Hello, and welcome to this edition of Cruiser Connections. Our goal is to keep our Cruiser community informed of the happenings, celebrations, and news of the school district, our students, staff, and schools. We’re excited to have you join us on this journey, and we look forward to your feedback.
January2022 Edition at a Glance
- Message from the Superintendent
- Message from the Superintendent
- Newly-Elected Board Members Take Oath of Office
- New Process for Reporting Positive COVID-19 Cases
- Board of Education Officers Elected
- District and GMLEA Agree to Two-Year Contract
- Board Requests Detailed Service Plan from Petermann Transportation
- Federal Stimulus-Funded Projects Moving Forward
- Cruiser Theatre Company’s New Play Expected to be a Big Hit
- Franklin County Public Health Offering Free COVID-19 Vaccines
- Cruiser Cheerleaders Win Buckeye Nationals Competition
- Winter Weather Closings and Delays
- Cruisers in the News
- Calendar Items
Superintendent's Message
If there’s been anything I’ve learned over the past 22 months, it’s been patience and resilience - and to make more effort to acknowledge when others demonstrate patience and resilience as well.
Back in March of 2020, I don’t think any of us could have predicted how our lives would change due to an unknown microscopic virus – but change they most certainly did! Students, parents, and staff members have made considerable adjustments in our daily plans and activities. We've had to confront the challenges of managing online classes when we couldn't be together, practicing social distancing, wearing protective face masks, and dealing with transportation issues so that we can be together.
I understand and respect that there have been differing views regarding many COVID-related issues over the past 22 months. Still, I truly appreciate how our students, parents, and staff have demonstrated unparalleled patience and resilience as we all struggle to make our way through these unchartered waters.
There’s no question that “Cruisers Can do Hard Things” – or that “Cruisers Care.”
Newly-Elected Board Members Take Oath of Office
At its January 9 Organizational meeting, newly-elected Board members LaToya Dowdell-Burger, Seth Bower, and Libby Gray took their oath of office. District Treasurer Felicia Drummey administered the oath to Mrs. Gray, while 10th District Appeals Court Judge Terri Jamison administered the oath to Mrs. Dowdell-Burger and Mr. Bower. Their terms of office will run through December 31, 2025.
Reporting Student and Staff COVID Cases Through Online Tool
To streamline the process of reporting positive COVID-19 diagnoses (as required by Franklin County Public Health), we set up an online reporting tool that GM parents and staff will use for all COVID reporting to the school district. You can find our new COVID-19 reporting tool on our website at https://www.gocruisers.org/COVIDReporting.aspx. We also set up linked pages where you can get the latest updates regarding our COVID protocols, plans for remote online classes in the event of a temporary school closure, and other information and resources to help your family deal with COVID-19. Should you have questions, please email our Communications Office at gm.communications@gocruisers.org, or call us at 614-492-2520.
Board of Education Officers Elected
As part of their Annual Organizational Meeting, the Board of Education selected their officers for the 2022 calendar year. Serving as Board President is Chris Snyder Board, and Vice-President is LaToya Dowdell-Burger. The Board also adopted its meeting calendar for the year. Meeting dates/times can be found at: https://www.gocruisers.org/BoardofEducation.aspx.
District and GMLEA Sign Two-Year Contract
The Groveport Madison Schools Board of Education unanimously approved a new two-year labor agreement with the Groveport Madison Local Education Association (GMLEA). It likewise was supported by one-hundred percent of the GMLEA members who cast their vote.
Highlights of the new agreement call for a four percent increase (on the base salary) in the first year of the contract and a three-percent increase in the second year. There were no changes in benefits and no increase in insurance rates. In addition, it was agreed to increase the length of the staff workday to enable opportunities for planned meetings and staff collaboration activities. The contract also calls for an increase in the number of professional development days from two to three.
“Seldom do you hear of labor negotiations going as smoothly as what we have experienced with this round,” said Superintendent Garilee Ogden. “Both sides came to the table with a collaborative spirit and a focus on how to create and maintain the best possible conditions for student learning. The wage increases are designed to help us remain competitive in an ever-tightening labor market, and we were able to secure concessions that give us more flexibility in our operations.”
GMLEA President Joy Bock stated, "The collaborative effort between the District and GMLEA allowed us to come to an agreement months before our current contract expires; this has never happened before. In a time of growing teacher shortages, this agreement will help us recruit and retain highly-qualified teachers."
The agreement will be in effect from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024.
Board Requests Detailed Service Plan from Petermann Transportation
At the January 12 Board of Education meeting, our transportation contractor, Petermann spoke of their efforts to date (discussion from this portion of the meeting can be viewed on the District’s YouTube Channel beginning at timestamp 1:01:21 and ending at timestamp 1:52:09).
