As a valued Chamber Member, did you know that your membership includes free marketing opportunities for your business? In addition to these complimentary services, we also offer low-cost advertising options to boost your visibility even further. Here’s how you can take full advantage:
Member News Newsletter
Share your business updates, promotions, or announcements in our Member News Newsletter, which is published during the second week of each month. Not only will your submission reach all Chamber Members via email, but it will also be shared across our social media platforms, increasing your exposure even more!
Deadline: Submit your entry by the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Cost: Free for Members.
Link to Submit Member News:
E-Blast Email Publication
If you’re looking for a targeted and highly effective way to get your message directly in front of our entire contact list, consider our E-Blast Email Publication. This email goes out to over 2,500 recipients and includes a social media post to maximize your reach.
Cost: Only $50 for Members.
Includes: 2 email sends and social media promotion.
Chamber Briefs Newsletter
Do you have a special announcement or news related to your business that you’d like featured in our Chamber Briefs newsletter? This publication, released at the end of each month, covers all things Chamber-related. For just $50, you can secure an article in this newsletter, plus gain exposure on our social media platforms.
Deadline: Submit your entry by the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Cost: $50 for Members.
If you are interested in purchasing an E-blast or Chamber Briefs article, please contact Crystal Hairston, Director of Operations at or by calling 434.836.6990 Option 1
Take advantage of these fantastic opportunities to shine the spotlight on your business!