Abolitionist Teaching in the Garden Workshop
July 18, 2022 // 9 am - 4 pm // Burlington, NC
This in-person workshop, hosted by the NC School Garden Network, is about the intersection between abolitionist teaching and garden-based learning. All levels of experience (in education and gardening) are encouraged to register. Both CEU credit and EE credit are available.
Register here.
Racial Equity in Farm to School (Virtual)
July 19, 2022 // 3 - 5 pm ET (postponed - originally scheduled for June 21)
The Farm to School Coalition of NC and CEFS Farm to School Initiative are hosting a FREE five-session training series on Racial Equity in Farm to School. These trainings will be filled with important information, compelling discussions, and accessible action items. The first session will cover implicit bias and will contribute to achieving the overall objectives of understanding how biases contribute to systemic harm, making connections between language and power and applying a racial equity lens to farm to school practices.
Register here.
Virtual Film Screening Event: Financial Impacts of Climate-Resilient Agriculture in North Carolina
July 27, 2022 // 6 pm ET
Join the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) for a short-film screening highlighting the experience of three North Carolina farms adopting climate-resilient agriculture practices. There will be an engaging session with the three farmers and their extension agents. Also, you can expect to come away with a better understanding of climate-resilient practices and the financial impacts they have on North Carolina farms.
Register here.
The Center for Environmental Farming System's (CEFS) Symposium on Agriculture, Food Systems and Climate Change
August 11, 2022 // 1 - 7 pm ET
The CEFS Symposium on Agriculture, Food Systems, and Climate Change will bring together interdisciplinary researchers, policymakers, farmers, and community leaders for interactive discussions to highlight novel ideas and priorities for agriculture and food systems to address climate change. This symposium is open to all and will conclude with a networking opportunity to cultivate new collaborations and communication among symposium participants. CEFS is excited to exchange ideas, share solutions, and engage with others committed to addressing climate change.
Register here.