Hello First Methodist,

We start a new sermon series this week called WORDS MEAN THINGS. Want to know what TRINITY means? Join us Sunday!


  • Crystal Coast Palooza - rain or shine!
  • Baptism in the Sound on Saturday at 20th Street @ 5pm
  • Confirmation, Baptism, and New Members on Sunday
  • Kickoff for Kids & Youth on Sunday from 5:30-7:00pm ALL AGES
  • Women's Ministry Picnic on Monday @ 11:30AM


At the Crossroads Sunday Small Group

Grow in your knowledge and faith of God. Strengthen bonds within families, friends and within the community. Parents and Youth in Middle and High School, meet us in the Loft on Sunday mornings at 9:45am. We will gather together for prayer, scripture, devotion and then break into separate sessions for parents and youth to connect and reflect individually.

Women's Picnic

We are anticipating 75 women at our Picnic on Monday, September 9th @ 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy delicious food, great company, and enriching conversations. Guests are welcome, so feel free to bring along friends or family.

Women's Ministry of First Methodist Church

Monthly Meeting on Oct 7th @ 12:30pm

(not meeting in Sept because of the Women's Picnic)

The purpose of the First Methodist Women's Ministry is to encourage one another in our church and faithful service to our community through loving as Christ loves all.

We meet the first Monday of each month at 12:30pm in the Stanley Harrell Classroom. Please consider attending a meeting to learn more about our group.

Did you know? FMC has a Book Club!

Book Club meets the second Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am in the church library. Please join us on September 11th as we are reading and will be discussing The Women by Kristin Hannah. Feel free to come even if you have not read the book! Find out what we will be reading in the months to come.

Beaufort Families

You don't have to cross the bridge! Anyone interested in a monthly gathering in Beaufort to eat, pray and study together… come to Pastor Sarah’s House on Sept 13th at 6pm. Kids are welcome. RSVP to by sept 8th by contacting Pastor Sarah at

September 15th @ 9:30-11:30

Float in and out around your worship service and Sunday school class to join us for Brunch in the Loft. This is a great opportunity for fellowship and getting to know others in our church while enjoying brunch. It's also a great way to invite someone to church! Registration is not necessary for this event. Just come and enjoy!

Confirmation Meeting

Sunday, Sept 15th @ 4:30pm

As young people begin to explore faith, we here at First Methodist Church want to offer a path of support and encouragement, teaching and practicing faith, all leading to a personal decision to entrust their life to Jesus and begin to walk as his disciple day by day.

Confirmation has classically been a group process for youth 10-14 years of age. We are embracing a new path – fully individualized as a youth is ready and genuinely interested in exploring faith. Each youth will be paired with an adult mentor from our congregation who will meet regularly to listen and talk over questions of faith. Teaching sessions will be provided by the pastors both in print and by video. Activities of worship, service, and discipleship will be offered. Parent conversations will be integrated into the process.

This is a year-round opportunity. It begins and ends according to the youth’s interest, participation, and decision. When they are ready, baptism (if needed) and profession of faith will be scheduled in a worship service.

If you are interested in knowing more so you can share with your son or daughter and gauge their interest or mentoring a youth, or you are in the process of mentoring, this meeting is for you.

Sojourners Bible Study Group

Starts September 19

As Autumn rolls in it is time to begin a new Bible Study…..Marjie, Sherry, Susan, and Kitty are looking forward to studying an 8 week study with you on “The Psalms” by Sandra Richter. We will begin on September 19th at 10:30am this year in the Stanley Harrell Classroom.

If you decide to join us for the study on Psalms, we welcome you all for spending time in GOD’s WORD and fellowship together. 

Register here or in the church office and we will order a book for you.


Kitty Simmons

Register Here

Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 22nd and come celebrate the vibrant world of the arts with us! This special event will showcase the incredible opportunities to participate in children's choir, handbells, chancel choir, rise praise band, audio/video tech, orchestra, dramatic arts, and more. A light lunch will be served.

WaveRunners Lady Swan Sunset Cruise

Tuesday, September 24th

WaveRunners 60+ are invited to cruise on the Lady Swan. The cost is $33 per person and must be paid when signing up either online or at church office. Arrive at 5:00 to board the boat that leaves at 5.30 and we will return at 7:00pm. Parking is located at Casper’s Marina, 301 S Water Street, Swansboro. Transportation is not provided, but anyone wishing to carpool with someone, please contact Claudia Beamon. You can bring your own food, snacks and beverages. Deadline to register is September 18th.

Register for Cruise

Mark your calendar for the following adventures:

September 24th - Lady Swan Sunset Cruise

October 10th - New Bern Tryon Palace (Historic Tour and Mum Fest)

November - TBD

December 3rd - Mike’s Farm

January 8th - Cary, Lantern Festival (Walking tour)

February 9th - Valentine Dutch Lunch @ Southern Salt

March 19th - Wilson Whirligig Exhibit

April 3rd - Rudy Theater, Selma - Easter Jubilee

*Times and more information will be coming soon.

