
COVID Protocol Fall 2022

Since all of our campuses are located in high COVID-19 transmissions zones, we ask that you review the ways to protect yourself and others. Please take the time to review the School's COVID protocol:


If you develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19

  • Do not report to school.
  • Contact MUSM's Academic Records and the COVID Liaison, Dr. Alice House.
  • Get a COVID-19 test (home tests are not allowed for COVID accommodations but are useful to help you determine if you are positive and you will need additional testing). 

You can get testing done at Mercer MedicineCampus Health, and at numerous pharmacies/clinics. If you get tested at a non-Mercer site then please submit your test results to


If you test negative but are febrile then you must remain home until you are afebrile for 24 hours. You should wear a mask for five days upon your return when around anyone. 


If you test positive then you must remain at home for a full five days from the start of your symptoms. You may return on day six, IF your symptoms are improving and you are afebrile for 24 hours. You MUST wear a mask for a full five days upon your return when around anyone. 


If you are exposed to someone who has tested for COVID then you do not need to remain at home unless you develop symptoms.

Parking Decals Available for Pick-up

If you have completed this year's parking decal form, you can now pick up your decal on your campus. For more details about picking up your decal, contact Elizabeth Clark (Macon), Dion Arkwright (Savannah), or LaQuanta Hamilton (Columbus).

If you haven't completed your form, you can do so here.

Summer Research Survey

If you completed a research project this summer, MUSM or non-MUSM related, please complete this short survey, so that we can get your feedback. 

If you are interested in student research, contact Gretchen Bentz.

Online Student Calendar

The marketing department recently launched a new online calendar for keeping track of MUSM student events across our campuses. Visit the calendar to view upcoming interest group meetings, special events, and more!

Keep checking the student newsletter for special announcements and events of interest that are not organized by MUSM. 

Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Randolph County Health Fair

September 10 | 11 am - 2 pm | Cuthbert, GA

The Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center is hosting a health fair in Randolph County and needs medical students to lead teddy bear clinics and pig lung demonstrations.

Sign up to represent the School and help increase rural health literacy. Contact Janice Stanford at the GRHIC with your questions.

SAVE THE DATE: MUSM at the Georgia National Fair

October 6 - 16 10 am - 9 pm

Experience the fun of the fair while sharing the importance of our mission with Georgians coming from all over our great state! Student volunteers will give blood pressure checks, with special days for teddy bear clinics. All volunteers will get a free t-shirt and free entry to the fair. Be on the look out for the sign-up form!

Asian American and Hawaiian Natives in Medicine

Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) scientists have many made landmark discoveries that have changed the course of science and medicine, fundamentally altering the way we live and understand the world around us. From developing treatment for gout to helping establish the field of molecular medicine, learn more about AANHPI scientists who have left their imprint on the world of medicine as we know it.

MUSM Student Awarded Summer Travel Fellowship

Priya Arya, MS-2, was selected for the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS)'s Myers' Family Summer Travel Fellowship for Student Research in Otolaryngology Award! She will complete her project related to head and neck oncology over the next year for presentation at the AHNS Annual Meeting in July 2023. Congrats, Priya!

Southeast Health Residency Programs Meet and Greet

September 15 | 7 - 8 pm EST | Virtual

September 22 | 7 - 8 pm EST | Virtual

Year IV medical students are invited to the Southeast Health's Internal Medicine and Transitional Year meet and greet. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the programs at Southeast Health and ask questions to current residents.

Learn more

Register here

Fall-ing into Residency

September 17 | 12 - 3 pm | Moultrie, GA 

Join Georgia South GME for a fun and informational meet and greet to learn more about their family medicine and psychiatry residency programs. Contact Victoria Gallagher to RSVP. 

Learn more about the Moultrie meet and greet 

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