Get the catch of the day, direct from the fishermen!

Did you know that you can buy crab and lobster right off the dock from the commercial fishermen in Galilee?

Grab your RI Seafood tote bag and head down to the docks! Using the RI Seafood finder, you can find various lobster and crab fishermen who sell right off their boats. Most recommend calling or texting in advance to check for availability.


Buying Rhode Island seafood helps increase sales and consumption of RI seafood in the Ocean State and achieves a more sustainable and secure local seafood system. By sourcing local, you are helping to reduce the percentage of imported seafood, as well as helping to boost the local economy. 

Find your fresh and support local seafood businesses using the local seafood finder. Interact with the map to find venues near you that supply Rhode Island seafood. 

Look and ask for RI Seafood caught by commercial fishermen, as well as seafood grown in Rhode Island waters by aquaculture farmers! 

Local Seafood Finder

Catch up with the RI Seafood team on the Story Walking Radio Hour!

Listen Here

Recipe of the month!

Summer Strawberry Oyster Mignonette

Photo by Andrew Moran Photography

Strawberry Mignonette


1/2 cup strawberries diced

1/4 cup sugar

2 small shallots diced

2 tbsp white wine vinegar


1. In a pot, add diced strawberries and sugar and heat over medium

2. Stir to combine and bring it to a simmer

3. Dice shallots and add to a small bowl

4. Add white wine vinegar to shallots

5. Remove strawberries from heat and strain mixture

6. Let the mixture cool and then add strained liquid to shallots

7. Serve over shucked oysters

Join us in welcoming our new venue sign-ups

Upcoming events


August 16th: Goddard Park Farmer's Market Kids Day

9 AM to 1 PM

Goddard Memorial State Park

August 17th: Taste of the World

4 PM to 8 PM

Mulligan's Island

August 18th: NBNERR Annual Sustainable Fishing Contest

11 AM to 1 PM

Prudence Island T-Wharf

August 18th: Eating with the Ecosystem Fishes at the Fort Dinner

4 PM to 8 PM

Fort Adams State Park- Tickets required

August 20th: Division of Fish and Wildlife Come Come with Me Class

1 PM to 4 PM

Rocky Pt. Registration Required

August 24th: RI Seafood at Mt. Hope Farmer's Market

9 AM to 12:30 PM

Mt. Hope Farm

August 25th: RI Seafood at Tiverton Farmer's Market

10 AM to 1:30 PM

Tiverton Town Farm Recreation Area

* Projections are based off monthly landing reports from the Division of Marine Fisheries from 2023. Data is subject to the Rule of Three, which requires that all data points be aggregated to include at minimum, three harvesters, three vessels, and three dealers to be considered non-confidential.*


Fisheries Marketing Specialist

RI Seafood Marketing Collaborative Website

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