Petermann stated that in 2020 (pre-COVID-19), they were running approximately 64 routes for the District; however, due to staffing shortages since that time, they have been forced to reduce the number of routes to 49 (they currently have 50 drivers). They stated that optimally they would prefer to run closer to 70 routes, but they don't have the staff to do so. Presently, they have six new candidates completing their training, with four of them scheduled to take their driver's test with the State of Ohio later this month.
After a lengthy discussion about staffing levels, recruitment and retention efforts, and Petermann’s work thus far, the Board felt that the company's update lacked the detail and data the Board had expected to be provided. The Board asked Petermann’s leadership team to come to the February 9 meeting with a more thorough assessment of the work done to date and a detailed report regarding the company’s plans to resolve the long-standing service issues.
Federal Stimulus-Funded Projects Moving Forward
Federal stimulus funds were allocated to the nation's public schools through the federal Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The funds provided to states for their schools are known as Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds and have been provided to help prevent, prepare, and respond to the spread of COVID-19.
The first allocation of $1.96 million in ESSER I funds was received in the fall of 2020 and was used to purchase supplies and equipment related to protecting students and staff from COVID and covering the expenses of opening and operating Cruiser Digital Academy, our 100% digital online school. In the spring of 2021, Groveport Madison Schools received $8.4 million in ESSER II funds. And in November 2021, the District received $18.8 million in ESSER III funds.
We are thankful to receive these one-time federal funds to invest in critical areas to help students safely return to school on-site five days a week and address our schools' and students' needs emerging from the pandemic.
Cruiser Theatre Company’s New Play to be a Big Hit with Audiences
On January 21 and 22, the GMHS Theatre Company will present “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol,” by John Longenbaugh. Performances take place at 7 PM both nights in the high school's auditorium.
In this ingenious meeting of two Victorian classics, Dr. Watson visits his old friend Sherlock Holmes on Christmas Eve, finding him in a dark and anti-social mood, planning to retire from the tedious work of solving crimes.
Tickets are available online and at the door. Online ticket prices are $7.00 for general admission and $5.00 for students and seniors. If purchased at the door, prices are $2.00 more. Golden Cruiser Club members can get in free when presenting their membership card. Visit cruisertheatre.weebly.com for information.
Franklin County Public Health Offering Free COVID-19 Vaccines
Free COVID-19 vaccinations are available at all FCPH clinics. To schedule your vaccination(s), go to vax2normal.org/vaccine. We also accept walk-ins and offer $100 gift cards for those getting their first dose only, as supplies last. Vaccination boosts the body's natural defenses! Getting the COVID-19 immunization is the best way to protect yourself from severe illness and hospitalization from the virus. If you have questions, reach out to your doctor or visit our FAQs at vax2normal.org/vaccine/vaccine-faqs/.
GMHS Competition Cheerleaders Win at Buckeye Nationals Competition
The 10-member GMHS Competition Cheerleaders took first place in the non-tumbling division of the Buckeye Nationals Competition held at The Ohio State University on Sunday, January 16. Next, the team will compete at 2 PM, Saturday, January 29, at Dublin Jerome H.S., hoping to qualify for state competition.
Winter Weather Closures and Delays
It appears that winter has finally arrived in Ohio. Find out how the District determines if schools can remain open or if classes will be canceled, how you'll be notified, and what you need to do to prepare in the event schools have to close early. You can get answers to these questions and many more at https://www.gocruisers.org/SchoolCancellationInfo.aspx.
Groveport Madison Schools in the News
Important Dates to Remember
Wed., Jan. 26
Fri., Jan. 28
Wed., Feb. 9
Mon., Feb. 21
Tue., Feb. 22
Wed., Feb. 23
Fri., Mar. 4
Mon., Mar. 7
Board of Education Mtg., 7 PM
Interim Reports Available on ProgressBook
Board of Education Mtg., 7 PM
NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Release Day
Board of Education Mtg., 7 PM
End of the Third Grading Period
NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day or Staff
Share Good News About Groveport Madison Schools!
We know that great news occurs every day. We invite you to share positive news items with us via our social media outlets as well. News and information can be shared via personal messaging on Facebook (GroveportMadisonSchools). You may also email us at gm.communications@gocruisers.org, or call us at (614) 492-2520.
Stay Informed - Follow us on Social Media
We are committed to keeping you informed, as we use a variety of communications tools to make it as easy as possible for you to know what is going on in the Groveport Madison Schools District. In addition, many of our schools use social media as well. Look for them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Groveport Madison Schools | (614) 492-2520 | gocruisers.org
Office of Communications & Community Relations