This week’s Constant Contact email newsletter
is brought to you by the following sponsors:
LINE DANCING begins tonight!
Tuesdays, 7-9 pm, TSC Auditorium
All levels and all ages are welcome!
Come and learn line dances with Bob Arnold! An energetic class of beginner and intermediate level dances, featuring moderate and fast music tempos with music from country, pop, rock, rhythm and blues, etc. $2 per class (age 50+) / $3 (others)
Bring your dancing shoes!
Are you an artist or craftsperson? Downsizing and have items of value you would like to sell? This course can help you with selling on Etsy: costs, how to set up an Etsy shop, how to make your products sell.
Mondays, Jan. 31 – Feb. 28, 4 - 5:30 pm. Cost $5.00 per class.
Bring your laptop or tablet. CLICK HERE to register for Etsy Class

For questions, email
POSTPONED! Kristy Carter's BIG BIRTHDAY Celebration was planned to take place at TSC on Tue. Feb. 1, but will be rescheduled. Watch for an update as we announce a new date. Kristy (our Assistant Program Supervisor) has requested donations be made to the TSC Foundation to fund programs that help active seniors stay connected and healthy!
You can wish her a happy birthday and contribute to her Birthday Fundraiser here or on Facebook!
Our Great Artist Series with Tom Friedman starts this week!
Join us on Thursdays at 1:30, in-person at TSC or on Zoom

The evolution of Monet's style and his fascination with new ways of reflecting light. Plus his famous Waterlilies series, so unique that the French government constructed a special museum, the L’orangerie, in Paris to house them.
Feb. 3rd Henri Toulouse—Lautrec and the birth of the modern print
Feb. 10th Pablo Picasso the great 20th century innovator
Contact: Maureen Haberfeld, Lifelong Learning & L3X Coordinator:
email phone 850-891-4033
Registration Deadline is Friday February 11, 12 pm
We always have on-going Studio Art Classes & Labs

For the latest TSC Art Newsletter Click here

Contact: Heath Hilary McRae, Art Program Coordinator:
email phone 850-891-4016 
Health & Wellness
Join this presentation to learn about FAMU’s Medical Marijuana Education and Research Initiative (MMERI), whose mission is to educate and inform Florida’s diverse communities about medical marijuana, and the potential consequence to health and well-being from recreational use. Presented by Michelle Wilson, MBA, FCCM, Coordinator Education, Training, and Community Engagement.
Wed, Feb 2 @ 11:00 am, Zoom 

Yoga is beneficial for reducing stress and increasing mobility, strength, flexibility, balance.
The class can be done in chair or on a yoga mat.

8 week series: Tuesdays, Feb. 1 - Mar. 22, 1:00 pm
Space is limited. Masks required.

We have a variety of fitness classes at the Senior Center and our neighborhood community centers, from Yoga, Ageless Grace and Mindful Movement to Life Exercise and Brain-Body-Balance.
You can even watch pre-recorded classes on-line at any time from the comfort of your home.
For information about Health, Wellness & Fitness Programs
View our on-line Health & Wellness Calendar
Contact Ruth Nickens, RN, Health + Wellness Coordinator:
email phone 850-891-4042
Get free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests
Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order four free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days. Visit to place your order. Once there, you will need to enter your name and address; only one order of four tests will be allowed per address.   
If you need a COVID-⁠19 test now, please see other testing resources for free testing locations in your area.
of classes and events
is just a click away!
Information about
Senior Happenings in our area,
Tips, Resources, and More!
Are you celebrating a birthday or a special occasion? How about hosting a Facebook Fundraiser to benefit the Senior Center?
To do this, you must have a Facebook account/profile,
Thank you for sharing the joy of active aging
opportunities for our community!
Click here to learn more ways to support the Senior Center

Checks can be mailed to:
TSC Foundation, 1400 N. Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL, 32303

The TSC Foundation generates funding to support programs,
services and participants of Tallahassee Senior Services.
Donations and membership are tax deductible.
Updated COVID Practices - as of January 11, 2022
Participants are strongly encouraged, but not required to wear a mask at the TSC and our neighborhood program sites. Staff, volunteers, vendors and contractors are required to wear a mask at all times except in an office alone.
To be respectful of each other, please continue to follow these guidelines: 
a.  Do not attend an activity if you are sick or have symptoms which include a fever, cough and shortness of breath.
b.  Practice social distancing when possible.
c.  Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face.
If you test positive for COVID-19, please notify a TSC staff person ASAP to discuss return protocols. Do not return to TSC until you have spoken with a staff person.
If you think you have been Exposed to COVID-19 which, according to the CDC, means being within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, follow these guidelines. People who have been fully vaccinated do not need to quarantine after contact with someone who has had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms.
 -Fully vaccinated individuals (fully vaccinated two weeks after having received the last dose of a CDC-authorized COVID-19 vaccine and any subsequent CDC recommended booster shot):
o   No quarantine requirement if asymptomatic.
o   Wear a mask for 10 days since exposure.
o   Is recommended to get tested on day five (5) after exposure.
o   Continue to monitor for symptoms.
 -Unvaccinated individuals (Someone who has not received any dose of a CDC- authorized COVID-19 vaccine, or who has received fewer than the total number of recommended doses, including the booster shot, of a CDC- authorized COVID-19 vaccine (i.e., partially vaccinated) is unvaccinated. For individuals who were vaccinated but are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months out after the J&J vaccine) and not yet received the booster shot, the individual is considered unvaccinated):
o   Quarantine for five (5) days after the last contact with the individual testing positive for COVID-19.
o   Get a PCR test on 5th day
o   Wear a mask for 10 days since exposure.
o   In order to return to the TSC or a satellite activity, present a negative COVID-19 test result (test must occur on day 5 or later after the exposure).
o   Or wait 10 days and return on the 11th day without symptoms.
o   Continue to monitor for symptoms.
If you have symptoms – do not attend a class or activity.
Thank you for following these guidelines in the best interest of trying to keep everyone as safe as possible, and maintain a healthy environment at the TSC and our program sites.
Take care & stay safe,
Sheila Salyer
Senior Services Manager/Executive Director
The mission of Tallahassee Senior Services is to offer programs, activities, and opportunities designed to encourage active living, optimal aging, and social fitness for independent adults age 50+.