A Message From Our Pastor
Missionary Work and the Rich Young Man
Today’s Gospel reading is well-known, and became more popular because of the 19th century German painter Heinrich Hoffman. He depicted this scene, painting it in 1889, which is the same year the cornerstone of St. Alphonsus was laid. His famous painting is recreated in stained glass on the south side of the church.
The rich young man approaches Jesus, bearing both wealth and good works, but he is seeking affirmation and a guarantee of eternal life. In their conversation, Christ challenges his mindset, inviting him into a life of discipleship. The young man quickly learns that neither wealth nor good works can purchase entrance into heaven. It is a life of radical discipleship that enables us to look to the future inheritance of treasure in Heaven.
By our baptism, all Catholics are called to discipleship. Few of us will ever be called to become missionaries in a faraway countries, but all of us have the opportunity to support those who do, to assist spiritually and materially those modern-day Catholic disciples who do bring Jesus to people in foreign lands.
This weekend we are privileged to welcome to our parish Fr. Myron Effing, who will share with us his 30-year experience serving as a modern missionary in the far east of Russia, reviving the Catholic Church there. Despite its heritage of Orthodox Christianity, Russia is today the most secular country on earth, because seven decades of forced atheism and communist oppression have taken a dark toll on the people.
May the Lord open our hearts in prayer and compassion for our brothers and sisters, and inspire us to support those who bring the hope and light of the Gospel to the faithful who are trying to build themselves up into a spiritual community. In addition to contributing to the second collection (Or Donating To This Link), you can also support their ministry and work by browsing and purchasing an icon made in the Russian far east, which will be for sale in the narthex after all the Masses.
Celebrate Sunday Mass at St. Alphonsus!
Invite your friends/loved ones to Mass! Sunday Mass schedule in English is at 9 AM, 11 AM, and 5 PM. Mass in Spanish is at 12:30 PM.
The Archdiocese of Chicago has issued a statement that, in accordance with the city, masks will now be required at all liturgies, including Masses. You can read the statement here.
Our parish school, Alphonsus Academy & Center for the Arts is looking for a PE teacher. Candidates must have a bachelor's degree with a teaching certificate preferred. Inquiries about the position can be directed to AACA principal Gerit McAllister.
October in the Church is designated both as World Mission Month and Respect Life Month. This means that we celebrate and recommit to share the Gospel with all people (particularly those at the margins of our global social and economic structures), as well as to affirm and protect the God-given sanctity of all human life (particularly that of the unborn as the most vulnerable). In the midst of all we have experienced over the course of the past year and a half, these celebrations remind us of God’s presence amid all human suffering. We are called not only to share in the griefs and anxieties of the people of this world, but also to respond to them with the love and compassion of Jesus.
In honor of Respect Life month, St. Alphonsus conducts a Baby Bottle drive in support of the life-saving work of the Women's Center. Please take a baby bottle at Mass, fill it with spare change (or bills/check) and return by October 24. Thank you!
Save the Parental Notice of Abortion law! It is a travesty that Illinois continues to be one of the most pro-abortion states in the country. State lawmakers are meeting on October 19 and they are considering repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. All must act to prevent this! Go to www.ilcatholic.org to read the Illinois bishops letter and find out how to contact your state legislator.
All Souls Day, November 2nd is a special day in the life of the Church as we take time to pray for our deceased family members and friends who have died and gone before us marked with the sign of faith. St. Alphonsus Parish will be holding a special Requiem Mass on Monday, November 2nd at 7 PM, to pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died. Through the Sacred Liturgy, the Church invokes the forgiving love and abundant mercy of God, that He may receive all those we remember into His kingdom so they can come to know the fullness of life and peace of Heaven. During the Requiem Mass a memorial candle will be lit for each person asked to be remembered. Additionally, our music director Brian Bloye is arranging a special program with a men's schola singing chant in Latin and English from the traditional Requiem Mass of the Church. If you would like to honor a loved one who has died, please fill out the form here.
You can also write the names of your loved ones in the Book of the Names of the Dead, which will be available in the Church during November.
It's the Year of St. Joseph. Let us remember to celebrate a saint the Holy Father called a beloved, tender, accepting and courageous father. Find resources here
Do you have upcoming exciting events that you would like to share with our St. Alphonsus Church and our parish school communities? You can share them here!
Young Adult Ministry
St. Alphonsus has a vibrant young adult community! Be sure to check out our Facebook page for service opportunities and other future events!
Are you the friend who just happens to know random factoids? Or, the one with the most fun party conversations? Well, calling all you trivia fans and friends, alike, to come join us, in the St. Alphonsus' Festival Hall (basement), on Saturday, Nov 13th from 3-6pm because St. Al’s YAM Trivia is back!
The cost of tickets is $25 per person (it is a fundraiser!). Teams of 5-6 people can register individually or together. Simply list the names of everyone on your team in the "Comments" section on GiveCentral, during your purchase. Light refreshments, beer and wine are included in the event cost and prizes will be provided to the winning team members.
Don't know anyone or don't have 6 people on your team? Fear not! You may also register individually or in a smaller group (2-4 people). We will assign you to a team. While this event is coordinated by our Young Adult Ministry, All in the parish community are welcome!
YAM Fall Community Dinner
When: October 22, 2021 (doors open at 7 PM)
Where: St. Al's Festival Hall (church basement)
Costs: $20/person & a suggested donation of 1-2 non-perishable items. St. Al's YAM will be donating these items to the LakeView Food Pantry.
