Celebrating the 2024 COA Awards of Distinction Recipients

Dear COA Members,

We are thrilled to share the recipients of the awards presented at the COA | CORS | CORA Annual Meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from June 12-15. These annual service awards recognize excellence, innovation, and dedication within the orthopaedic community.

Congratulations to all the award winners for their exceptional achievements. Their passion, commitment, and dedication continue to propel our specialty and organization to new heights.

Service to the COA Award – Dr. Kenneth Hughes

Dr. Ken Hughes was recognized with this year’s Service to the COA Award for his many years of leadership and advocacy as a volunteer member and chair of various committees within the COA’s governance structure.

This award recognizes his outstanding dedication and commitment to the Association and its mission, core values, and strategic priorities.  

Changemaker Award – Dr. Pascal-André Vendittoli

The Changemaker Award was awarded to Dr. Pascal-André Venditolli, a true visionary who champions innovative and positive change within the local and global orthopaedic community.

Dr. Venditolli's ability to see opportunities and relentless dedication to turning ideas into reality make him a remarkable recipient of this award.

Emerging Leader Award – Drs. Lane Dielwart and Marie-Lyne Nault

Dr. Lane Dielwart and Dr. Marie-Lyne Nault were each recognized with the Emerging Leader Award for their early career leadership and remarkable contributions to the orthopaedic community.

Since residency, both have displayed a passion for their respective fields and have continued to excel throughout their career journeys. Drs. Dielwart and Nault are also graduates of the COA’s Emerging Leaders Program where they were able to hone their leadership skills and qualities. Their impressive accomplishments set them apart as true leaders and role models.

Presidential Award for Excellence – Dr. Hans Kreder

The Presidential Award for Excellence was proudly presented to Dr. Hans Kreder for his outstanding achievements in advancing orthopaedic research, education, healthcare organization, leadership, advocacy, and standards of care.

Dr. Kreder has demonstrated excellence throughout all aspects of his career and has made a significant impact on the Canadian orthopaedic community.

Lifetime Achievement Award – Dr. Nicholas Mohtadi

Dr. Nick Mohtadi was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his extraordinary contributions to the field of orthopaedics throughout his career.

Dr. Mohtadi's tireless dedication, research, and leadership have had a profound impact on the COA and the profession. His commitment to excellence and his passion for sport medicine have elevated the standards of care and research both locally and internationally. Dr. Mohtadi's insistence on scientific rigor and his genuine investment in his patients, colleagues, and students have made him a revered figure in Canadian orthopaedics.

CORS Founders' Medal – Dr. Ikran Ali

Dr. Ikran Ali from the University of Toronto was awarded the CORS Founders' Medal for delivering the best paper at the CORS ‘Top Canadian Research’ paper session. Their research presentation on "The Use of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) and Local Antibiotics for the Treatment of Infected Nonunions in a Small Animal Model" showcases their dedication to advancing orthopaedic science and innovation.

Doug Thomson Best Booth Awards

Congratulations to Zimmer Biomet and Össur for winning the 2024 Doug Thomson Best Exhibit Booth Awards. These awards recognize the booth's overall appeal, design, interactive attendee experience, and the proactivity and positivity of exhibiting representatives. We commend both companies for their exceptional displays.

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