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The Healthy Nudge

August 2024

Welcome to The Healthy Nudge. Each month, we'll get you up to speed on the latest developments in policy-relevant health behavioral economics research at CHIBE. See our 5 top stories below.

1) 5 ways behavioral economics can promote safe driving

A CHIBE blog post featuring research by CHIBE Associate Director M. Kit Delgado, MD, MS; Director of Applied Behavioral Science at the Nudge Unit Jeff Ebert, PhD; CHIBE affiliates Aaron Leitner, BA; Roy Rosin, MBA; Dylan Small, PhD; Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD (Director); Scott Halpern, MD, PhD, MBE; and colleagues


The average person spends 4 to 5 minutes using their phone in an hour of driving, but it takes only a few seconds to cause a crash. Recent estimates show that around 3,300 people are killed by distracted driving annually. The field of behavioral economics can be helpful in curbing distracted driving and reducing injuries. Penn research teams have conducted 2 recent studies on this topic:

Read CHIBE's blog post summarizing 5 ways behavioral economics can be leveraged to promote safer driving.

woman running

2) Inspired by the Olympics? It’s not too late to ignite your own fitness journey

An NPR story featuring CHIBE affiliates Katy Milkman, PhD, and Mitesh Patel, MD, MBA, MS

CHIBE affiliates Drs. Katy Milkman and Mitesh Patel offer advice on how to kickstart an exercise routine, including committing to a 4-week exercise plan to start forming a habit and enlisting friends, family, or colleagues to help keep you accountable. Read the story here.

3) NIA renews CHIBE’s funding for research to improve the lives of older adults

A CHIBE blog post featuring CHIBE Director Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD; and CHIBE Scientific Director Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA

CHIBE will once again join a cohort of top research centers in the Roybal Center program of the National Institute on Aging. The CHIBE team has received its fourth round of funding, this time providing $3.95 million over 5 years to translate and integrate basic behavioral and social research findings into interventions that improve the lives of older people. Read the story here.

4) Association between mandatory bundled payments and changes in socioeconomic disparities for joint replacement outcomes

A Health Services Research paper by Austin Kilaru, MD, MSHP; and Joshua Liao, MD, MSc, with CHIBE affiliates Erkuan Wang, MA; Yueming Zhao, MPH; Jingsan Zhu, MS, MBA; Torrey Shirk, BA, Deborah Cousins, MSPH, PMP; Amol Navathe MD, PhD; and colleagues

"We found that mandatory participation in bundled payments was associated with reduced disparities in joint replacement complications for individuals with low income, as identified by dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate improvements in disparities for a quality outcome under a value-based payment model." Read the paper here.

shivan mehta

5) The Population Health Lab: Multiplying impact in preventive and chronic care

A Center for Health Care Transformation and Innovation blog post featuring CHIBE affiliate Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA, MSHP

Led by Dr. Shivan Mehta, associate chief innovation officer at Penn Medicine, and powered by a small research team, the Population Health Lab has touched nearly 200,000 patient lives – and counting – in the studies they’ve conducted. Their growing portfolio spans efforts to prevent or manage several types of cancer, hepatitis C, influenza, and hypertension. Learn about the Lab here.

Top LinkedIn Post

Dr. Sophia Hua and colleagues looked at 510 fruit drinks and found that companies had added vitamin C to many of them. "What’s so bad about adding healthy nutrients to these drinks? Isn’t vitamin C good for us? The truth is, kids in the US aren’t deficient in vitamin C," Dr. Hua writes. "Pumping sugary fruit drinks with vitamin C allows companies to present as a healthy snack what is essentially sugar water."

sophia hua story about drink companies hiding sugar behind vitamins


CHIBE is delighted to announce the launch of a new virtual research seminar series! This series aims to explore the intersection of human behavior, economic principles, and health outcomes by providing valuable insights from thought leaders.


In collaboration with the Behavior Change for Good Initiative, our inaugural seminar features Supreet Kaur, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley, and will take place from noon to 1 PM on September 19, 2024, via Zoom. Please note that registration is required to attend this event. To register, please visit here


For more information and to register to attend additional seminars, please visit our website.

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The Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE) at the University of Pennsylvania conducts behavioral economics research aimed at reducing the disease burden from major public health problems.

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