Faith Formation
Rev. Steven Bauer and our parish staff are always open to the faithful in assisting with your spiritual journey. May God bless us with patience and peace as we seek to live in harmony with one another and all creation!
Each year, St. Alphonsus joyfully educates the children of our parish in their Catholic faith. If you would like to spend more time with children, strengthen the faith bonds in our families or enjoy serving in our parish— please consider volunteering as a catechist for our religious education program! We’d love to talk to you and no experience is necessary :) There are training opportunities and support as you get started and throughout your time of service. Contact our RE Coordinator Erica Cook for more information.
Our Religious Education program is currently underway for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in registering your child, please contact Erica Cook or visit our website at www.stalphonsuschicago.org/religious-education for more information.
Walking With Purpose- A Modern Woman's Guide to the Bible
Join us at St. Alphonsus this Fall on Tuesdays as we help you enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ, nurtured through personal Bible study and small group discussions created just for women! Walking with Purpose meetings are from 9:30-11 AM and 6:30-8:30 PM. Contact Susan Combes for more information.
Respect Life Month Webinars
Tuesdays - October 12th & 19th
As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every point in between. This series of Respect Life Webinars will highlight and address the findings from the study: “How Americans Understand Abortion: A Comprehensive Interview Study of Abortion Attitudes in the U.S.” The study is a must-read for anyone committed to understanding not only what Americans believe about abortion, but also how they think about it. Download the report here.
Word on Fire Institute
It’s the Word on Fire Institute’s 3-year anniversary! Take a look inside the Institute where thousands of people across the globe are learning how to share the Gospel and lead the culture to Christ.
Support St. Alphonsus through GiveCentral!
The most important opportunity to steward your gifts of treasure is to give purposefully to the weekly Offertory. We ask that every parishioner prayerfully considers the gifts that God has given them. In gratitude for such gifts, we hope you give back to God through a significant gift to St. Alphonsus Church on a regular basis. This giving back to God in support of the mission and ministry of the parish is essential to the spiritual life of you, the giver, and to the ongoing operations of the parish. Your offertory gift is most easily accomplished through regular automatic withdrawals from your credit card or checking account right here, through our secure online giving platform, GiveCentral. You can also text Sunday to (773) 570-7600.
Knights of Columbus
Prayers for all facing surgeries, illnesses, employment and other challenges. Thanksgiving for all of the many answered prayers.
Pumpkin Painting & Carving, THURS, OCT 14, in the St. Alphonsus parking lot; if you know a youngster who is planning on coming, please ask the parent to RSVP at knightsofcolumbus.15158@gmail.com to confirm; it will help with the count of pumpkins. This year's pumpkins are being harvested from Michigan. Open to All!
Tootsie Roll / ID Drive for benefit of Special Needs programming at AACA and Misericordia, OCT 16 & 17, late morning/early afternoon (1 hour shift), and after each of the SUN masses (just for 15-minutes); can you take a 15-minute shift after one of the SUN masses that weekend? Can you (and perhaps a younger helper) take a 1-hour shift on SAT, OCT 16?
News Around the Archdiocese
Queen of Angels’ annual Children's Resale Shop is Saturday, October 16th in the Lower Church, 2330 W. Sunnyside Ave., from 8 AM to 1 PM. Bring your shopping bags and stock up on tons of new and gently used children's clothing, shoes, accessories, strollers, furniture, toys, games, puzzles, baby equipment, books, ride-ons, sports equipment, Halloween costumes, and more! Covid safety protocols will be in place. Admission is $1
The Hank Center at Loyola University are hosting a free public online discussion on Thursday October 14 from 3:30-5:30 PM, Catholic Higher Education in the 21st Century. In Ex Corde Ecclesiae (1990), St. John Paul II claims a Catholic university unites “the search for the truth with the certainty of already knowing the fount of truth.” Join for reflections on Ex Corde Ecclesiae as three Loyola professors and a doctoral student discuss education as the pursuit of truth informed by the Catholic faith.
Connect your faith and your roots with Catholic Relief Services for a bilingual virtual event by praying the Holy Rosary this Thursday October 14 at 7 PM.
Mundelein Seminary Centennial Kickoff Mass & Open House
All are welcome to celebrate 100 years of Mundelein Seminary building holy bridges to Christ at their free kickoff event on Sunday, October 17. Join Cardinal Wilton Gregory '73 and Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Papal Nuncio to the United States, for Mass followed by brunch and an afternoon of activities on the beautiful campus celebrating their history and mission.
Community News
The 47th Ward Alderman Office is hosting a virtual Public Safety Pop-Up meeting on Tues, 10/12 at 6:30 PM with the 19th Police District to provide information about public safety in the ward, and answer neighbors’ questions. RSVP for this virtual event here
Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce is organizing a Lincoln Avenue Beer Stroll on Saturday, 10/23 from 3-6 PM at businesses along Lincoln Ave. Each ticket includes samples of over 30 different craft beers, a souvenir tasting glass and discounts to local businesses. Learn more and get tickets!
Your financial gifts help us to continue our ministries as a faith community. We are deeply grateful for every gift that is shared.
Save the Date! Dante 360 at the Athenaeum Center for Thought & Culture
November 14th at 3:00 PM
Experience the immersive depth and complexity of Dante's vision as we celebrate the Year of Dante through music, performance, and art inspired by the great Italian poet. Tickets will be available soon!
When we plan our weekly giving, and set this money aside first, we demonstrate the great importance that God and the support of the Gospel have in our lives.
Our weekly bulletin features many of the ways you can contribute to the vibrancy of St. Alphonsus parish.