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April 17, 2023
Callippe's Vista Restaurant to host Spring Tradeshow Mixer
Online vendor registration is now open
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce Spring Tradeshow Mixer 2023 is set for May 10, 2023 and is hosted by the Vista Restaurant at Callippe Preserve Golf Course.

Companies and organizations can promote themselves, connect with local business and community leaders and grow their customer base by participating as a vendor in this table-top tradeshow. The event features food tastes from local restaurants as well as beer, wine and appetizers and the opportunity to network with businesses in a fun and interactive setting.

Secure your spot today before the vendor spaces sell out. We provide you with a six-foot table, you bring everything else for your table-top display. Vendors also have the opportunity to select their booth location on a first-come, first-served basis the day of the event beginning at 3:30 p.m. Cost for members to be a vendor is $350.

We are pleased to offer a discounted rate for those members who plan to participate as a vendor in both of our 2023 Tradeshow Mixers. The spring event is May 10 and the fall event is November 8. Discounted combo package for members to be a vendor at both events $550.

Add your name to the attendee list by clicking the Register button on this page. Includes two drink tickets, open to everyone in the community.
Thank you to Sunflower Hill and Fremont Bank
Partners in hosting our April mixer
The Pleasanton Chamber would like to thank Brian Gentry of Fremont Bank and Jen Lenard-Benson of Sunflower Hlil and their entire teams for hosting a wonderful mixer last week.

Sunflower Hill creates places and spaces where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) live, work, learn, and thrive as part of the greater community. We achieve this through the co development of affordable housing communities and by offering programs for adults with I/DD in Pleasanton, Livermore, and throughout the Bay Area. Online - Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn

Fremont Bank is a family-owned bank with a family-owned feel. Fremont Bank was founded with the belief that a bank isn’t just another company. Our role is to support long-term prosperity for our communities, where we all benefit. We are deeply committed to contributing to our clients’ goals and empowering our community. Online - Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
Congratulations to Alexander Chiropractic
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate Alexander Chiropractic and Wellness on your ribbon cutting celebration last week.
Alexander Chiropractic and Wellness
Alexander Chiropractic and Wellness provides gentle effective chiropractic care to families, as well as massage and nutrition. Learn more by visiting their website
You're Invited
Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.

You're invited to join the Chamber and our ambassadors at the following ribbon cutting ceremonies.
Zoholics 2023: Optimize and Grow Your Business
Zoholics is the most informative, down-to-earth software conference you've ever been to
Are you a business professional looking to see what a powerful software suite can do for your company?

Spend two full days with us at an all-encompassing, interactive, informative experience as we share with you ways to work smarter with our software, streamline your business processes, and network with like-minded business professionals.

Meet the experts behind our products to ask questions and gain a better understanding of our solutions, and hear from current customers and other professionals how they are successfully using and implementing Zoho's software.

Our focus at Zoholics is to create a friendly atmosphere that promotes productive discussions, collaboration, and information sharing. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your business and learn about the future of cloud-software from our C-levels and industry leaders.

Find more information about this event and the location closest to you, here. Community of the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce - use code PC50 for 50% off your tickets!
Featured Member - Much Ado About Pizza
How about pizza for your next party?
In Crust We Trust!
Much Ado About Pizza specializes in handcrafted, artisanal, house-made sourdough crust topped with premium meats, cheeses, and fresh bounty.

How about pizza for your next party? Lunch catering available ahead of time. Email
E-Business Connection newsletter for April is here
Take a look at our electronic newsletter
In case you missed it in your inbox last week, our E-Business Connection is an electronic newsletter sent to the entire membership on the first Tuesday of the even-numbered months. It features a word from our CEO, checking in with our board chair, a glimpse into the PYPs, ribbon cuttings, spotlights on members, listing of new members and more.

Pleasanton Young Professionals special philanthropy mixer
First Thursday in May, benefitting Agape Villages
The Pleasanton Young Professionals are hosting a special Philanthropic Mixer on May 4, 2023 at Porky's Pizza Palace for Foster Care Awareness Month. The event features small bites from Porky's Pizza Palace and Mochiholic as well as raffle prizes. It is open to all ages, and you're welcome bring your family members and friends to join us.

Help the Pleasanton Young Professionals support Agape Villages in a couple of different ways.
  • $10 admission for the mixer
  • Voluntary contribution to Agape Villages on behalf of the PYPs

Register to attend the philanthropic mixer or make a voluntary contribution. The mixer is a no-host bar, but if you'd like to donate a bottle of wine (value of $20 or higher), you will get a drink of your choice at the event.

Agape Villages is a licensed foster family agency placing children in foster homes in communities throughout Northern California. They serve disadvantaged children, adolescents and young adults from newborn to 21 years of age.
Tri-Valley Spring Job Fair
Hosted by the Tri-Valley Career Center
Are you looking for a new job? Are you making a change in your career? Then join the Tri-Valley Career Center and meet, in-person, dozens of local employers looking for great employees!

The early registration period is closing soon and we still have just a few premium tables left.
If you are hiring now, register for this event here.

Pleasanton Happenings
The City of Pleasanton sends out a monthly e-newsletter, designed to keep you informed about what's happening in our community. The chamber wanted to share these items of interest below.
City of Pleasanton celebrates Earth Month
Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint, give back through volunteering, or practice sustainable habits, the City of Pleasanton has you covered with this Earth Month Initiative calendar that highlights various activities and events to celebrate Earth Month every day in April. View the full calendar of activities here.