Pastor Sarah's Six Week Bible Study

Starting Oct 2nd

Wednesdays @ 5:45pm

The Bible can be daunting. It’s ancient, enormous, and sometimes challenging to understand. Long Story Short opens up the Christian Scriptures by sharing the biblical narrative in a way that requires no prior engagement with the Bible. It traces the big story of who God is and how he is saving the world through six simple movements: Creation; Fall, Israel; Jesus; Church; New Creation. With this framework in place, readers will not only understand how the little stories of the Bible fit together into a seamless whole, they will also be compelled to step into the drama to be part of its performance. You can order a study book below at Seedbed.

Link to Order Book

Seek First The Kingdom

New Bible Study led by Shanna du Mont beginning this fall. Details coming soon!

National Night Out 

NEW DATE: OCTOBER from 6-8pm

Carteret Community College

We're excited that The Extended Table will be at this year's National Night Out in Morehead City serving up delicious hamburgers and hotdogs for all to enjoy. It's a fantastic opportunity to come together as a community, support this ministry, and spread love throughout our neighborhood. Let's gather for a fun-filled evening of good food and even better company. Your presence and support mean the world as we continue to serve and care for our community.

See you there!

Women's Retreat

Finding My Place In The Son

Rediscover your purpose in Christ. First Methodist Morehead City is hosting a Women's Retreat led by Pine Valley Methodist Church. Bring your Bible, notebook, highlighter, and comfortable shoes.

October 18-19th

Friday 8:00am-2:30pm

Saturday 8:30am-3:00pm

(includes breakfast and lunch)

Cost is $75.00 per person. Registration deadline is October 1st.

Register Online

Our Daily Bread Devotionals

Does this devotional remind you of a loved one who always had a copy close by? For over 85 years, Our Daily Bread daily devotions have been in the hands of millions of people seeking to encounter the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.

✔️Delivered monthly or quarterly right to your doorstep

✔️Encouraging daily Scripture readings

✔️Bible-in-a-year reading guide

✔️Space to write personal reflections, guided prayers, and more!

Encounter the timeless truth of God’s Word—sign up today!

You can also subscribe to daily video devotionals using this link: To learn more view this video.

Sunday Nights kicks off on September 8th. New this year, all ages K-12 meet from 5:30-7:00pm.

Make a difference HERE!

Kids and Youth Choir and Youth Band kickoff date is scheduled for Sept 22nd @ 5:00pm.

Palooza is rain or shine! Middle and high school students who want to attend can be dropped off at albemarle any time after 10am and picked up at albemarle anytime before 4pm.

Kids Check-in kicked off last Sunday as was a big win. We have a few things to tweak but are grateful for your participation and patience. Remember to check your kid in on the iPads in the Fellowship Hall Lobby and then go to their classrooms to check them out. Thank you for your support in keeping our kids safe!

Serve in Kids Sunday School


Donations in honor or in memory of friends and church members are a thoughtful way to share with families that loved ones are special to you. First Methodist recently received gifts in memory of Andy Lloyd and Pete Morey. 


THE FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR are dedicated to the glory of God and are given in loving memory of Bob Griffith, whose birthdate was September 6, by his family.

The Chancel Rail flowers are given in honor of Charlotte Mirabella's birthday by the Jackie Eure Sunday School Class

Week of September 5 - September 11

5 Andrea McLean

5 Martha Dowty

5 Jordan Campos

5 Allen Williams

6 Phyllis Wickizer

7 Robert Brooks

7 Kay Coole

7 Johnny Gibson

7 Randy Hardee

7 Chase Roberson

7 Frances Rose

7 Mac Wells

8 Molly Scott Cottrell

8 Janet Perryman

8 Pamela Roberson

8 Wes Whitehurst

9 Heather Boney

9 Emily Nobles

9 Chip Smith

9 Brandon Wickizer

11 Mike Bankson

Adult Sunday School Classes

We are excited to welcome new members to our Adult Sunday School Classes! Classes are open throughout the year and meet at 9:45am on the second floor of the atrium building. To find the classes, simply use the stairs or elevator and follow the hallway to the office reception area. From there, take the hallway to the left and you will find the following Sunday school classes in the order listed below:

Classroom 1 - Faith and Life: Fletcher Poulk - Book of James

Classroom 2 - Jackie Eure Class: Lynne Miller, Janet Roberts, Joyce McCollum - Daniel

Classroom 3 - Buck Matthews Class: Rodney Kemp - Romans

Classroom 4 - Stanley Harrell Class: Stanley Harrell - Purpose Driven Life

Large Conference Room - Bible Study Class: Thor & Kay Coole - Chronological Study of the Bible

The Loft - At the Crossroads: Parents and Youth

We hope you will join us for a time of learning and fellowship!

Worship with us Onsite or Online

Traditional @ 8:30am & 11:00am

Contemporary @ 8:30am & 9:45am

Online @ 9:45 & 11:00

Spectrum Cable Channel 18 and 1310 at 11:00 am

Sunday School for Adults & Kids at 8:30 and 9:45

Click here to Give Online


900 Arendell Street,

Morehead City, NC 28557


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