October 8, 2021
Photo by Carol Papa taken on World Communion Sunday, October 3, 2021.
Beautiful tapestry on communion table, created by weaver Valerie Sharir with the congregation's unique contributions of fabric and other materials of special significance.
9:00 a.m. in-person contemporary worship
in the Fellowship Hall
11:00 a.m. in-person worship
in the sanctuary
Online access beginning at 11:00 a.m.
Stewardship Pledges
During the service last Sunday, October 3, an opportunity was given to bring pledge cards forward and place them in the font as a symbol of the dedication of our lives to the purposes of God. We are grateful to those who have already submitted their pledge.
If you have not yet completed yours, pledge cards are available through the church website ( You may also call the church office to request that a new stewardship packet be mailed to you. Each gift is appreciated!
Watch the Stewardship Videos!
Newly Elected Church Officers
A combined in-person and Zoom congregational meeting took place following last Sunday’s worship service. Church officers (elders and deacons), congregational nominating committee members, and a seven-member Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) were elected. A booklet with their biographies is available through News@First and on the church website. Thank you for your support and prayers for our current and newly elected officers.
COVID Mask Policy Update
In response to falling COVID-19 rates in our area, the session will no longer require masks in outdoor spaces on the church campus.
Masks will continue to be required of all persons (over the age of two) while inside, if there is more than one person in a room.
We do this out of concern:
For our children, who are not able to receive vaccinations;
For the most vulnerable members of our community, who may be at risk, even if vaccinated;
For the larger community, to help slow the spread of the virus.
The session will revisit the policy again at its next stated meeting, October 26, and is deeply grateful for the patience and support that this community has demonstrated through these long months. We honor God as we care for each other.
One Service - All Saints' Day
Sunday, October 31, at 10:00 a.m.
On Sunday, October 31, we will be observing All Saints’ Day with communion. There will be one combined service at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. Having celebrated the Lord’s Supper on October 31, communion will not be served on November 7, our regular first Sunday of the month. We will resume our usual schedule with communion on Sunday, December 5.
In preparation for the October 31 All Saints’ Day service, all from our church family are invited to email photos of loved ones (members or non-members) who have died November 1, 2020 – present to Rachel Martin ( Please include your name and their name, their date of birth and death (if known), and your relationship to the deceased, We are planning a special slide presentation as a part of the service to commemorate those who have died in the last year.
If you are interested in membership with this vibrant congregation, please contact Margaret LaMotte Torrence, Transitional Pastor (
or call the church office (941) 955-8119.
The members of the Mission Study Team are grateful to the session for the opportunity to listen for God’s leading as we listened carefully to the congregation and to leaders in our community. It was a privilege to create this report summarizing what we heard and discerned. We hope that reading and hearing this report will enrich your love and appreciation for our vibrant faith community.
The report is available on the church website: You may receive a paper copy of the report after the worship services, or request a copy by calling the office at (941) 955-8119.
Video/Discussion Series
Class RESUMES This Sunday
Join us this Sunday in the Fellowship Hall to watch a short video, exploring our world from a perspective of Jesus. The video is followed by informal guided discussion and reflections, led by Michael Fingerle. Class for adults of all ages. Come and relax, renew friendships, and make new friends!
Adult Education Class:
“Do Everything for the Glory of God”
– Continues Next Wednesday, Oct. 13 1:00 p.m. via Zoom
Presbyterian Christians find their identity as part of a wider theological movement, called the Reformed tradition. Its origins are in the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. These reformers sought a reform of the church in accordance with scripture. This study provides some Presbyterian perspectives on Christian beliefs. Our Presbyterian heritage is rich and deep.
These lessons are aimed to spark interest and nurture our Christian faith so we may “do everything for the glory of God.” This class via Zoom is taught by Elaine Barnett on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m., until November 10. You may sign-up by emailing Elaine at
- Oct. 13 - Providence for Presbyterians
- Oct. 20 - Salvation for Presbyterians
- Oct. 27 - Church and Sacraments for Presbyterians
- Nov. 3 - Christian Life for Presbyterians
- Nov. 10 - Hope for Presbyterian
Coming Soon: New Adult Education Class on Sundays
Beginning November 7
This in-person Sunday morning class will be taught by Dr. John Parks on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. November 7, 14, 21, and December 5, 12, and 19. More details are coming soon!
SURE FPC House Meeting
– Register Now!
Be among the many who have attended a SURE House Meeting. If you haven't as yet, Team leaders Judy and Phil Kuebbeler look forward to you joining their group via ZOOM next Monday, October 11 at 7:00 p.m. Register on the link below:
Highlights from “Weaving Together” Sunday, Sept. 26
and World Communion Sunday, October 3
Though visitors and volunteers are currently not permitted on Sarasota School District campuses because of COVID-19, we can support our mission partner, Brentwood Elementary, a Title 1 school by adopting a class! By giving $100, all of the gift goes to the class to purchase extra resources that range from dry erase markers to computer software, learning centers, books, and more!
When the school year began, Invest in Children “adopted” four classes, thanks to four of our generous families. There are still many classes that would benefit from our gifts. You, too, can adopt a class through our Invest in Children program by sending a check for $100 (to First Presbyterian Church with “Brentwood Adopt a Class” in the memo line). Smaller amounts earmarked for BES Adopt a Class can be combined to reach the $100 needed for an adoption. It’s a worthwhile investment! Thank you for your support for this creative program.
