If you haven't voted already, please make a plan today for how you will get to the polls tomorrow. Every vote will count. Please reach out to a fellow FUUSNite if you need a ride to the polls.
Rev. Joel and I hope you will join us for an election night viewing party this Tuesday starting at around 8pm in the Alliance Room. The first results are likely to be announced by then. Bring a dessert or munchies for 8 and something to drink to share; non-alcohol and wine/beer are both welcome. We'll stay together until the 11pm results, and then head home. Please bring a laptop if you have one - we'd like to have as many news sources going as possible.
On Wednesday, we'll gather from 1 to 4 pm in the Alliance Room, for candle lighting, poems, silence, and discussion. Drop in at any time. Depending on what has happened, we may open the sanctuary on Wednesday evening - check FUUSN's Facebook page for updates. Or, if you haven't signed up for our text service, email Jenise now at jenise@fusn.org with your cell phone number and will add you for updates.
We may still not know the results of the election by Thursday. Watch for an email from us if we are adding additional gatherings towards the end of the week. On Sunday, we will be having a post-election worship service at 10:15am. Please consider inviting your neighbors and friends.
We hope you will take very good care of yourself this week as we wait for the results of this historic election. It is important to exercise, eat well, hydrate, turn off the news periodically, and be with people. May we stay calm and trust in the American people and the electoral process.
We will get through this together. We hope to see you soon.
In faith,
Rev. Debra