
Well, it was quite a surprise to receive a positive reply from the Vatican to my request to include Women's Ordination Conference resources on their synod website. As far as I know, it is a first: a Vatican website linking to womensordination.org!

We believe it demonstrates both courage and openness from the synod office. Our hope is that this gesture (and the headlines it generated!) will empower more women and non-binary people to engage in the synodal process, and to speak out.

We know that the integrity and impact of the synod will depend on the inclusion of courageous conversations about women's equality. 

We see the synod as an opportunity to use our unique position to raise our voices, amplify our ministries, and call for the changes we long to see in the church. As the synodal process moves up the hierarchy, our work is to ensure that women's ordination remains on the table.

Our synodal commitments remain as strong as ever:

  • Amplifying the voices of the People of God who long for and support women’s ordination and gender equity in all ministries of the Church.
  • Providing tools, guides, and lay-led spaces to engage with the Synodal process in a way that feels authentic to you.
  • Holding the bishops and Vatican accountable to inclusive vision of the working document of the Synod.
  • Calling it like it is. We know and share the pain of hopes raised and dashed, and like you, share a well-earned distrust of Vatican processes.

Please download our "Let Her Voice Carry" synod resource, share the news with your community, and join us for our next listening session on February 1 at 7 pm EST (register here). We have work to do, but this gives me hope.
For equality,

Kate McElwee
Executive Director

Associated Press: Vatican includes group backing women's ordination on website
"The Vatican has included a group that advocates for women’s ordination on a website promoting a two-year consultation of rank-and-file Catholics, indicating that Pope Francis wants to hear from all Catholics during the process.

The inclusion of the Women’s Ordination Conference on the website promoting the Vatican’s 2023 “synod,” or meeting of bishops, is significant since the Vatican has long held the group at arm’s length."

Reuters: Vatican website gives space to group demanding female priesthood
"The Vatican has given space on its website to a Catholic group that demands the ordination of women priests during consultations ahead of a key meeting next year..."

"The courageous dialogue called for by the synodal process must include open conversation about women's ordination," WOC said in a Tweet welcoming the inclusion of its material on the synod website.

Join our next listening session: February 1 @ 7pm EST
Join those who are working to “Let Her Voice Carry” for our next Zoom meeting to debrief on local activities, share resources and insights, and organize as a larger movement as we embark on this journey together.