Some notable highlights include:
  • Nature Story Time at Alviso Adobe Community Park on Sunday, April 23 at 11 a.m.
  • Earth and Arbor Day Celebration at Alviso Adobe Community Park on Saturday, April 29 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Citywide Budget and Strategic Plan:
Community Engagement Opportunities
The City of Pleasanton is in the process of preparing its two-year (biennial) budget for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025. The budget lays out a fiscal plan for anticipated revenue and expenditures to fund City services and projects over the next two years.

Concurrently, the City is transitioning from a two-year work plan to a five-year strategic planning process that will identify longer-term goals, priorities, and action plans and match priorities with available resources. The strategic plan will create a vision for our future and guide the development and implementation of projects and programs that reflect the values, needs, and priorities of the community.

For both projects, community engagement is a key component and we want input from all of our residents. Stop by the City's pop-up workshop at the Pleasanton Farmers Market on Saturday, April 22 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to hear more about the city's budget, share your input, and ask questions about the budget and strategic planning process.

Upcoming Budget and Strategic Plan Engagement Opportunities
  • Saturday, April 22 (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) – Pop-Up Workshop at the Pleasanton Farmers Market 
  • April & May – Strategic Plan Focus Groups
  • May – Strategic Plan Town Hall Meeting
Leadership Pleasanton Class of 2023 is graduating
You're invited to a Graduation Happy Hour
The Pleasanton Chamber Community Foundation invites you to a celebratory Graduation Happy Hour hosted by the Sunshine Saloon on Thursday, May 11 at 4:00 p.m. Connect with fellow Leadership alumni while celebrating the graduating class of 2023. Cost to attend is $20 per person and includes appetizers and one drink ticket. The event is open to everyone in the community. Please register in advance here. All attendees must be confirmed by May 4. Please note - Sunshine Saloon is a 21+ establishment.

The Leadership Pleasanton program was created by the Pleasanton Chamber in 1988, and has produced more than 775 graduates in its 30-plus years. In September of each year, roughly 30 individuals begin participating in nine, monthly, day-long sessions on topics of Pleasanton history, government, education, recreation, business, public safety, health and infrastructure. Registration for the the Leadership Class of 2024 is open here.
Community of Character Luncheon
In honor of the Juanita Haugen Community of Character award winners
The Pleasanton Community of Character Collaborative invites you to the 14th annual Community of Character luncheon honoring the Juanita Haugen Community of Character award winners. The luncheon takes place on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at the Veteran's Hall at 11:30 a.m. and tickets are $45 per person.

These awards were established in 2008 to recognize Pleasanton citizens who model high ethical and moral standards of behavior and are dedicated volunteers contributing their time to our community. Candidates for this award should exhibit traits chosen by the Citizens of Pleasanton and Advocated by the Collaborative: Compassion, Honesty, Respect, Integrity, Self-Discipline, and Responsibility.
Save the Dates
Mark your calendar for these chamber events
Upcoming Member and Community Events
Mixer host opportunity
Chamber in search of December mixer host
Networking mixers provide the perfect opportunity for business-to-business networking to establish new relationships and business contacts. Mixers are held the second Wednesday of each month and are hosted by various Chamber members at their business. They take place from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Attendees are invited to get a first-hand view of the hosts' facilities, products and services. Networking mixers are a benefit of Chamber membership and are free for members to attend.

Benefits of hosting a mixer
  • Showcase and feature your business to Chamber members, business owners and community leaders
  • Have your company logo and information on all event promotions, including online, email blasts to membership and social media platforms
  • Highlight your business in the Chamber’s Business Connection newsletters, print and electronic

We are actively looking for a host for our December 2023 networking mixer. Please reach out to Susie if you're interested in learning more about this opportunity.
Pleasanton 2025 Forums
Open to everyone, hybrid format
On the second Wednesday of the odd-numbered months at 12:00 p.m., the Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.

In-person at the chamber
777 Peters Avenue, Pleasanton

Virtually via Zoom

Up Next
Featured speakersTBD
411 on Member Benefits
Open to prospective, new and long-time members
On the Monday before the second Wednesday mixer each month, the Pleasanton Chamber hosts a 411 on Member Benefits. This meeting is open to prospective, new and long-time Chamber members.

  • Learn what it means to be a part of the Chamber
  • About the opportunities available to you and your business
  • How to take advantage of the benefits of Chamber membership

Our next 411 on Member Benefits is set for Monday, May 8, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. at the Chamber. 411 on Member Benefits is presented by Membership Director Dawn Wilson. If you'd like to attend, please register in advance here. Email Dawn with any questions.
Marketing Opportunities
Do you want to put your message in front of our audience?
Tell your story, increase your exposure and promote your brand by partnering with the Pleasanton Chamber. We are pleased to offer advertising options for our members ranging from a one-time print ad to having a regular presence in all of our publications to a banner ad on our online directory. Give consumers the knowledge of what your business is known for. Take a look at our 2023 Marketing Opportunities.

By the numbers
  • Our Business Connection print newsletter has a reach of 10,000 residences and businesses and a readership of 25,000.
  • Our E-Business Connection newsletter has a reach of more than 1,100 in the business community.
  • Our website averages more than 16,000 views per month, including 2,900 views on average for the Business Directory and 1,900 views for the Events Calendar. 
Email Susie if you're interested in learning more.
Welcome New Members
Congratulations to these members that have recently joined the Chamber
Privately held home builder dedicated to superior design in the Silicon Valley. We are driven by the desire to design and build beautiful homes and neighborhoods.

Tech scouting, customer development, account management, automotive

Candidate for State Assembly District 16 which includes 85% of Pleasanton, 50% of Dublin and 100% of Livermore

A unique and powerful software suite to transform the way you work. Designed for businesses of all sizes, built by a company that values your privacy.

Little Miracles Inc. aims to provide free essential baby supplies and clothing to every Tri-Valley parent in need.
Member News