Rapid Development, our claim; Fast delivery our fame...

This month Cross Technologies has highlighted one of our latest product developments, the model 2116-21#-1014 L-Band Block Downconverter. What is unique to this months feature is that the development and product shipment occurred within 1 DAY TURN AROUND!!! This Rapid Development is not possible on all potential products, but given the design methodologies and architecture utilized by our engineering team within our standard product developments, it is possible to incorporate many of our customers requests RAPIDLY,
some in as little as 1 DAY!
If you have an architecture that demands a product that is similar in performance to one of our standard products displayed on the Cross Technologies website (https://www.crosstechnologies.com), please do not hesitate to ask about the potential of a rapid turn development for your next SATCOM solution.
"Do not withhold good ... when it's in your power to help them."
- Proverbs 3:27, NLT

further information or to request a quote.

Norm Johson
VP Sales & Marketing

Gail Williams
Administrative Assistant

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