and needs to know what products and observations you think we need! By completing our short survey before Sept. 30, 2022, you will help ensure that our work reflects the observing needs of our community.

Thank you for your help!

Jorge Brenner

Contact Us
GCOOS is the Gulf of Mexico regional component of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) and the only certified system dedicated solely to the Gulf of Mexico. Our mission is to provide timely, reliable, accurate and on-demand information on the open ocean and coastal ocean waters of the Gulf of Mexico to ensure a healthy, clean, productive ocean and resilient coastal zone.

Dr. Jorge Brenner, Executive Director • Dr. Barbara Kirkpatrick, Senior Advisor Bill Lingsch, U.S. Glider User Group CoordinatorDr. Chris Simoniello, Outreach & Education Coordinator Felimon Gayanilo, Systems Architect, Co-Data Manager • Bob Currier, Research Specialist, Product Developer, Co-Data Manager • Jennifer Vreeland-Dawson, Research Associate • Grant Craig, Program Coordinator • Laura Caldwell, Program Assistant • Nadine Slimak, Public Relations & Content Marketing, Vetted Communications, LLC

In Memoriam: Matt Howard, 1952-2018