Tuesday, November 29th is Giving Tuesday!
Give with you heart this year and your donation will be MATCHED! More details to come when we start the countdown in a few days. Stay tuned for the biggest celebration of generosity of the year. 
Petrona is originally from Tzununá, one of the Santa Cruz villages. Her husband migrated north three years ago to start a new life, leaving her and her four children without economic support. Petrona struggled to care for her family during this time and was desperate to find a source of income. She found the solution in roasting cacao seeds, which she began to sell to clients she found by knocking on the doors of foreigners in her village. Once she began to generate money to get out of debt, Petrona decided to include other widowed or divorced women so that they too could have access to a source of income. Today, 12 women work with her.

"It was very painful the time I was alone and without support, I didn't even have shoes. I don't want another woman to feel that way." 

In collaboration and with the guidance of our Women's Empowerment Program, her business has a name, Mamá Cacao, several points of sale both in Santa Cruz and in other surrounding cities and has even begun to implement diversification and customer portfolio management strategies to help her income grow. 
Tutoring Program Underway

Our Tutoring Program has proven to be an important tool for graduating 9th grade students who are applying for high school scholarships. Deficiencies in the Santa Cruz public education system leave local students who want to continue their education at a disadvantage, so Amigos provides a monthlong tutoring program each November to help them catch up and be fully academically prepared to start high school in January.

This year's group includes 12 students, studying math and language in this 30-day intensive course. This group represents a decrease in number from previous years, do to the negative effects of the pandemic on education pushing more youth into the workforce at an earlier age. Our staff are attempting to counter that, making personalized home visit to encourage more students and parents to reconsider.

Amigos Tutoring and Scholarship Program makes attaining higher levels of education accessible to the youth of Santa Cruz, and provides hope for a better future for the community as a whole.