Dear Middle School Parents,

After three weeks of school, we are comfortable that students have learned their carpool numbers and drivers are familiar with the afternoon carpool process, including the best time to arrive at school. For that reason, beginning Tuesday, September 6, we are discontinuing our practice of having cars pull into the MS side lot in the event the student does not respond to their carpool number and instead directing them to re-enter the carpool line. This can be done by driving just past the HS and looping back to the MS carpool. Having cars flow into our side lot for pick up is not ideal as it presents additional safety concerns for students who are walking to transportation services, blue sport spots for carpool to sports practice and/or games, and over to the HS with an approved walker pass. The high volume of traffic in this small parking lot area creates a higher probability for accidents to occur.

We realize the first few weeks of carpool can be challenging; this is the case every year! We appreciate your patience, attentiveness and cooperation as we continue to manage our carpool in the safest and most efficient way possible. For more information about MS carpool, please click on the informational links below. 

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Lake Norman Charter School - 704-948-8600