Faith Focus Weekend
Saturday & Sunday
October 23 & 24
The Rev. Paul Roberts, Sr., President of Johnson C. Smith Seminary (Atlanta, GA), will be returning to FPC, Sarasota, as the keynote speaker for Faith Focus Weekend. The weekend theme will be: “Bridging the Gap: Conversations of Hope and Healing toward Racial Reconciliation.”
A special event on Saturday in the Fellowship Hall for our church and community will include a panel discussion led by members of the Manasota Interracial Book Club, a thriving group inspired by Rev. Roberts three years ago. Rev. Roberts will also offer a presentation exploring avenues everyday people can take to help build a more just and equitable society. He will preach in both worship services on Sunday, October 24.
Please keep in touch with our members who have recently moved away from Sarasota to be closer to family:
Betsy Cairns
8750 Westminster Terrace #5118
Dallas, TX 75243
Jean Luker
412 Highway 87 N
Pittsboro, NC 27312-7229
Emmy Schmidt
24441 Calle Sonora, Apt. 124
Laguna Woods, CA 92637-7702
FPC Mission Partnership
with All Faiths Food Bank
Join our fun team of volunteers and help distribute food to our community neighbors Thursday mornings, 9:15-11:30 a.m.
The food distribution is by drive-through with volunteers loading cars as clients circle in the parking lot (between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m.) Volunteers are needed each Thursday. Task options include sorting and distributing food, setting up, cleaning up, and directing traffic.
For information or to sign up,
contact Bob Kirkpatrick: or (941) 355-0809; or Dave Householder: or (724) 462-4235.
Presbyterian Women
Peace River Presbyterian Women’s autumn retreat is on Saturday, October 16, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Cypress Lake Presbyterian Church in Fort Myers.
PW Service Project Workshop
NEXT Tuesday, October 12
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
making breast surgery recovery pillows and fidget blankets (for dementia and Alzheimer patients for restless hands). No special skills required. Bring a sack lunch. Donations of construction materials needed by this Sunday, October 10 (see list in News@First). All welcome! Click on the link below to read all the details!
Music to Our Ears
The Sarasota Music Club is happy to announce that this season, on the third Friday of each month, October 2021 through March 2022, all are invited to their FREE performances at First Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, in the Fellowship Hall.
The first program will be NEXT Friday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m. with a performance of Broadway show tunes.
During the year, there will be varied programs, including a barbershop quartet, jazz, and classical performances. In December, there will be a program of Christmas music. We invite you to come and enjoy this delightful music. You can find information cards in the church office with a complete listing of programs
Florida Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Network (FLAPDAN)
Hurricane Preparedness Tips
Read these important recommendations, restock your supply kit, and be aware of our church’s communication protocol.
Remembering Our Church Family in Prayer
Thank you for upholding members of our congregation with special prayer needs during this time. Click on the attached link for a complete list:
Memorial Services
Please mark on your calendar memorial services for
David Muir on Saturday, October 30, 11:30 a.m. in the sanctuary, with reception to follow
Paul Klick on Saturday, November 6, 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary
Cullen Sabin on Thursday, November 11, 1:30 p.m. in the sanctuary
Irene Halsted and grandson on Thursday, November 18, 2:00 p.m. in the sanctuary
iTN Update
iTNSunCoast has suspended its senior transportation services due to a lack of volunteer drivers. They hope to resume operations in the future. iiTN will be issuing refunds for those who had purchased rides that have not been used. They have provided a list of transportation alternatives which may be accessed below:
Senior Friendship Centers
Offering Free Six-Week Course
for Caregivers
Senior Friendship Centers is offering a free six-week course for caregivers to help improve emotional wellbeing, cope with caregiving demands, and access community resources, beginning Thursday, October 14 - November 18, 1:00-3:30 p.m.; 1900 Brother Geenen Way (Dwyer Room). Call (941) 556-3270 for questions or to sign up. Click on the link below to view or print the complete flyer:
Mark your calendar for our next SunCoast Blood Drives, October 24 and December 19.
Tech Team Members Needed!
Are you interested in learning to operate our sound equipment, cameras, or media? You can have a ministry of tech support for our in-person and live-streamed services. This is an exciting time in the life of our church as we use technology to grow our congregation’s outreach. To get involved, call or text Jimi Camastro, our Tech Team Leader, at (941) 779-6754.
The Cowden-Smith Library
Library open Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
and on Sundays, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
There is a library book cart in the narthex with a varied selection of our newer books from which you can choose, including some children's books. No due dates; simply return when you finish with them. A sign-out sheet is on the cart.
Giving Options
Please continue to mail your contributions to us at the church or donate online. Your gifts make a great difference during this challenging season.
Online: If you are interested in giving electronically through our secure e-giving process, please visit and select the online giving button.
Texting: Are you interested in the convenience of contributing by text message? Text FPC2050 to 73256 to donate via text. Standard rates may apply.
Mail In: All mail, including contribution checks, securely arrives to our church office.
Pastoral Care
When you or a loved one is hospitalized, it is important that you contact the church or one of the pastors to inform us directly and inform the hospital that you are a member of our congregation and would welcome a visit by one of our pastors. Hospitals will not contact the church. We have also discovered that some will no longer even list a patient as our church member on their internal records unless the patient is careful to note their relationship with our congregation. Thank you for your assistance.
We’re Here for You!
The FPC care team, Stephen Ministers, deacons, elders and church staff continue to be available for you. Please feel free to reach out to Cheryl Track, Faith Community Nurse (941) 320-3828 or call the church office (941) 955-8119 if we can be of support to you.