Dear Kang Families,
First, I want to thank our parents for donations and care put into the fall celebration for our staff. They appreciate the creative ways our PTSA provides for them each season. This time, the donated treats and decorations were truly impressive.
We are thrilled to announce a special opportunity for our AP Government students! Over the next few weeks, local political officials will visit our classrooms to engage with students on important issues facing our community and nation. Mr. Mike Dawson and Mrs. Bethany Shoda will welcome distinguished guests including Senator Patty Kuderer, Representative Roger Goodman, Senator Manka Dhingra, Representative Vandana Slatter, and Senator Lisa Wellman. Each of these leaders will address timely and impactful topics such as literacy, farm worker rights, artificial intelligence, and paid time off.
We are truly honored to host these esteemed guests and are grateful for the dedication of our fantastic faculty who make these experiences possible for our students.
Attendance Update
At Lake Washington High School, we have identified attendance as a priority goal for this school year. Maintaining strong attendance helps support our students' success, and we are specifically focused on addressing tardiness and unexcused absences.
Please continue to encourage your students to attend regularly and be in classes on time, especially at the beginning of the day and after lunch. At the beginning of each quarter, our attendance consequences for tardies and skipped classes reset. Please see below for what to expect if your students are continuously late to classes or skip classes.
- 5+ tardies in one week and/or 2+ periods skipped in a week
- Placed on Intervention List – a student will be placed on the intervention list each time they accumulate 5+ tardies and/or 2+ periods skipped in a week
- 1 Week on Intervention List per Academic Quarter
- Family notified
- 2 and 3 weeks on Intervention List per Academic Quarter (does not have to be consecutive weeks).
- Lunch detention for each week; Family notified
- 4 weeks on Intervention List per Academic Quarter
- Meeting with Family required to determine Attendance contract; loss of privileges may occur
If your student needs to miss school for an excused absence, please inform the school in one of two ways:
- Enter their absence into Skyward, or
- Email the attendance line at
Supporting our Staff
As we prepare to transition from a 7-period to a 6-period day next year, we recognize that this change brings a shift not only in schedules but also in the structure of our course offerings. We understand that many students, families, and staff have questions and may be feeling uncertain about what these adjustments will mean. For some of our teachers, this shift could have significant implications, and we are committed to supporting their needs as we move forward together. This is an important time to show our appreciation for the adults in our school who have made a positive impact. Please consider reaching out to share a message of gratitude or submit a staff celebration through this form. Your words of support mean so much as we work together to build a strong community during this transition.
Thank you for your partnership in creating a strong and vibrant learning environment for all of our students. Go Kangs!
Christine Bell, Ed.D
Principal, Lake Washington High School