Track & Field 2023

April 24, 2023

Wow we had a great meet on Saturday with lots of P.R'S and records!! Now on the the Championship meets!! There is NO Castaic Practice today as the school has an event but the distance only athletes will meet at Central Park!

On Thursday we will have a special treat for all athletes at practice The Kona Ice truck will be there, and Storm will pay for all Athletes and Coaches to have a treat! If you would like to buy one for a sibling or yourself you can for purchase for $4.00 - $6.00

This Saturday is our Open Championship meet at Canyon High School Please see the information below to see if you child will compete this Saturday or next Saturday! Please read the explanations and feel free to ask if you do not understand which meet your child will go to

Championship meets. All athletes will go to a championship meet on either April 29th or May 6th. All Sub-Gremlins will go to the April 29th meet, and all non qualifiers or top 8

Athlete's. Those that are close to the (Q) time may be invited to go to the May 6th meet. Athletes will not be allowed to attend both of those meets. These are such fun meets because the top 6 in each age group will be awarded a medal at the meets. We will also have event t-shirts and merchandise at each meet!!

Most asked questions about the Final 2 meets!

Who Goes to the Open Championship April 29th? - All athletes that did not hit a qualifying time or are top 8 in league, AND all Sub- Gremlins, this is the final meet for those athletes! 

Who goes to the Western League Championship meet May 6th ?- All qualified athletes, those who have a Q next to their results, and those who are invited from the top 8 of the Western League standings ( you can find these results on our 2023 records page under Track and Field) Coaches will be verifying by with those athletes I will be available before and after practice to answer your questions. We will know for sure after our seeding meeting for most athletes at practice on Tuesday, I will go to the League seeding meeting on Wednesday to see if any other athletes get pulled in to the May 6th meet.


The Individual Events Championship (I.E.C.) May 13th

Who goes to the The Individual Events Championship (I.E.C.) meet? - Those May 6th athletes that are top 9 (12 for distance events) between the 2 Leagues after May 6th meet. 

Please Sign Up to Volunteer -If you have not volunteered your hours yet! We do not have as many duties but we still need


This Week's Track Meet

We will be at the Open Championship meet at Canyon High School, All athletes that did not achieved a qualifying mark, or are not in the top 8 of the Western League will compete. Please ask your coach if you should be there, or go to the next meet on May 6th.

We will have an awards podium for the top 8 in each event!!

Events can be added or changed at the meet if needed.

Volunteer Sign up

Data Input - help under the timing tent

Staging and escort - Help get athletes to be put in Lanes and escort to the track start line - We need a lot of help here!

Relay zone judges - help athletes on the track in their zone and report if they pass out of the zone

Weekly Schedule

Monday April 24 - No Practice at Castaic High

Distance meets at Central Park at 6:00

Tuesday April 25 - 6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:45 for all other age groups

Thursday April 27- 6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:45 for all other age groups- Ribbons for the meet will be available to pick up at practice! - Kona Ice Truck for all team athletes!

Saturday April 29th - 7:30: am - Track Meet at Canyon High - Western League Open Championships - All non qualifiers

Save The Date!

Our end of the year awards Picnic will be held Sunday May 14th at Newhall Park 11:00 - 2:00. We will send out more information soon!

Event Ribbons & Pictures

Please pick up ribbons and from the communication box out on Thursdays during practice. There is a file for each family to pick up event ribbons. Athletes will be given a ribbon for each event they do, it has place and time for their event. Lorretta Drake make all of these. Please pick them up each week!! If you are missing a ribbon let her know or email at:

Lost and Found

Lost and Found - Please check the fence for any lost jackets or waster bottle, All items will be donated each Thursday. We do not have place to keep these items!!

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
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