COVID Protocol Fall 2022
Since all of our campuses are located in high COVID-19 transmissions zones, we ask that you review the ways to protect yourself and others. Please take the time to review the School's COVID protocol:
If you develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19
- Do not report to school.
Contact MUSM's Academic Records and the COVID Liaison, Dr. Alice House.
- Get a COVID-19 test (home tests are not allowed for COVID accommodations but are useful to help you determine if you are positive and you will need additional testing).
You can get testing done at Mercer Medicine, Campus Health, and at numerous pharmacies/clinics. If you get tested at a non-Mercer site then please submit your test results to
If you test negative but are febrile then you must remain home until you are afebrile for 24 hours. You should wear a mask for five days upon your return when around anyone.
If you test positive then you must remain at home for a full five days from the start of your symptoms. You may return on day six, IF your symptoms are improving and you are afebrile for 24 hours. You MUST wear a mask for a full five days upon your return when around anyone.
If you are exposed to someone who has tested for COVID then you do not need to remain at home unless you develop symptoms.