July 2022
4-H Newsletter
4-H sliding into summer with youth "Sparks"
Check out what's coming up! 
4-H Summer Experience at the Strong Museum
4-H Project Exhibits, activity demonstrations, and Produced in New York are all only three weeks away as part of the 4-H Summer Experience at the Strong Museum! For helpful materials and information, visit our webpage
Project Exhibits
4-H youth in Monroe County have an opportunity to share and showcase the projects they've been working on! Think of all the things you did in 4-H this year and decide which you would like to share with the public.

Print an evaluation sheet to attach to each of your projects, and fill out the first section of the sheet under "Self Reflection". Bring your submissions to the Strong Museum of Play at 10am on the 24th!
Produced in New York
Produced in New York (PINY) program is designed to showcase the wide variety and use of agricultural products grown right here in New York. PINY is a marvelous opportunity for youth to demonstrate their food preparation skills while promoting a tasty recipe featuring New York State food products. During the PINY program, individual 4-H members (Cloverbuds too!) do a “silent demonstration” concurrently with several of their peers. This experience helps younger 4-Hers begin to feel more comfortable presenting to a crowd, while providing older youth with the opportunity to tackle more complicated recipes, perhaps using more than one NYS food product. Overall, PINY program participation provides an opportunity for youth to further develop their skills and knowledge of food preparation and presentation skills!

Produced In New York begins at 12pm at the Strong Museum of Play.
Activity Demonstrations
Are you a 4-H youth or volunteer with a spark to share? Introduce the public to a fun activity you can try together at an interactive table, created by you or inspired by one of our activity kits at the 4-H office! Reach out to 4-H Educator Leslie Pude for more information about setting up an activity demonstration at the 4-H Summer Experience.
Gymkhana Horse Show at Mariah Meadows Farm
Important News
Six Monroe County High School Seniors Receive 4-H Higher Education Scholarships
The Norman V. Ryan scholarship
Priority is given to students who have demonstrated leadership and community service. Special consideration is given to teens who are planning to enter a field of study or employment as a result of their 4-H activities and experiences.

Congratulations to Faith Avedisian (upper left) for receiving the 2022 Ryan Scholarship!

The Ralph S. Harper scholarship
Priority is given to students planning to go into work in agriculture, environment, home economics, or similar areas. Students planning to enter a field of work as a result of their 4-H activities and experiences are also considered for this scholarship.

Congratulations to Anna Sumaili (upper right), Dayana Gonzalez (middle right), Morgan Grandberry (lower right), Ninoshca Irizarry (lower left), and Kadejah Watson (middle left) for receiving the 2022 Harper Scholarsips!
Fond Farewell from 4-H Team Member Destiny Draggett
4-H Friends and Families,

It has been an honor to learn and grow with you all over these past two years. You have inspired me, encouraged me, and truly taught me what 4-H means to this community. We always encourage our 4-H’ers to find their sparks, and I am heading out in search of mine! In the next week, I will be moving to Charleston South Carolina where I will continue my work with youth and young adults at a local charter school as an Advancement Counselor. I will miss my 4-H family dearly, and am so thankful I was able to be a part of yours and your families lives.

- Destiny
Welcoming Leslie and Paola to the 4-H Team!
Leslie Pude is joining the 4-H team as an Agriculture In the Classroom Educator. Her professional background is in Special Education and Speech Pathology. She has been a 4-H volunteer for the last seven years while managing the 4-H Friends club in Honeoye Falls. She lives with her husband on 5+ acres of land, where they are raising their three children, rescue dog, chickens, and lot of vegetables! In her free time she enjoys camping with her family, running, and reading. Leslie is looking forward to this new adventure bringing agriculture to classrooms throughout the county.

Paola Falcon is an undergraduate student at Cornell University and the Monroe County 4-H team's Cornell intern of the summer. She is entering her senior year as a major in Biology and Society, minoring in Global Health and Fine Arts. She is from Puerto Rico. Her future goal is to continue to medical school or graduate school for public health. In this summer internship, she is especially excited to be working with youth at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School and creating summer experiences for them.
Monroe County Youth Awards
Congratulations to 4-H participants and youth award recipients Kenya Bradwell and Janessa Parnell, and to Jessie Chandler, leader of the 4-H Club at Friendship Children's Center, honored as the Youth Advocate of the Year 
4-H Lakeshore Garden Club Designs and Builds Water Collection System
After 10 weeks of brainstorming, designing, and testing the Lakeshore 4-H Garden Club came together with family and friends to build this amazing water collection system! Not only did they lead the charge on every step of the design process, but also learned how to construct the system they designed, safely use power tools, and work together as a team!
Learning Opportunities
The New York State Fair is coming up!
The fair runs from August 24 - September 5 this year, and we would love to support you getting involved! Find the latest state fair news at the official website and email us about how you can participate through Monroe County.
WNY Dairy Judging Day
The Nioga Holstein Club is excited to host a youth dairy judging contest for any interested teams and individuals.  The day will start at Oakfield Corners Dairy and end at Reyncrest Farm.  

This is a contest meant to help youth practice their dairy judging skills with prizes at the end of the day for high scoring individuals and teams.  Youth are not required to be on a team.   Youth interested in giving reasons can do so at the end of the day for feedback, reasons are optional and do not count towards your final score.

A cost of $5.00 for each participant that is not a Nioga Holstein Club member is required.
Please send a check made out to the Nioga Holstein Club to:
Kelly Reynolds
1240 Reynolds Rd.
Corfu, NY 14036
Cash will be accepted the day of the event

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
New York State Virtual Horse Judging Opportunity
The 4-H NYS Horse Events team is happy to announce a virtual judging opportunity for youth to finetune their judging skills before the NYS 4-H Horse Judging contest in August! Join us on July 13th with Kelsey Kealthy on Zoom at 7pm! She will be meeting with us from 7pm-8pm to talk about horse judging and give you tips, tricks, and skills. Registration is required by July 10th and the Zoom link will be sent out on July 11th, If have any questions please email Jessica Tyson or Colleen Wersigner.
Cornell Agritech Open House
Come check out Cornell University's Agritech Campus during this free event at Jordan Hall on Saturday, August 13, 2022, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Faculty, students and staff will showcase their scientific research, give tours of our facilities, research fields and greenhouses and demonstrate how important (and fun) science really is. For more information, Contact Event Coordinator Gemma Osborne at or 315-787-2248
  • July 24-29th 4-H Summer Experience at the Strong Museum
  • August 28 Horse Judging and Hippology at State Fair
  • September 24-26 Outdoor Adventure Weekend
  • October 20-21 4-H Agri-Business Career Conference